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Everything posted by TeagueForMVP

  1. Then change teams. If they won't change, why don't y'all?
  2. @Hotlanta i suggest you switch teams. you bag on the hawks every single time i see you post. i don't post on here but i come on here everyday and see your negativity, its annoying as hell. yes we lost. we should have won. okay. were 4-2 and we just beat the heat yesterday. look at the positive sometimes. maybe you won't be so angry all the time. i understand your anger, as this game broke my heart but you are not going to change the teams decisions and management. stop be angry and be happy :)
  3. ALL I GOTTA SAY IS LESSSSSS GOOOOO!! Confidence baby!! Believe in ourselves!
  4. Atlanta being my favorite team in the East, Memphis being my favorite team in the West. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING IF THE FINALS WOULD TURN OUT TO BE THESE DAYS!! Im rooting for yall just the same. LESSSS GOOOOOO!
  5. Well Josh Smith was at the top of his class in high school, he may not be intelligent on the basketball court but he sure was in high school.
  6. Teague did not receive any minutes today... what is larry drew doing? I know we always say this, but teague should consistently be getting 10-15min a game now. There is no way he is going to develop if he is sitting his *ss on the bench the whole game. AND Jamal Crawford is not a point guard!!! But we got it done, GOOD WIN! LESS GOO HAWKS!!
  7. Larry Drew's Offense...... Josh Smith's Shot Selection...... Joe Johnson returning to form after January....... Marvin Williams breakout year......... Etan Thomas actually getting some minutes..... Our offense being better than our defense....... Teague getting consistent minutes throughout the year..... Jamal Crawford doing even better than last season..... LARRY FREAKING DREW..........
  8. I laughed when they said Joe Johnson also racks 0.1 blocks and 0.7 steals a game! :laugh:
  9. I think Marvin would be better suited for a bench position anyways. He would still get his minutes and maybe just maybe he might get the urge to start producing solid numbers off the bench.
  10. What risk is there?? Wilkins is a better offensive player and a defensive player maybe not by alot but marvin is doing absolutely nothing out there. Anybody agree?
  11. Durant may not play against us....
  12. First thing that came into my mind when i heard about the trade.... i hope it happens. i loved bibby! :sobbing:
  13. haha true tht. yet we still played him in possibly the most important part of the game.
  14. i wonder how jordan crawford would have done in place of mo evans. what do yall think?? better or worse?? considering hes a rookie.
  15. Why did we keep Mo Evans in tha game at tha end of the fourth?? i was getting so heatted.. ugh. he didnt do anything the entire game. barely any defense, no hustle plays, nothing.. yet we play him with the game on the line. Why didnt we put marvin in the game?? at least he was playing better d and is more of a scorer on offense. same with damien wilkins. he shut lebron down enough times. UGH!! pissing me offf.
  16. Why wouldnt we try get Erick Dampier?? Hes a big body in the inside and it would be helpful in "trying" to stop Dwight Howard.. it wuld at least slow him down. is this a good idea or no? jus a suggestion
  17. dreams.. we prolly would have to s&t joe instead of crawford.. if we can do tht
  18. craig smith.. he was a beast for the clips.. he hustles on evry play nd does tha dirty work.. we need his aggresiveness
  19. teague played great today.. got 48 min also... he has a bright future.. all he needs is some work on his jumpshot and cut down on sum turnovers..
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