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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. That person is supposed to be Money Bags Joe. Except... he has lost it. Totally. He barely scrapes 20 PTs a game and this was in 3OT. His outside shot is awful, he is slow, and selfish. When is the last time you've seen Joe get a 40 PT game like REAL star get? Hell... even 30! I hope everyone is now realizing what i've realized ever since the extension. Joe isn't a go to guy. He got his money and doesn't care whether this ship sinks or sails. He is considered our "leader", but how can you be a leader and show no emotion whatsoever? This guys facial expressions are that of a robot. I am sorry but I want Joe Johnson off of this team pronto.
  2. Frank is killing it tonight with these posts.
  3. Agreed as well. IF anything, benching Josh would prove a point that you cannot continue to play with such stupidity and expect to be a starter on a professional team.
  4. If Ivan doesn't get more minutes the rest of the season, and move up into the rotation, I will legitimately label LD a dunce.
  5. Annnd the frustration continues. LD should send this team to practice nothing but FT's for 10 hours straight. 10 damn hours. Nothing but FT's, just to prove a point.
  6. Pretty much sums it up This team lacks discipline.
  7. Alright alright. I'll tone it down.
  8. NOW you are starting to see the light.
  9. Yeah, nothing new. His outside shot has evaporated. We need a package deal to ship him away ASAP. Been saying this since last year.
  10. His knees are blown out and hes old as hell.
  11. It's censored for a reason though, right?
  12. This team is filled with a bunch of f***in yokels.
  14. This organization is f***ed in the *ss.
  15. He should get more minutes but take it easy on taking over Smooves spot.... get real. All Ivan has shown is that he has heart. He should be a motivator for the rest of this team.
  16. This Jeff Teague guy really is amazing. **crickets**
  17. What are you on about, i've never supported Teague from the beginning. Lol....
  18. You mean when I racked up rep points last season with my well-thought posts? Sorry i'm not a nerd alert around here during the summer you cellar-dweller. Go back to mommy for them home-cooked meals.
  19. Just a fan whose seen the same ol s*** year after year, that's all. Nothing will change. With this team it will always be status quo until new ownership comes along, which, seems to be an eternity before happening.
  20. At this point I can't wait until Hinrich gets back and hopefully runs the point like it should be ran. Throw Teague back on the 2nd unit where he belongs. The kid needed a couple of xanax before heading to that FT line.
  21. Hotlanta speaks the truth, at this point you can't deny the facts.
  22. Yep and yep. Teague was nervous and we went back into the ole ISO-Joe routine to burn clock. Missed clutch free-throws and lost the game.
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