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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. with a real scheme oriented coach also.. could work well 4 a change.. We need to be more concerned with signing Bynum to move Al to the 4
  2. fixed!!! would much rather give andrew a chance to explode next year
  3. Could the Hawks meet with Paul and D12? I WAS SCRATCHING MY HEAD and asking myself why is everyone going to LA?I think I have my answer
  4. Houston will meet with D12 at midnight Sunday and Dallas on Tuesday..according to Broussard no mention of Hawks
  5. do we have anything to offer the Celtics to acquire him? I will take him over glassman in a second This post has been promoted to an article
  6. sign up all you lurkers! Are you Clipper fans , Lakers or Rockets and lurking th Hawks forum? sign up!! We do not bite and only half of the members here are crazy..lol Come on whats the hold we are only pitiful Hawks fans right? p.s. I hate tablets
  7. Us alcoholics resent.....we need aa for hawks sufferers
  8. Not this d12 and cp3 stuff still..The media will make sure that will not happen..The hawks are not even mentioned as destinations.
  9. only the hawks would have a coach trade get in the way of a possible signing..lol gota love being a hawks fan..
  10. This is absurd .. I for one would rather have Al and no d12 , rather then having d12 and Josh..Sorry
  11. IheartVolt

    Forget CP3

    Cp3 is a curse...say no
  12. Ivan Johnson....dude scares the chit outta me!!Really I heart Ivan
  13. IheartVolt

    Forget CP3

    Give Rhondo...make it happen
  14. IheartVolt

    Forget CP3

    Why the fuss over glassman anyway?
  15. Yes...activity is needed around here!I mean I love this place but it can get a littledead.. Plus my threads suck..lol
  16. Trade him tommorow for young talent and picks..
  17. not sure about Calderon over Teague but I thought he was on the market as well.. Could probably grab him pretty easily
  18. Ivans theme song http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KRQg5WdTk7U
  19. That makes a difference how? Plus all I have heard is the Lakers are not trading Howard , but everyone seems to forget an important part in all this ( The Lakers )
  20. Yea plus the said trade pieces would be less then pleased if it does not work out.. What then?
  21. Al , Teague and Korver? And you are okay with this trade? That is a heavy price to pay friend and would never wanna see that trade offered. Al and Teague I would be okay with or even Al and Korver ( I really wanna see Korver stick around awhile ) but the three and a pick? I really do not mean to offend anyone and if I do I apologize , but some of you are just goofy when comes to Howard being in a Hawks uni. Sure he is the best center in the game today but the centers in todays game are not that good! D12 would be a good piece to have for defence alone but some of you talk like the guy is Shaq! lol Well I hate to be the realist here but he is no where near Shaqs level and never will be. Wish we could ship Smoove there instead of Big Al ,cause Al and D12 would compliment each other and Al knows his game and plays within them.. Smoove and D12 would be a travesty on an epic scale
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