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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. What is Sloan doing nowadays? Lol
  2. are you a Dallas fan? That would be a lousy trade for the Hawks
  3. I say trade for picks.. atleast what we can get for him .. Its time to let the d12 pipe dream go cause dude is not coming here.. I really do not even want him here At this point cause he has regressed
  4. We just rid ourselves of Joe Johnson why in the world would we trade for Joe 2.0 ?Makes no sense
  5. No gasol please.. no disrespect to him either. Just blow it up
  6. I am with you on Pau all the way but Gay is not the answer either..Trade Smith for picks and young talent
  7. Lol the Laker fans are already expressing their excitement for the coming smoove/pau swap. These jackturds are so entitled
  8. I do not see Ferry allowing all of jsmooves drama to bring down the team. I also suspect that if Ferry was the GM in recent years smoove would already be playing else where
  9. Yea a damning game for J-Smoove IMO..Just no way of getting around it
  10. That is not just a coinkidink for tonight. Where does this team go from here?
  11. you are mistaken.. this is not about getting contact while driving the paint , that is a partof the game.. see lebron comments. this is aboutlunging into the defender on every jumpshot likecheap assed harden
  12. Lebron gets lots of calls in his favor that has me shaking my head sometimes , but I will say atleast he gets his with aggresive play to rim and not some pansie assed lunge move to draw contact.Take that as you wish
  13. could not be further from the truth. I really do not like when another player has a game to the point where the opposing team has to play 5 feet off the guy because his cheap ass lunge move to draw the foul. It infuriates me to the point I lose faith in the NBA officials and rules.. Pierce I have always had a major dislike of his cheap game and now I am adding Harden to that catagory.. Never would want to see either in a Hawks uni or ever wanna see a Hawk play such a cheap and lowhanded game.. D Wade even has his moments doing the same thing even though not as frequent as Harden
  14. I do not agree.. I am fine with aggresive play but that is the stuff chumps are made of
  15. He plays like Paul Pierce jumping into players every shot.. Just a cheap assed way of playing basketballThe NBA needs some rules adjusted because of that b.s.
  16. Dude just comes across as having a bad attitude..Can you imagine this guy with his whining on the great pistons teams of the 80's and 90's..I lmao at ole bill choke slamming this guy becauseChuck Daley was not a nice guy.
  17. One thing all these shuffling lineups have solidified for me is the aweful need for an legit center....till we get that we are pretenders
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