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Everything posted by HAWKSFAN89

  1. Douglasville huh? Where at? :blow out candles:
  2. Interesting posts. Never knew Drew had so much credibility among other star players.
  3. Well, at least it wouldn't be a change of face. Him and Mike Brown are brothers.
  4. Thats good to hear. A different offensive plan is definitely what we need, I hope Drew gets the job done. Still hoping for the best.
  5. Yep, indeed. Looks like everyone is still upset Avery didn't get the hire.
  6. You guys are overreacting. Number one I think Larry Drew will be a better coach than Mike Woodson. He always seemed like the intelligent one. I pick him over Casey or Mark Jackson anyday. Good luck to Larry Drew.
  7. Mo makes a good body to heat tha bench.
  8. Told you guys it wouldn't happen. Time to bring in some hack.
  9. Just get him out of the announcing booth. Im tired of hearing HAND DOWN MAN DOWN, or, YOU GOTTA GIVE CREDIT TO _________
  10. I just want the greek fro back in A-Town. Starting.
  11. damn, the greek fro throwin it down nasty
  12. Doc Rivers is looking for his 2nd title in 3 years with the Celtics. Do you honestly see him on the sideline @ Phillips?
  13. Where do we use Delonte though. We lose Joe, we lose size. Delonte is a small guard. I don't like Mo either, but i'd take him over Delonte in a heart beat.
  14. Lets be completely honest here, we all want Avery but it won't happen.
  15. Yeah sure, then we start Gortat and bench Marvin.
  16. Deron Williams Joe LeBron Smoove D Howard Coach: Phil Jackson Imagine the titles we would win with this roster.
  17. let's be honest, if LeBron James signed with the Hawks, everyone on the forum would s*** their pants. oh and: http://blogs.ajc.com/mark-bradley-blog/2010/05/28/tamper-with-this-lebron-might-well-win-a-title-as-a-hawk/?cxntfid=blogs_mark_bradley_blog
  18. Josh isn't going anywhere. I don't know why I see so many posts wanting him gone.... sure he plays boneheaded sometimes, but we are NOTHING defensivly without Smoove on the court. NOTHING. Josh is one of the core pieces in the franchise and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
  19. One could only hope. I've been preaching Bosh to the Hawks for awhile now and think this could be HUGE.
  20. Folks I present to you the funniest video on YouTube.
  21. Nah I don't think. He was looking for an extension at the beginning of the season, but Sund wanted to see how we would fair in the playoffs. And he got his answer.
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