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Everything posted by Crank

  1. exactly this is what Ive been expecting the entire time and thats why I felt we shoulder overpaid Marvin,Bibby,and Zaza for one year even going into the LT to do so . With the play of Al,Josh,and Crawford this year Sund would be a genius and we would have the option of making an offer to Lebron or Wade regardless of whether JJ were to leave or not and those one year deals would've put the pressure on Bibby,Marvin,and Zaza to perform . I know we would've had to to put out some serious money for this year but it would've but man our options would be wide open this summer .
  2. Crank


    I think our unwillingness to go into the LT really hampered our flexibility . When JJ turns down that extension you have to give your gm the leeway to be creative . We shouldve never offered Marvin or Bibby longterm deals but instead offered Bibby a 1 yr 11 million dollar deal and Marvin the same deal . Of course it wouldve sent us into the LT territory but now if JJ decides he is walking we can dive right into the free agent market . heck if we really wanted to do it right we would even overpay Zaza for one year as well and have the money open up to offer someone a max or near max deal along with trying to keep JJ. Those signings with the uncertainty that JJ has given us are huge shackles now .
  3. yeah its Jamals fault roflmao . Im not even going to go into now because Im watching the game . But I cant belive anyone who watched this team would say Crawford is a chemistry killer
  4. I watch plenty of basketball which is how I know when you look at the record it doesnt say anything about d-league experience or how they havent won a road game or teams with winning records . Just because the warriors lose by 11 doesnt mean they didnt have a lead in the 3rd or it wasnt a 4 pt game with 4 minutes left until fts pushes it to double digits . If you think that all those losses were wire to wire blow outs well you obviously dont watch must basketball and simply just look at the final scores . When I look at standings however all the nba says is Atlanta- wins 40-21 warriors -lose. 17-44 When they beat us I didnt say well it doesnt count or the refs blah blah blah . Only losers try and quantify a almost win or a almost loss in a 82 game season . If you are being real you are moving on to the second game of a back to back having won the first one with a chance to extend the winning streak to five games . If you are adopting the chicken little philosophy then we go on and on about how we won instead of taking the win and moving onto the next one . The top 4 teams in the conference are all 7-3 over there last 10 games and I can guarantee you that not all 7 of those wins for each team has been pretty and they surely arent dwelling on how they beat the bottom feeders as long as they get the win .
  5. there is no such thing as " barely " There is either a win or a loss . If what you say were true then the Warriors would be the best team in the league because they "almost' beat pretty much everyone . A close high scoring game in which the warriors come up short in the 4th is basically the Warriors franchise philosophy.
  6. Stack had 5 points at the half and the rest came after the game was already blown open . We need a 3rd big way more than we need a another perimeter player .
  7. At this point it should no longer be what we expect out of Marvin but what does he expect from himself . You dont have to average 20 to have a impact just ask Battier or Bowen.
  8. lol we are blowing leads because we havent been able to control our defensive glass . The killer play last night was that rebound off a missed ft which led to a 3 . Kidd was not forcing double teams. Everyone was helping on Dirk whenever Dirk put the ball on the floor and they moved the ball and Kidd was able to get into the lane . Our philosophy along with everyone elses in the league is also to let Kidd shoot that three . He missed quite a few outside shots and then got hot at the end . That doesnt happen every game . After what Marvin pulled against the Suns no coach is gonna be playing him down the stretch . Marvin is basically a non factor whether he plays or not . The reason we are losing leads is Al and josh are wearing down and other teams start to hit the glass hard in the 4th . They get a couple of put backs we miss a couple of shots and they are off on a run . We need a 3rd big We need to do a better job on the boards The starters need to play better PERIOD. When was the last time we had a easy win ? A ten point lead in the nba is nothing but its now gotten to the point that no matter how well our starters play thats all they can produce . In November /early Dec they were producing 20 point leads against lessor opponents and now they walk out against a scrub opponent and it doesnt matter whether its home or away they are in for a dogfight. There is no sense of urgency . We play the T-Pups tomorrow lets see how our starters handle it . At the 5 minute mark in the 1st will we have a 15+ point lead or will it be 17-16 after they come out and go up 9-2 to start.
  9. Every one of our top 7 players have struggled at some point during the season . To try and point to the last 6 games as a indicator of anything is really ridiculous considering how the day he was scratched i was commenting on how for the first few games of February Crawford was shooting over 50% from the field and 50% from 3 . He was red hot prior to his injury . He has taken too many threes but he also has been red hot from there recently but those threes are the shots that are generated by good ball movement and with Bibby having been in a slump for the majority of February I think he was encouraged to take those shots to help spread the floor.It will be interesting to see how they all respond to tonights game. The main problem we have and Ive said this before is where are the starters ? When was the last time our starters came out and really put it to someone for an entire game ? You look at the other top teams and they all have games where they come out and before they make there first sub they have a 20 point lead and in the second half its more of the same . The Cavs ,Magic ,Lakers .Nuggets do this all the time we havent done it since early December . The other teams have been able to develop there benches because they have had enough times where the starters generate huge leads that allow the bench to play serious minutes together and build confidence. There is no sense of urgency out of our starting unit. .
  10. Hughes did the same thing for the Bulls and Cavs as well. He wants to start and play star minutes and hes hasnt produced enough to justify it in about 5 years
  11. exactly hes more worried about his minutes than anything else .
  12. JJ is gonna want 6 yrs and all his raises as well . Its his last big contract he is gonna want it all so 100+ mil is gonna be where we end up .
  13. I bet Lebrons going right into a closed door meeting with Stern on how he wasnt getting enough calls and how he shouldve won MVP.
  14. I dont think Marvin is to blame for this team worse although he could play better . I would just love to see him play with some intensity. However as far as his contract Sund may have screwed the pooch on this one . With JJs status and the impending free agent market we knew there would be deals to be made so I wouldve had to consider offering Marvin a one year deal . I know he was a RFA and couldve just signed the tender but I wouldve offered him a little bit more than tender but wouldve kept him out of BYC status and made him a nice expiring right about now . With the chips that are out there dangling right now we could be prepared to be swinging for the fences this next week . Kaman,Biedrens,Camby,Prince,... But since we signed him longterm and hes now BYC hes only worth half of his salary this year pretty much in a trade so we would have to add something else to make it work and we dont have it .
  15. Its hard to take his college 3pt shooting numbers seriously as he didnt shoot enough to be considered a real threat from 3 . He made his living at the ft line using his elite athleticism at the college level to get into the lane finish or draw fouls . In the NBA he cant do that because he is not gonna get those calls and just about every has athleticism to spare .He doesnt have a stop and pop game and thats why he should be attaching himself to Crawford hip. He has the first step but doesnt have the craftiness or midrange game he needs yet . You can look at his game log from his last year at Wake and know he is gonna take a while to develop. game log of his final year
  16. I hope I dont jinx him for tonight but the guy is SMOKIN right now .... 52% from the field 57% from three for the month of Feb, for the year his three point percentage is now up to 38% and rising
  17. IMO they underestimated Craw . They shouldve taken Collinson a senior who is a natural defender and distributor which is NO drafted him to backup Paul . Teague is young and a natural scoring scorer and I dont think where we are at currently as a team is good for his development. We are in a position where for the next 2-3 years it wont be about developing Teague . We took higher ceiling pick who will need more time to develop over the lower ceiling pick who could play and contribute right away. and NO hes definitely not Acie Law
  18. Considering the top 6-7 players from the Olympics are returning they are essentially filling out the bench anyway.
  19. actually you said he was "absolutely atrocious defensively" and Im just trying to find out in what way ? for example Crawford outscored the Bulls bench himself 17-8 We held the Bulls to 81 points We were down 7 heading into the 4th and had a great comeback with Crawford on the floor and it wasnt the first time . We play a switching defense and often times our guard bigger players . is Crawford getting abused in these situations ?Is the player he is guarding without switching destroying us every game . Im not advocating him as some sort of great defensive player Im just saying that with my own eyes Im not seeing him out there killing us defensively.
  20. Its like that for most sixth men whose playing time is split between the starters and the bench . They normally are in regardless of the point swing so if we are up 15-20 points with 6 -8 minute to go in the game . Crawford will be in it doesnt matter that we a trading baskets the same thing applies if we are losing by double digits . What I look at is what hes doing in the 4th when we are trying to come back and we need a stop ? can he guard his man ? Is the opponent attacking him every possession ? We are always switching and he ends up on bigger players where is the atrociousness there ? I look at it from the point of pace . When Crawford comes in its his job to pick up the pace and while we may give up a couple of extra baskets early it usually benefits us late as those quick shots and turnovers by our opponent from us getting them into a quicker with us gets usually translates into easy baskets for us on the other end.
  21. and I think that both myself and Diesel told you just the opposite . That Crawford was good before he arrived but he has never played on a actual team before. He has never played on a team that didnt have drama off the court via management or players getting into with coaches . I told you Crawfords coaches never had a problem with him and most said the same thing Woody and our team are saying about him now . It just got overshadowed by the drama. The team is not underachieving its learning about life at the top . This is the teams first years with a bullseye on its back and thats part of the growing experience. There is also no need to start Crawford . Bibby can start and play with the starters just fine and when Craw comes in he picks up the pace and thats his job. I love the way teams play iso-Joe and then when Craw comes in it throws off there entire gameplan and by the time they adjust game is over and we have won. Now maybe after the all star game if we could find a stretch of 4-5 games to experiment a little bit then I would love that just to have an idea before the playoffs comes around . I like what Woodys done so far and the only thing I would like to see is more pick and roll and more of a emphasis on reversing the ball to the weakside shooter . There are just too many players just standing there wide open while a contested shot goes up .
  22. and Id say you are still pushing a rep from his old teams because he has been anything but atrocious defensively for us . He has steadily improved from the moment he arrived . With that said we have no MVP . Everyone of our top 4 brings something to the table that completes the unit and is hard to replace .
  23. I never thought Marvin was a bust but games like this basically magnify just how often he stands around doing absolutely nothing when he doesnt need the ball to integrate himself into the game physically.Hustle plays offensive rebounding simply batting the ball off the glass giving us another chance at it all makes a difference.
  24. 11-2 when Marvin Williams has 7-or-more boards. That basically means we should stop making excuses for Marvin and he needs to hit the boards . It basically screams that when Marvin is showing energy and playing tough inside we are a better team . So he needs to take some 5 hour energy before t he game and go to it .
  25. Just saw that he is also 85 pts away from 10,000 points
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