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Everything posted by HalfHawk

  1. Well deserved loss tonight. This is exactly why we're not elite. We want to get the third, possibly the second spot in the East and have a perfect opportunity to get a win. We go into a building who's team hasn't won 30 games this season and have two starters out and we lose. Pathetic showing vs Philly. Jamal and Marvin were garbage.
  2. Incredible play by Smoove. Can you say, "SPORTCENTERRRRRR!!!!!!!!"
  3. No, it was, but to say that foul is the sole reason we lost is ridiculous.
  4. This board's criticism of Joe is worse than Dominique's grammar.
  5. Jamal probably isn't going to start. Woody always plays Mo or Rio, in place of an injured starter. So look for either of those two to replace Joe in the starting lineup. Woody just really likes having that scoring punch off the bench and I don't blame him. It's a luxary. He will however be giving extended minutes to Jamal in my opinion.
  6. My prayers go out to you and your family. Hope everything turns out well.
  7. I think this might be what you're talking about. Joe Smith, aka Joe Beast at his finest.
  8. Well, good to know the Hawks won't loose their vocal leader if Joe decides to leave this summer. Which now, is looking probable.
  9. HELP WANTED : Requirements: Dribble clock out and miss... Something tells me finding a replacement won't be too hard.
  10. HalfHawk

    Bibby sucks

    Bibby sucks, Zone D sucks, Woodson sucks, Isos suck...... Just wanted to get that off my chest. I hate seeing such talent wasted in Woody's system.
  11. http://www.nba.com/2010/news/03/05/stuckey.injury.ap/index.html Seems Rodney Stuckey collapsed into a trainer's arms while sitting on the bench. He got oxygen and was rushed to the hospital. Hope it's nothing serious, my prayers are with him.
  12. Either way, we'll get second or third, end up playing Orlando in the second round, and get swept.
  13. How long did it take you to finish the game? And I'm supposing there's no online modes, so how's the replay value?
  14. Not to be a buzz kill for you you, but this was posted already. Z's agent stated that sometime last week.
  15. Since Big Z would be returning to the Cavs this late in the season, will he be eligible to play in the playoffs?
  16. It wasn't small ball, it was a case of no boxing out and trap defense. You could see the Mavs expected the Hawks to trap Dirk every time down the court. Three straight possessions, Mavs let Dirk get trapped, Dirk kicks out to Barea, Barea out to Kidd, Kidd for an open three, but does Woody adjust? No, he lets momentum build on top of more momentum, and then yells at everybody else for their mistakes. Woodson = Idiot.
  17. This is a perfect case of FIRE WOODSON... too many times has this idiot let the other team come back without calling a timeout to kill the momentum. This is the last straw, I HATE MIKE WOODSON!!!
  18. This is a perfect time to gain on those Cavs. There's a 30 day period before he can officially sign with the Cavs from what I hear. Shaq is out with a dislocated thumb leaving them without a dominant big man, perfect timing.
  19. God, I hope not... what makes it even worse is Amare's agent saying he's not going to be in Pheonix, and the likely place is Miami. There goes any hope of making it this year...
  20. Close, but try TEN misses in a row. Ice cold shooting after the first for Joe today.
  21. Lebron being an a steroid user wouldn't suprise me. When he came into the league, a lot of people reported he had tons of back acne, a common sign of steroid abuse.
  22. Sorry to report, but you've got a case of malware. Somehow a malware virus was installed on your computer. It's not going to go away easily and if you're not that good with computers, you might have to take it to a repair shop. Geek Squad at bestbuy is really reliable, but they tend to have high prices. Try not to log into a lot of confidential websites, such as your bank account or email with the computer that has the malware infection. The malware can be accompanied with password stealers and other viruses. Get rid of it ASAP!
  23. Our boxing out is a joke. Kirk is approaching ten rebounds.... are you kidding me?
  24. HalfHawk

    Props to JJ

    Joe should get as many free throw attempts as he got today on a regular basis. Props to the refs for giving Joe and the Hawks their first fairly officiated night in a while.
  25. Ugly game, but a win's a win. Good 1, 2 punch combo by Jamal and Joe tonight.
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