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Everything posted by benhillboy

  1. Them boys already suited and booted! Call me crazy but Cooper looks pretty solidly built for a “little guy.”
  2. What a time to be a Hawks fan. One of the youngest teams in the league looking to build off a Conference Finals appearance? That’s highly abnormal. With more luck in the health department (tighten up, Emory) we’re looking at a 10 year window of high level contending. We’re the bulldozer shaping the East landscape, just gotta get over that rebounding hump versus the Bucks while keeping Lamelo and them at bay.
  3. His competition level clearly outclasses most third stringers. I have him closer to a PG than SG based on his 3:1 assist to turn, .880 from the line, and great size to defend the position (didn’t realize he was 6’4” 205). His corner three shooting bodes very well for playing off guard too tho. He’s gonna give Cooper all the competition he wants and I’m here for it.
  4. True he is like your crazy uncle in that respect. I don’t worry about the obvious knocks on his defense. He’ll know out the gate if he doesn’t put forth effort for Nate he ain’t getting no run. With our abundance of screeners, finishers, and shooters I’m confident he’s gonna do what he needs to unlock the loads of fun he can have with this roster.
  5. Wtf it’s like the NBA is trying to help Schlenk build Voltron. They ought to be ashamed letting this kid fall into a situation where he can nearly replicate what Trae does while sharpening his skills versus Dunn’s ball pressure and just flat out competing with Mays. When he mentioned Jimmy Butler you know I was done. This kid is a pure hooper. Our depth is gonna be just silly. Schmitz does an excellent job with these by the way. On what planet do you put him on the same draft analysis panel as Kendrick Perkins is beyond me. I’ve never been this remotely intrigued/ ecstatic about a Hawks offseason.
  6. His passing in the front court will be quite welcome. Can’t wait to see him and Skylar in SL. I’m confident there’s a Jalen Brunson level or better player in that kid he’s hungry.
  7. Strong core for screening, attacks the glass, and runs the floor? I’m sold. I’m sure Trae is too. He’ll develop sooner than later going up against the likes of Clint, John, Dre, and OO in practice.
  8. Seems so. That three point attempt rate gonna have to jump from .165 to about .250 if that percentage translates. Still want him around the basket to hit the offensive glass, especially with his paint passing chops shown on the highlight. I can forgive the questions about him leaving early when you’re handpicked by Coach K.
  9. Travis trying to supplement the rebounding we don’t get from our wings. The kid has some eye-popping numbers: love the 1+ steal and block per game .444 from three, uhh, yeah. .349 FT rate is great +9 in his per 100 possession rating. The General seemingly strikes again.
  10. Cunningham sounds like a very likable, solid guy. I’m gonna be rooting for him.
  11. Thanks. It was pretty rough but others have had it much worse and my heart goes out to them. My respiratory system wasn’t affected, it’s just the words “energy” and “appetite” weren’t even in my vocabulary for about 8 days so I lost about 13 pounds. Waking up in pools of sweat was disgusting as well. About 11 days in from my first symptoms I feel about 85%. Water, fruit juices, vitamins, and Nyquil got me through in one piece.
  12. I’m coming off Covid. All I can manage now is chunky soup and Chik Fil A spicy southwest salads.
  13. I won’t argue with you but if 20/ 12/ 7 is overrated af I’ll have some of that. I don’t watch him enough to know his true impact maybe you do.
  14. I’m loving this wave of African heritage defensive players coming into the league, OO certainly included. They follow scouting reports to a T and it makes their footwork look so good.
  15. Passing on Suggs suggests Lowry’s staying put I’m guessing. The Hawks pick seems days away lol.
  16. His defensive tools look pretty damn sturdy.
  17. They must be playing with 3 balls at once or something. It’s gonna fail epically of course with the diva personalities and Westbrooks total lack of pace awareness beside LeBron’s but I feel for Horton-Tucker’s development. I like that kid a lot.
  18. I don’t know nothing about these whippersnappers. Long as our pick is smart and tough I’m good. Coming off the OO pick I have extreme confidence in The General to add yet another plus impact guy.
  19. Super teams are borne out of players who simply aren’t built to contribute to a great team defense outside of LeBron under Spo and Vogel who demanded it. So they wanna out score teams and leave the tough defensive assignments to some role player who gets paid a fraction of what they make. They leave coaches who didn’t demand anything from them on that end so they could “save energy” for offense. Half-ass players all of em. Nate holds all his guys accountable, after his coming out party Trae is solidly entrenched, and The General, like John Horst, is far more concerned with fit and team-building than being a leading topic on horrible ESPN morning shows.
  20. What Tucker does through angles, anticipation, sneakiness, and center of gravity with his super limited skill set is a sight to behold. I don’t understand why he was such good friends with Harden, Giannis is the absolute antithesis of that dude.
  21. Bruh. Who said this? Put them on nuclear blast lol.
  22. So happy for Bud and Darvin. When the mics caught Bud telling Darvin he loved him in a pillow talk voice I felt that. I always felt team rebounding was a sore spot for Bud teams. After out rebounding us by 5.3 a game then the Suns by 7.3 it’s no longer an issue. Doesn’t hurt when you have an absolute maniac in Giannis leading the charge. I guess the Bucks are a newly added destination for Dame Lilliard now bless his heart. I’m sure he thinks he’s a vastly superior fit to Holiday
  23. I adore all 3 of the guys you have before CP3. I gotta go with that little bastard #1 tho. Pound for pound none of them can match his combination of shooting, defense, longevity, and his assist to turnover ratio (virtually 4 to 1!) that I still don’t quite believe. He’s called The Point God with good reason. As awesome as Magic was his size was at the foundation of his rebounds, steals, and vision. CP3 is all heart and head. Off topic but compare LaMelo and Magic’s rookie seasons. Eerily similar… I thought Jimmy Butler had the best offensive/ defensive rating for any player I’ve followed/ studied (120/ 106) until CP3 made my eyes pop with 123/ 105. He’s it. Gotta shout out Oscar Robertson tho who gets the short end of the stick all the time in these All Time debates along with The Cap. I just can’t vouch for a guy I never saw who played under primitive statistical analysis and no tracking data.
  24. I’m no fan of Monty (led some god awful teams) or Ayton (poor core use, butterfingers). Neither had any notable stock before this season. CP3 bathed both of them in gold with his generalship.
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