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Everything posted by DatWerkk

  1. I like Doris Burke (most underrated basketball broadcaster on national TV) so I tuned into the ESPN broadcast every once in awhile but I've gotten to the point where I just cannot watch a Hawks game if it isn't on Fox Sports South. I don't know if it's because I love B.O.B. Rathbun or if it's because I can't handle how horribly disrespected the Hawks are outside of Atlanta. I swear, national broadcasters have found ways to ignore the Hawks even when they're one of the two teams on the court. That's going to have to change if we can take Game 2. #eventhehawks deserve coverage!
  2. You don't have to take my word for it, that's the consensus opinion amongst NBA coaches and execs. I think I'll trust their opinions (and mine) over a not well thought out, unexplained contrary opinion from you, Random Message Board Guy.
  3. I'm kinda bummed we're not playing the Heat. If we're not going to get a lottery pick and are instead going to go into the playoffs with a losing record, then dammit I want whatever playoff wins we get to really scare the poop out of somebody. I would LOVE taking it to the defending champs, and as macdaddy pointed out having a couple of wins against them this year gives me confidence we could get at least a couple more. Having said all that... The Pacers should be shook right now. Roy Hibbert played something like only 21 minutes per game this season when the Pacers played the Hawks. Why? Because he can't keep up with us. They're in trouble.
  4. Not to get too off-topic but Kawhi Leonard is already capable of being a #1 option on a playoff team. Don't get fooled just because he happens to be on a team with multiple HOFers.
  5. The hitches in scrolling killed it for me. They seemed to be happening at regular intervals too. Any idea why that is?
  6. Translation: "Regardless of what the facts show, I much rather believe what I already believe." At least you're honest.
  7. Look, don't get me wrong. I can't speak for Dolfan but I'm fine with Jeff Teague being my PG, for now at least. I wasn't one of the people who wanted to trade him at the deadline. And you're right, Lowry would cost his salary plus draft picks if we wanted him this season, and that makes it an uneven comparison. That's not how I'm looking at it. I'm just saying when you compare these two players, one of them is very obviously better than the other one, and I think it's ridiculous that some people think otherwise.
  8. Is this thread a joke?? If we polled EVERY SINGLE executive and coach in the NBA, EVERY SINGLE basketball writer, EVERY SINGLE popular stat head, and asked them all to pick the better point guard out of Teague or Lowry, I would bet all of my salary FOR THE REST OF MY MOTHER BLEEPIN LIFE that Lowry would win in an epic, monumental landslide. It's one thing to question whether Teague will be better than Lowry in the future, but the ignorance and homerism it takes to question who is better right now is beyond human comprehension. This is the most preposterous debate I have ever witnessed on here.
  9. You're seriously arguing that Player A is better than Player B based on a head-to-head matchup? Ignoring an entire season's worth of data? Yeah, um, that's not how that works.
  10. Don't stop there! More from RealGM (http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1310074&sid=4c72ed81ff353e3333a9ada7faadae4c): The thread goes on for a few pages, but the consensus opinion is that Korver is having potentially the best shooting season of any player ever. EVER!
  11. Jamal Crawford's agent already asking if this would include 5-point and-1 plays. :laugh:
  12. Wrong! That was a different Clippers-to-Hawks trade:
  13. Rockets have no use for Teague. Patrick Beverly is light years better than him, sadly.
  14. Been wishing we had Jordan Hill for a couple of seasons now, so this would be fine by me. Not only that, he's actually having a career season THIS YEAR. Bring him home, DF!
  15. Maybe I'm missing something. Lowry has been the best PG in the East for a the past several weeks. Why on earth would anybody trade Lowry for Teague? Correction: He's been the best PG in the East for the past couple of MONTHS.
  16. Ten weeks for tendonitis? Good grief! I hope that isn't cause for us to be concerned about the future.
  17. Whoever is talking about Rondo coming along too is dreaming.Green is okay I guess but I don't know if he brings enough value to sacrifice DMC. Contracts matter.Having said that, there is something to be said about getting better if Lou is somehow included in a package. I feel so terrible giving up on a guy that gave us a hometown discount fresh off an award-winning season, but as long as he's playing significant minutes, Dennis is going nowhere.
  18. This game is going to remind me of how bummed I always was about LD's piss poor usage of Morrow.
  19. It's only ridiculous if you think the NBA minimum salary is ridiculous. Ten-day contracts pay ten days' worth of minimum salary.
  20. Really? You're gonna get mad about Mason Plumlee? Oh brother...
  21. Cut him some slack. That's high praise coming from the most negative fan in the history of sports. :laugh:
  22. Best news I've heard all day!! But I have to echo GameTime's question: is that enough time for him to recover?
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