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Everything posted by Crank

  1. thank you !!! JJ wouldnt have done anything about the defense . When you give up a 109 pts to a team thats struggle to score like the Bobcats it just means you are not taking care of the glass and not playing any defense . We have Tyson Chandler and Tyrus Thomas trying to post up and go to work thats just embarrasing .
  2. JJ is a very good player but some of you are not being very realistic . No way you can pay him 20 million per with the prospect of him not even being the teams best player in two years . You would hope he would understand this and agree to something that benefits the team as well as himself .
  3. every scorer takes bad shots . Did you see Kobe today ? What you have to establish is that most fans interpretation of a bad shot is one in which they cant make themselves . As for JJ opening up the floor Im sorry but its the other way around the addition of Crawford, the improved offense of Smoove and AL has opened up the floor for JJ and hes under performing . When Crawford comes in the game he doesnt have the ball usually but instead just assumes Bibbys role .Its not until JJ sits that Crawford is really turned loose . Hes doing most of his damage with bench guys .
  4. thats what you said now you are posting fan blogs and places like hoopshype . Since when did they equal the national media ? In one of those links the guy says Crawford is a selfish player who will only ruin chemistry .....nuff said As for the matt Steinmentz that link was from one game after Crawford put up 50 . but this is what he said this summer http://nba.fanhouse.com/2009/07/21/summing-up-some-offseason-moves/ http://www.sfexaminer.com/sports/Steinmetz_Can_Warriors_kick_selfish_habits.html that is from the week before the article you posted As I said before you have taken a popular fan opinion and made it into something bigger . His teammates all respect and love the guy.You cant find one link to a coach saying anything about his shot selection . Now if you look up George Karl and Jr smith Im sure you can find plenty of quotes where says something about those 27 ft threes JR is known for taking at the craziest times . I dont use fans opinions or blogs to formulate my opinion on a player I try and gather as much from his actual teammates and coaches because they will give you the best insight into what he id doing and why. Ive said since the summer that Crawford shoots too many threes for my liking . I would rather he get into lane and go the line like wade but thats just not being very realistic because he doesnt have the frame or the leagues backing to pull it off. But then like today I go to check out the numbers and the guy shot 41% from three last month so who am I to second guess ? If a coach feels a guy needs to shoot to give his team its best chance to win then thats what they will do, its what PP did in Boston before they got KG and Ray-Ray .
  5. Actually thats not true . The stat gee\ks like Hollinger have always dissed Crawford but the actual analysts all respected Crawfords game . On national games how many times have you heard Hubie knock Crawfords shot selection what about Collins when were on tnt ? I have the benefit of having league pass so I get to listen to a ton of opposing team broadcast outside of Bostons crew who knock everyone. You never hear anyone talk about Crawfords shot selection it all comes from the stats not from his teammates or coaches .who are what really mattered . You made similar claims over the summer and both Diesel and myself told you exactly how it would play out and it has played out exactly how we said it would. Hes never played on a T.E.A.M before so again trying to use numbers from 5-6 years ago to claim we saw the best of what he could crazy . This is the first time in his career that hes been on a team thats trying to win and has been using the same philosophy and single minded approach from day one until now . He was in a unique situation just as Joe has been in one that was created by the organization .We basically kept the same core players and allowed them to grow together while Crawford was in the opposite situation . Weve been over this all before and here we are after all the summer predictions have been proven wrong and you are falling back upon the same argument. Everytime Crawford saw any hint of stability throughout his career we saw glimpses of what type of player he could be . Once he finally arrived in a situation with some stability he has flourished. Crawford without JJ Pistons 29 pts 6 ast 2 bds 55% fg 66% 3fg @Raptors 33 pts 2 ast 2 bds 56% fg 37% 3fg @Nets 25pts 2 ast 3 bds 61% fg 66% 3fg again JJ helps him but you are making way too much of this previous fg% Crawford numbers for the knicks prior to his trade to the Warriors 19 pts 4 ast 43% 44% 3fg this was starting under D'antoni You severely underestimate the impact that stability and the lack of stability have had on the careers of Joe and Crawford .
  6. actually hes not . Who do you hear saying Crawford has never played this well before ? not even the media pundits say things like that they basically say hes doing the same things hes done throughout his career he just now gets to do them for a winning team. We went over this in the summer he has always shown the ability to be efficient when the teams he was on was stable and this is the only team hes been on his career thats been this stable for this long. Hes not all nba but its amazing how many people think hes somehow doing something he hasnt been doing the past few years . Hes the same player different environment thats all.
  7. No Im not retarded Mrs Johnson just stating the facts . The fact that you are comparing Joe to a Finals MVP shows just how far off you really are . I think last night pretty much straightens that out. You then go on to compare Crawford to a guy who has never started a full nba season before. Again just make up your own reality as you go along here .
  8. no its not the same thing seriously ........ :cant believe: Crawford is not better than Joe Johnson but Joe also is not better than Crawford by nearly as much as you or anyone else would like to try and make people believe . Chauncey has won a title Joe has won nothing but most would agree that JR Smith when on his game is better than Billups just as Crawford when on his is better than Joe the difference is consistency .
  9. If Joe leaves we would let Chillz go and it wouldnt be we let Joe do anything . He chose to leave we wouldnt have run him away or decided not to resign him.
  10. If JJ walks we would be UNDER the tax and UNDER the cap . The problem is we would only be about 7-9 million under and thats not enough for a major player but it still gives us a chance to get one maybe even two smaller fish that could still help us in a big way. Scola Camby Craig Smith Tmac Ray-Ray Mike Miller Manu Etan Thomas Chris Duhon Ridnour Haslem Magliore J. Oneal Tinsley Farmar Ronnie Brewer Outlaw Rasual Butler Steve Blake Drew Gooden Earl watson Raja bell Big Ben Will Bynum Anthony Morrow and CJ watson are restricted free agents Brendon haywood Tyrus thomas Brad Miller if Joe walked we would have options.
  11. Im not worried about the Bucks or Cats . They simply dont shoot well enough to win any series IMO . We go for the higher seed always and dont worry about who we play . Thats what elite teams do . Only the posers try to hide behind favorable matchups because of elite teams all 1st rd matchups are favorable thats why we would be considered elite .
  12. I just like to see a focused,intense JJ and I believe everyone else will follow suit.
  13. I think it has no bearing based on what weve seen from him this year . Are you saying that Woody should tell Crawford not to shoot because of his fg% with his previous teams ? Again ignorance is bliss . If someone says hey Joe should work faster with the ball because it works really well as evidenced by the success Jamal has had in our offense then a a paragraph on what Jamal did before he got here is irrelevant because no one is talking about what he did before he got here but the success hes had in our offense . Hes averaging 13 shots per game this year is that what you call chucking ? When JJ is off the floor his role is to ATTACK and you know this but choose to ignore but regardless of that was he chucking last night while JJ was of the floor ? It seems you are stuck in the past and this entire post is just all over the place.
  14. We arent talking about career we are talking about on the Hawks . To spout career implies that he had these same conditions throughout his entire career . I would think that after watching Crawford this past year that its pretty apparent that his fg% is not a result of always shooting bad shots but of trying to play his style of play while having the responsibilities of JJ for 38 mpg over a full season . Those teams needed 25ppg from jamal to win and I just dont see his high energy style being able to sustain that over 82 games on teams with no backup and infighting . Again you are talking about what he did with other teams instead of what he is actually doing now . In 2005 jamal took bad shots with the knicks so that explains why JJ this year holds the ball and Jamal makes his move much faster ? The fact remains that the same approach that worked for JJ last year or the year before may not work for JJ or the team anymore as well as it once did . Its about the growth of JJ as a player along with the team . Is he adjusting his game as Al and Smoove grow as players or is he intent on fighting it while still trying to do it his way ? I dont think anyone is expecting JJ to stop being JJ but he doesnt always have to hold the ball for 20 seconds everytime he gets hot the team is so much better than what it used to be and there just isnt a need to do it all the time now .
  15. I dont care what the rest of the league is doing as there is no other team in the league similar to us and I didnt say I wanted to lead the league in Pace . I said we play better at a faster pace and the missed shots are fine because the quickening of the pace creates energy something that we dont get from the starting 5 . If you think that somehow we can play at a Bostons ,Clevland or SA's pace and win in the playoff you are kidding yourself . I would rather us be in the 15-20 range with the Mavs ,Bucks,Magic . We need to try and generate more easy baskets and considering we have the smallest center out of every team I have mentioned it should be our goal to get there . We dont get as many fta as the other teams who are the bottom of pace with us either so our success comes down to shooting well or losing in a halfcourt setting when the focus should be shooting well but trying to stay out of the Halfcourt as much as possible . Its the reason the zone works so well against us . Now a quicker pace doesnt mean a ton of quick jumpshots it means attacking before the defense has a chance to setup . Whether that be a quick flash by AL to the post a quick high screen and roll or just simply advancing the ball ahaead with the pace qand fining a open shooter . We shoot the ball the ball too well to settle for halfcourt isolations the entire game .
  16. well see thats the problem too many fans equate stepping up like Kobe and Lebron to mean shooting every time down the floor .
  17. we should win both games . The Lakers at home should be a game where we are focused ,rested and ready to go . We had the Cavs on the ropes earlier this year and let them off the hook . We should be pretty hyped to shutup Lebron for once and send a nice message for the playoffs.
  18. Its about pace again I dont get why thats so hard to understand . Jamals game speeds up the tempo to a point where everyone can flourish while Joe slows it down to where only he can . What Crawford did previous is irrelevant because this is the only year theyve both played in the same system . I dont think anyone is arguing that there is no place for Joes game to the contrary I think everyone knows we need it but there is a time and place for it . Its amazing the way you came to a stat quoting defense because someone said JJ takes a long time to make his move while Crawford makes his move faster even though you agreed .
  19. I think people get there one on one confused . How often do you see jamal clear out the the side ? Jamal uses the screen so he usually play a two man game with one of the bigs . Like yesterday with Al the quick screen and hes either in the lane or finds the big in the open spot for an easy jumper or lay in ..He also kept his dribbled into the lane and found Smoove several times for layups as well. This team needs Jamal to have the ball and control of the offense for at least 4-5 minutes every game and by that I mean handle the rock where he can push it and look for early offense because no one else on this team does that and we need to play at that speed because we are not a halfcourt team. Jamals incorporation into the offense has been to go and take Marvins spot in the corner while Joe and now Smoove or Al try and go one one on on the block . The iso ofense is expanding and the running game is shrinking. Im quite sure Nique can see this and its not about what Joe does being bad .
  20. I didnt say it was the end of the world . The fact that you think if we make moves and try to improve IT WOULD BE CONSIDERED AS THINKING ITS THE END OF THE WORLD is strange . This is not about one game but the quarter of the games theyve played this season where they have played exactly like they did last night . They play like they have plateaued .Everyone now is about getting numbers except Marvin who has already gotten paid more than his numbers say hes worth. I dont know if the agents are pushing them or what . On one end you have Joe playing for a max deal on the other end Al is starting to get media attention and individual honors so now Smoove is left out in the cold and maybe the agents are in the ear of both with talk of endorsement deals if they establish themselves as the man if Joe leaves. It just seems to me that since the all star break this team isnt that together anymore . Its gonna be an interesting month of April./
  21. When you lose games like this down the stretch while jockeying for playoff position with our core being as young as it is and having been together as long as it has . It tell me that we are coming to the end of the road for the starting lineup and maybe even Woody . It should tell Sund this also and I think there will be major changes this offseason .
  22. Crank

    Hawks vs Sixers

    Crawford stunk......... it happens everyone has stink on this game .......it happens but our 3 year starting unit coming out flat against bad teams as if we are champions who can just turn it on whenever has been happening for the past 3 months. That stuff just doesnt happen ...shouldnt be happening . Look at the lack of energy displayed by the core of this team when we have 3 starters under 25 and 4 of our top 7 players are 26 and under . This game has we will take the 50 wins over the division title all over it .
  23. Crank

    Hawks vs Sixers

    The fact that you think that because they shot good percentages means they played well basically tells me all I need to know about you
  24. Crank

    Hawks vs Sixers

    No I think i clearly said they all stunk . reading...........try it .......but the starters set the tone for the entire team and this has been going on much longer than just tonight loss . The bench came in and saved them against Orlando but after that they shouldve certainly been more prepared to play right ?
  25. Crank

    Hawks vs Sixers

    they all played like trash tonight lol why cant you admit that ? there are no levels of trash.... you either played like trash or you didnt no one played at the level they are capable of however considering this time of the year I fully expect our starting 5 after 3 years to be preparing for the playoffs which starts in 2 1/2 weeks . They should be setting the example of the level of play that they want to play at to show Crawford . instead they come out as if they have already achieved there goals because we are one game away from tying last years record .
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