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Everything posted by SalvorMallow

  1. Thabo is playing out of his mind. He's breaking down defenses off the dribble, playing tough D, hitting 3s. 8 points 2 steals in 4 mins in the first.
  2. She actually has some great insight. Good teachings @kg01!!!
  3. Here is a postgame interview with Dennis talking about where he thinks the team can get better. He specifically addresses the 1-5 PnR. Great to know that Dennis sees that as the future of the offense.
  4. That was because David Joerger said it to the refs :) Holy hell, Rudy Gay was a FORCE last night. Watch this play for a summary if you didn't catch the game
  5. Good point. I hate the little hip screens he has been doing. Wish we had Pero on staff to give him a lesson about setting a real screen.
  6. Fixed. I read an article stating that D8 has been in exactly 0 PnRs so far this season. It honestly makes no sense. Definitely one of the most confusing aspects of our offense so far.
  7. http://www.basketball-reference.com/boxscores/198510250ATL.html Doesn't look like it happened in that season opener.
  8. http://www.espn.com/blog/boston/celtics/post/_/id/4724259/celtics-have-a-small-problem-and-it-shows-in-rebound-numbers Enjoy your "Superstar center" who only got 7 rebounds in their loss to Chicago tonight. Ours pulled down 19!!!! Let's show these doubters how we do it in the A!!! GO HAWKS!!!
  9. Could someone with ESPN insider please post this article? http://insider.espn.com/nba/insider/story/_/id/17815008/atlanta-hawks-5-5-preview-dwight-howard-paul-millsap-dennis-Schröder-more-nba Thanks!
  10. 19-9-7 +21 in 19 minutes. Absolute beastly performance by the best PF in the East.
  11. Is it just me, or is Zach Lowe becoming less and less comprehensible as the years go on? He rated hawks 25th on his "watchability" index. http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/17681632/the-annual-nba-league-pass-rankings-part-1
  12. http://www.myajc.com/news/sports/basketball/kelly-answered-hawks-calls-to-battle-for-roster-sp/nshjZ/
  13. Yikes talk about the hindsight mistake of the century. Joe Johnson dragged our franchise into "relevance" by getting us to the playoffs every year. Imagine where we'd be had we taken Roy instead.
  14. Are you a writer for Bob's Burgers?
  15. Uhh, do you remember how upset @AHF was when those Hawks hooligans were out LATE AT NIGHT!!!! Screw breaking the law, if you break middle school curfew, you'll have an army of crotchety old men calling for your job.
  16. This is a very well made video by a guy who does a lot of compilations on youtube. I'm actually a bit impressed with Dwight's athleticism on many of these. Can't wait to see him rocking the rims at the highlight factory!!! Edit: As I watch more of this, I also really like how I see D8 running the floor in transition. Exciting times to be a Hawks fan. Editx2: LOL there was one stretch showing a Houston game against Atlanta. He had like 8 dunks in that game!!! Thanks Alice!!
  17. How DID you and @gonzo raise your kid?
  18. SalvorMallow

    Edy Tavares

    Is this Edy and TP at TSF? Really looks like them.
  19. Then he has motivation issues. Either way, we don't need players on the squad that need to be babysat.
  20. Hell no! That roster would be such a mess.
  21. ROFL is the last picture his DUI mugshot? You had me dyin with this!!!
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