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Everything posted by benhillboy

  1. Nathan can handle man. Dunn’s shot is beyond broken lol
  2. Kenny talking about “my Hawks.” Aight bruh.
  3. Not surprised at the stellar defense. This Nate. Just make some inroads on the glass (-1 currently, box Connaghton out please) and we in there.
  4. Kevin gotta watch that Iverson dribble. They gonna call palming sooner or later.
  5. John banged Tucker in the post as hard as he could. That fool didn’t budge. He made of bricks or something
  6. Yeah they ass. I know injuries happen but it seems they have no handle on the best methods of prevention. That said Trae’s ankle durability is well below average for an NBA player. I’ve never seen a player who’s pedestrian ankle turns result in MRI irregularities every damn time. Steph went through something similar early in his career. Hopefully Trae can connect with him and get some pointers on how to strengthen/ maintain his lower body health. Having a capable full-time BU would go a long way too.
  7. The team sorely needs some high-level dribble-drive finishing/ foul drawing in the offseason. And if some size, passing, and defensive IQ could come in the form of an Andrew Bogut clone that would be sweeeeet. We’d be set.
  8. John (127/ 119) and OO (117/ 113) are the only players with a positive rating so far. John is always gonna pay big dividends with his shooting efficiency and rebounding but has only taken 2 FTs all series. Not good. OO is just a pure defensive possession ender so advanced stats always gonna love on him. The numbers show we just can’t guard them as currently rostered. Or as currently configured by Nate. Trae with more turns than assists is really killing. Awful shooting and 6 total FTAs from Bogi, Lou, and Kevin ain’t helping either. I gotta give the Bucks props though. They know that if they control the glass (+7 per game) the series is theirs to lose. I figured Portis would play well but damn. Dude just having his way out there.
  9. Damn. So much going on but Middleton you f&@k.
  10. Gallo been drawing bail out fouls all playoffs.
  11. Bruh he never does. The only thing I don’t like about his style. All you gotta do is lean on em and they’ll bend.
  12. OO already one of the more rugged players in the league.
  13. I love him like a play cousin but imma need Kevin to realize he got a set number of dribbles before he gotta get off the ball. It’s like 5.
  14. We won that quarter. John and Trae will return soon, we in good shape.
  15. Emory need to strengthen Trae’s ankles this off-season.
  16. Outstanding awareness of Trae to pull that out and hit Gallo.
  17. Teams try their darnedest to make Trae pick up his dribble. It ain’t happening.
  18. Damn could that quarter have ended any uglier?
  19. I knew Portis was gonna be a thorn in our side. Kid can flat out play.
  20. I love that set play out of the timeout where the Big passes out to an open Kevin. He blew it that time but he’s usually money
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