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Everything posted by Jody23

  1. When given the opportunity, he's done very well. His play against Howard on the defensive end allowed Al and Josh to do productive work on the glass as well as enjoy physical advantages over the guys they were matched up with. I think he should get more time than he's been getting. I don't know if he'll continue to start, but I think he's proving that defense and rebounding is more important from that position than offense is. In my opinion, his impact on the starting lineup is greater than Marvin's.
  2. If he's at his natural position, I believe you could run low post offense thru him.
  3. I agree completely and I'm tired of the poor excuses and rationale being made for his poor play against quality opponents. He needs to be put in a role that better suits his ability...off the bench.
  4. Indeed it has been sucessful and I don't think it should continue to be limited to being used against certain teams. That lineup is just stronger on the boards and defensively than when Marvin is in the lineup. Not trying to diss Marvin, but it's the truth. Even when Powell has been on the floor with Horford and Smith, it's been successful.
  5. I want to see more of the bigger lineups. The game may get ugly, but if it means the Hawks control the paint and the boards on both ends, then I'm all for it because it's going to translate into more wins, especially in the playoffs when the ability to control the paint is critical. I think what Collins and Powell are giving the Hawks right now is really valuable.
  6. Jody23

    Good win

    Horford was effective this game and the last game against Orlando because LD had sense enough to not let him face Howard and instead let him play his natural position where he's most comfortable.
  7. Jody23

    Collins to start

    If the Hawks had rolled out the regular starting lineup, they'd be getting blown out.
  8. True, but Collins has freed them up to do so.
  9. And again, Collins is showing the effect of having legit size defensively at the 5. He was the difference in the first quarter.
  10. I respectfully disagree and this first quarter tonight is showing why.
  11. Completely agree. It's about matchups. The last time the Hawks played the Magic, Collins played significant minutes. The result? He defended Howard better than Horford and Smoove combined ever have. Sure Howard got his points, but Collins had the size to defend him single coverage. This had a big impact because Howard's prescense didn't allow the Magic's perimeter guys to get open looks the way they usually do against the Hawks. Also, the Hawks outrebounded the Magic and had a legitimate shot to win the game. When's the last time that happened? You can't just look at the numbers of an individual player because they don't tell the whole story. It's more about matchups and how they impact the game.
  12. I agree that SG is not a problem, but SF is. The Hawks need more impact at that spot than Marvin is capable of.
  13. I think this idea of having to get an all-star center as the only justification to trade Smoove is off. The Hawks problems up front are rebounding, physicality and post defense. I think you can find solid role playing centers (with legitimate size) to address those issues. I think the Hawks should try to acquire an impact small forward and/or point guard in any trade of Smoove.
  14. I agree that pg and small forward are probably the positions the Hawks should look to upgrade with high impact players. I think if you can find a solid center with legit size who's willing to do dirty work and be physical, that's the route to go. I don't think the Hawks need to find some all-star guy at that position. Just a good role player. Simply sliding Al back to his natural position and acquiring impact players at the 1 and/or the 3 spot will make the Hawks a better and more balanced ball club.
  15. Good point, but if the Hawks traded Smoove, you know they would demand and get good value in return. So, Marvin, Horford and ZaZa might not be the exact front court as the Hawks could get a really good 3 or 5 in return. Also, I think Horford showed during Marvin's injury and on other occasions that he can be really outstanding at his natural position.
  16. They said the reason Smoove didn't start the 3rd quarter was because he got hit in the eye and when the camera panned to him when he came out of the locker room, I could tell he got hit pretty good. As for the trade, I don't know if I would go for that one, but I will say that I would'nt be oppossed to exploring a trade. I think Horford can be a great power forward if given the chance. However, as long as the Hawks continue to play two power forwards (one undersized) as their main big men, they will continue to be a weak rebounding team and a finesse team. That combination will always make sure you go home early during the playoffs.
  17. Jody23

    hawks @ heat

    I have no idea why the Hawks stop going to Al in the 4th quarter.
  18. No offense, but this is an EPIC FAIL. This dude doesn't "get it" if he wants to pen all the blame on Josh. This team has many issues.
  19. And as much as people question the "basketball IQ" of Josh Smith, people need to question the "basketball IQ" of quite a few other players on this team because Josh isn't the only one who makes poor decisons at times. People should at least be grateful that the guy has heart. I don't know if you can say that about everyone this roster.
  20. Agreed. It's amazing to me how folks try to place all the blame on Smoove when things go wrong and refuse to acknowledge the the multiple problems this team has in other areas.
  21. I'd say it depends on the make-up of the team. Right now, I don't think all the pieces of this team are complimentary of each other and they have'nt been for some time in my opinion. To me, this ensures the ceiling of this team maybe what it's been the past two years. I do agree though that Josh Smith along with Al Horford have been the teams best and most impressive players thus far this year.
  22. As painful as it might be, the truth is the truth.
  23. Center and point guard are the positions the Hawks need help with.
  24. Also, this team is filled with players who can play multiple positions and do it well. I think the debate on Josh starting at the 3 should be less about who's a true 3 and who's not and all about who makes the most positive impact on the floor at that position and that question should be answered honestly.
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