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Everything posted by IllestPamfilis

  1. Haven't gone through all the pages but I'm sure someone has mentioned it... if this goes down and it looks like it does I think Lakers and Clippers swap Griffin and Bledsoe for Howard & a 1st rounder. Thus making Chris Paul happy getting Dwight on his team and argubly the best coach in the league besides Pop. And I didn't think it'd be possible to hate the Celtics more than I already do. Although, IF I was Danny Ferry I'd try to find a way to pluck Rajon Rondo from Boston (I can dream, can't I?)
  2. Fantastic hire. A great defensive mind for the staff
  3. NO....MORE....JOSH....SMITH. Will always appreciate him but it's been almost 10 years he is what he is. Give me Iggy he's a cheaper Josh Smith.
  4. Now Paul DOESN'T like Atlanta? These people are trying to scramble our brains
  5. Kawhi Leonard. The Next Scottie Pippen? God damn I wish Atlanta could have figured something out with Josh and extras to get this guy before the deadline. He still reallly young too. The man is giving LeBron fits (for now), but he seems to get better every game almost.
  6. Fantastic hire! Wasn't he looked at as a head coach for another team? Anyway, great basketball mind.
  7. Won't be anything too drastic I'm hoping. maybe $50,000 fine or something of the such?
  8. p.s. how do I put pictures in my signature? I'm a little rusty....
  9. Gonna be more interactive on my favorite forum now. Last time I was around was the Pete Babcock playoff guarantee shindig. And as I told Dolfan, we were still on dial up at that time lol. Still and will always love my Hawks. So excied for the future I have all the confidense in the world that we are slowly but surely becoming a respectable franchise... IN DANNY FERRY AND MIKE BUDENHOLZER I TRUST!!! Glad to be back in full swing fellas! GO HAWKS!!!
  10. I'll make this short and sweet. Without injuries TMac could have been one of the best guards in his time. Unfortunately for him, his attitude and injuries have him hopping from town to town. He seems to have been "lied" to be every GM he's played for. So what does that tell you. T-Mac, atleast TRY to keep your mouth shut, you've been washed up for years now. There's a reason you can't stick around in 1 city.
  11. Cal Bowdler. A disaster on and off the court. Fire the man!
  12. I know we all hate anything to do with the Celtics, but I think if there's any kind of possibility of him signing a MLE vets minimum we should pull the trigger. Even if we have to cough up a little more money you can never go wrong with a champion who knows what it takes to win. Also he's super clutch in crunch time. You wouldn't want Paul Pierce taking your young guys under his wing?
  13. Like any other team, we're going to need some wylie veterans to help drive the youngins. I'd take him on at 1 year 4-5 million (that may even be too much). Never can have enough clutch shooters either
  14. When push comes to shove I believe David West will re-up with Indiana.
  15. Give me a 26-27 year old David West and I'd do it in a heartbeat haha. West @ 33 years of age just seems dumb instead of grabbing Dwight, regardless of his attitude. If we could somehow grab West for 2-3 years at a reasonable price I'd bring him in. Like Iggy, West seems like the type of player Budenholzer would want on his squad.
  16. Brother if you could somehow find that picture I'd frame it and put it up in my apartment lol. Good stuff
  17. Had to happen sooner or later right? Sh*t we were still on dial up last time I was on the forum hahaha.
  18. At the right price (of course), I'd take him. Seems like a Mike Budenholzer type of player too. Defense first.
  19. Diesel, couldn't say it better myself brother. Karl won't make much of a difference IMO but I think that's who they're high on. Definately agree on the Blake Griffin front as well. Haven't seen too much improvement in him the past couple years, and he is FAR from a franchise player. Much like J-Smoove, his highlights make people think higher of him.
  20. These two are just hooligans I tell ya, HOOLIGANS!
  21. I'm sure L.A. would want to grab Lionel Hollins if they could, but seeing that Memphis denied Brooklyn, I just don't see that happening. But they're looking at Hollins, Shaw, and Karl hard, with Karl now being at the top of the list.
  22. I just have a "gut" feeling it'll be either, or. You're right though who really knows with Dwight? He could go to Golden State for all we know. No sources, just a gut feeling.
  23. CP3 without a doubt. Dwight Is going to Houston or Dallas anyway, mark my word. The real question is would we consider resigning J-smoove or go towards someone like Al Jefferson or the big guy from Minnesota?
  24. Well my only source is my cousin who happens to work with the Clippers. He says Brian Shaw and George Karl are their choices if he didn't reup with Denver. I haven't heard it anywhere else though.
  25. If and when the L.A. Clippers sign on George Karl as coach (which I think will happen), will this turn CP3 back to L.A.? $28 million more if he signs with the Clippers, along with Karl as the new coach. What's ya'lls opinions on the matter? I know the distress is mainly between the Clips ownership and CP3, but maybe this makes him reconsider even more?
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