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Everything posted by IheartVolt

  1. Ferry is no fool and will not overvalue Asik.. I would love to have the guy but for the right price , if not the right value , well wewill continue to be in the market..But I will add if we continue to jerk around by not putting Al at PF then he will not resign with us , and to be honest , I do notthink I would blame him.. He has been very patient with the situation
  2. Now big O would make a great big man in the middle
  3. Should change the name of this site to "Tardsquawk".. Some on here are just exactly that at times and seem to be blinded by agenda's to boot.. Teague is on his A game already and the season is just getting started with plenty of time to elevate it to A+.. Dennis will be a good passing pg in his career and see no reason to rush any of the two out in a hurry. Now to this Rudy Gay nonsense I say this " LMAO " I want Rudy "pay" as far away from Atl. as possible.. I can accept the idea of trading a pg for another piece but please come with a trade that makes sense for the Hawks longterm , not to mention a better fg% to boot..
  4. you may have a point with shooting and dribbling but it damned sure will help a pitchers ball velocity and a sluggers bat speed.. Also helps with cardio for running up and dowb the court as far ad hgh goes
  5. your quote does not support you argument , infact it supports mine..better read it again
  6. no you are wrong friend.. Why would anti-aging clinics prescribe a useless drug to its patients? Please do yourself a favor and read about hgh.. I have used both and have history with both..
  7. Test is like hgh's weak little brother..both do similar things in terms of muscle growth , but hgh does alot more in terms of athletic advantage..It is also helluva expensive
  8. if you are on hgh you do not need roids.. HGH is like a super steroid that occurs in the body during puberty.. Anyone who thinks that NBA players likeLBJ would not benefit they need to educate themselves on the issue.. not only does it improve strength and healing it also gives the cardiovascular system a supercharge.. fact
  9. Schröder Teague3point king Horf Bebe ???
  10. People on here drive me nuts with the Grainger talk.. He is good but what good will he be in 2yrs?Start thinking future and not so much in the panic mode.. Geeze think long term..
  11. I KNOW RIGHT!! Now I want fried foods with lots of gravey and a side of collards
  12. Only if the basketball gods smile upon us
  13. helll I need that right now.. yum
  14. If Dennis is the better pg he will win the job..woody and Drew are gone so we will see
  15. no you are just adding drama . Your post are getting dwightish
  16. This chit is better then the day time soaps..lol
  17. More likely crayons lol
  18. I love Josh man.. but he needs new scenery
  19. I hope the Lakers tell him to get lost
  20. I am 100% sure the Hawks need to stay away from this clownLmao at this joke
  21. Oh its the troll alright...same garbage different board..
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