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Everything posted by IllestPamfilis

  1. Joe Johnson is a bum. a very, very, very rich bum.
  2. Why are we appreciating Joe Johnson? Great regular season player. One of the worst playoff performers. Oh and he was getting paid $20+ million a year. Nah, no appreciation here...sorry to be a scrooge. NO THANKS JOE
  3. Some of you fellas act like my little sister. whine whine whine about whatever you don't get. Danny and Bud have a plan, atleast give them time to put that plan into effect. This is year 1 people.
  4. Yeah but it is what it is man. The Al, Smith, and Joe Johnson experiment didn't work. So what else do we do? Rebuild with a much better staff to do so. No more Billy Knight/ Sund and Woodson/Drew. We have REAL basketball minds now.
  5. Monta isn't coming here. Ferry isn't dumb and you KNOW Coach Bud doesn't want that bum on his squad. Jennings maybe, Monta NO
  6. That's because our management knows he's not a franchise PG and you can only go so far with him. You'll see with the shitty cast Milwaukee has, yeah, try running that team Jeff lol. Zaza I still love you though man!
  7. Braves are falling fast. Miami has been drilling them.
  8. Brother you mad? You seem to always have a stick up your ass. Give it time man. EVERYTHING IS NEW HERE. Have Trust in Danny and Bud. You'll be feeling sour in a couple years. Charlotte, Toronto, Sac, and Phoenix have HORRIBLE front offices and always have. Chill out homie. We weren't going to the promise land with Teague, Smith, and Zaza...as much as I love all three of them.
  9. I'm loving this thread, atleast some of us know that this new staff is going to make the Hawks more relevant than ever. This is their FIRST YEAR of molding their own team. Give it another year or two and let's see where we are at. I'm ecstatic on how it's going so far. PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE people.
  10. Fellas, it's a REBUILDING PROCESS. We are going to suck for a year or two. Patience is a virtue. Danny and company don't want a "mediocre" team. This is what it takes. You BUILD FROM THE GROUND UP. Be patient guys, god damn.
  11. Good riddance Teague. I wanted him back but if he wants to be a P*ssy then get outta here. You'll get your money but you're gonna be MISERABLE in Milwaukee. I think he's the first free agent that's ever wanted to go to the Bucks. IT'S GERMAN SENSATION TIME! Bring Mo Williams in and stick him on the bench. I mean really you think you're gonna go to MILWAUKEE and become something with Larry Drew? HAHAHAHAHHA. What a p*ssy.
  12. I don't want anything to do with Mo Williams. Danny, just match Teague's offer and let's get on with it.
  13. If we don't match, don't forget Jennings is also only 23-years-old. He shoots a lot but I wouldn't just consider him a '"chucker"...the man actually has a ton of talent and should get even better. The more I think it over though, with how fast and efficiently Teague is progressing, I really hope we do match the Buck's offer. Teague is a much better facilitator, while Jennings scores first and passes second.
  14. LOL @ him dissing the Hawks. Yes, he was a apart of MANY wins here, but he also lost us A LOT of games due to his stupidity. I mean forever it's even worth anymore, the man made ZERO all-star teams in his whole career. While he is a fantasy league's dream player, he has no killer instinct and disappears in the playoffs. Funny how when he was asked "How many teams were you considering?" he is said really only Detroit because nobody else believed he was worth that much. I loved Josh at times and respected his time here, so this is not me being sour, I'm just saying don't diss the franchise who gave you every opportunity to succeed and you just keep killing the team with your horrible shooting selection and lack of effort at times. All in all I wish Josh the best, but I certainly am glad he is GONE. Detroit went through the rebuilding process and it's taken them almost 10 years to finally get it going into the right direction. I Guarantee Danny, Bud, and company will have us more than relevant in less than half the time.
  15. God I wish we could of gotten Vasquez from New Orleans. A triple-double waiting to happen
  16. There's a reason Teague hasn't been signed right off the bat.
  17. You call all these guys losers. The Bucks have always been "losers". A change of scenery might just be what Brandon needs. It's hard to play everyday knowing your team sucks. Brandon WAS the Bucks offense.
  18. how so? Jennings, Millsap, Horford, and Pek/Bynum? That's a good start IMO.
  19. I hope it means nothing. Danny is smart enough to know Brandon Jennings is a waaaaaaaaaaaaay better option than Ellis. If we're gonna lose Teague, we must bring in Jennings. Point blank period.
  20. Jennings is coming to Atlanta. Bank on it. Pretty solid off season after it's all said and done. Let's try to get Pek if that doesn't work Bynum will do.
  21. My personal preference, I want Brandon Jennings. He's still young and could easily become our top scorer. I love me some Jeff Teague but I honestly think he's reached his ceiling. I just hope to god that we don't end up with Monta Ellis, boy would that be a disaster. The question is simple though, do you want Jeff Teague or Brandon Jennings on your Atlanta Hawks?
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