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Everything posted by Q45T

  1. One of them has to go... I honestly don't care which.
  2. Jeff Green is the only player on the Celtics that I'd ever want on my team... Pierce regularly "dies" on defense anyway.
  3. Q45T

    Greg Oden

    As dumb as this sounds Petro has been pretty effective during the small amount of time he gets on the floor... no need to waste time with this dinosaur.
  4. Pierce can sure as hell score but on the other side of the ball...
  5. The possibility of Dwight comin' here is the one and only reason I kinda don't want Josh to get traded...
  6. Yeah I'm really startin' to hate seein' Josh and Al push the ball up the court. Smoove had it stolen like 2 times because of that.
  7. So Lou and Teague combined for 45 pts but Al and Smoove only combined for 18 pts... I'm really lookin' forward to seein' what we do at the trade deadline.
  8. Nice to see someone else on the "Trade Harris" boat.
  9. Yeah he looks really lazy on the defensive side of the ball. As far as offense I wanna believe Teague is just havin' a rough stretch so I will.
  10. http://probasketballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/01/01/deron-williams-says-two-years-of-constant-playing-may-have-worn-him-down/ Anyone else find it hilarious that Williams' is incapable of takin' responsibility for his piss-poor play? Seriously he's only 28...
  11. I'm okay with him starting at the 2... for now.
  12. I don't want him to fail but Iso Joe looks like a fish outta water in BK. At least he's still playin' as good as D-Will... BK must feel stupid payin' somewhere around $200M for a combined 33 ppg, Isn't Josh Childress on the Nets too? Why does he even exist?
  13. Holy s***... I'm glad I missed this game. At least Jenkins and Scott got some burn.
  14. Looks like I might have to eat my words...
  15. I'll take Stevenson's occasional 3 pt shots and overrated defense over Tolliver any day.
  16. This fool Magic Johnson on ESPN tryna say LD is a good coach... FOH.
  17. I hope Damion gets called up so we can get some damn rebounds.
  18. I def agree... they won't get any better festering at the end of the bench.
  19. This team will continue to lose close games like this if they can't get any boards. We need and have always needed a real center.
  20. Working link: http://www.thefirstrow.eu/sport/basketball.html
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