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Everything posted by SalvorMallow

  1. LOL I saw this video and thought "Why the hell are we down 20 to the knicks?".
  2. rofl we gonna miss that 13 ppg 6 rpg come next playoffs :(
  3. I would hardly consider Porzingis or Davis a "Return to old school basketball".
  4. Zaza will get a chip before Horf lol
  5. I love what Wade can do, but we need a 3 point shooter at the 2. There would be no spacing in our offense. Plus, I know I'd catch myself yelling at Wade for flopping before realizing he's on our team.
  6. Wow! Crawford would be amazing for us! I really hope we can bring him back, he was one of my favorite players during the JJ era. Why is that?
  7. I would much, much rather have D12 than Noah on their respective contracts. It's not even close.
  8. I wonder why we were so hesitant to offer the 5th year. There has to be something else going on behind the scenes.
  9. He was injured in LA. I feel like I'm making a lot of excuses, but he's shown more than a few hints of his old self over the past couple seasons. I think in a great system involving a lot of PnR, he could easily return to a 20-10 guy who is a dominant presence down low on the defensive end. I really hope to see that this year. The thought of a healthy D12, healthy Korver pairing should make any fan swoon.
  10. He needs to work in the PnR, not watch Harden dribble the air out of the ball.
  11. I agree 100%. I am definitely not advocating trading Millsap unless we get a return worthy of a top 15 NBA talent. I think we should be able to get deals done shipping off Splitter, THJ, and Scott, or whatever it takes to resign Horford. We would have a historically strong front court with a rotation of Horford, Millsap, and Howard.
  12. When has he had the opportunity? Howard is finally healthy, motivated and not playing next to an ultra ball dominant guard like Kobe or Harden. I think he is going to surprise a lot of people this season.
  13. Seems like you don't remember how effective Dwight was the last time he played with a solid PnR PG. We were on the receiving end of a historical playoff smashing at their hands.
  14. Howard can score in the pick and roll. He was a dominant finisher as a roll man in Orlando. If we exercise all of D12s talents like the Rockets never did, I think he can still be quite effective.
  15. D12 is such a wild card, it's really hard to make predictions.
  16. Holy shit this would be an absolutely terrible deal.
  17. I don't believe that. I would think we would need his spacing in any roster we could come up with involving D12
  18. Ah, right because it's just his cap hold we need to clear for.
  19. What do you think are the chances of Horf sacrificing 1 or 2 million to make it work?
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