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Everything posted by JETSET

  1. It sure looks like they are. This is the one good thing about our team getting no respect. You end up with great lines and can make easy money on the team you know best.
  2. Is this really your argument? So you are just going to overlook the stretch where we lost like 12 of 13 games when our entire frontcourt was decimated? Carroll was forced to play some PF while horford, Antić, milsap, Ayón were all out because of injury. Our injuries from last season: Horford 53 games Ayón most of the season Antić missed 6-7 weeks lou Will was basically rehabbing for most of the season Jenkins. Missed the year korver 11 games Carroll. 9 games milsap missed around 10 games We were 1-10 in games without korver and 1-8 without korver iirc. We now have depth to withstand one of those missing a game. Our schedule is also much more easier than last seasons. I'm confident that this year'much more favorable schedule will add 3-5 wins by itself. Just look at how we played at the end of the season when we were finally healthy with everyone besides Horford. We went 10-2 and 5-1 vs playoff teams at the end of the season when our starting 5 played. We then gave the #1 seed all they wanted. I know you will rush to blame it on the Pacers not being right instead of giving us credit. If that's so, why did they make easy work of the Wizards. We are winning 41 with ease if we have some better luck with injuries this season. We dont have to be completely injury free to win 41.
  3. People seem far more willing to get out of the house on a Saturday night than a Sunday afternoon. I dont see how that could even be argued.
  4. I will be making the biggest bet of my life if this is the number and the juice is decent. Al can go down after 29 again and we will still surpass that number if we stay healthy otherwise.
  5. Newsflash: There are Hawks fans outside of the city of Atlanta. I, personally, live in Macon but already have purchased tickets to 3 seperate games for next year. Others may not be as fortunate and may be unable to afford to travel for a Hawks game. Either way, Saturday games tend to fit your reasoning of opportunity far more than Sunday games.
  6. How in the hell do they decide that it's a good idea to not air a Sunday afternoon home game against a division rival? What could they possibly air at 3:00 pm that will be better than us vs the Wizards at home on Jan 11. On a sidenote, I was thinking about purchasing Leaguepass this season. Does any one know if preseason games are aired on Leaguepass or anywhere else? I would like to be able to watch all of ours along with some of other teams.
  7. Pot meet kettle. People like you trip me out. Want to act like you are all pissy about what Ferry said when you know you have said things far worse. Get off that high horse.
  8. I expect 42-44 as well. Im going to be on it if its under 45. Will be all in if its 42 or less. This team can win 42 even if Al goes down after 29 games again. We had an insane amount of injuries last year and have better depth this year. I prefer to bet on the hawks since I am following them religiously and watch just about every game. I know them far better than any other team. Might as well take advantage of that.
  9. I hope vegas feels the same way. I will be putting a large sum of money on us if our total wins line is at 41. Were winning around 50 this year. Stay very injury free and im confident we can win 50+
  10. Excellent post. I find it hilarious when people try to act like ferry's actions have caused the same or more harm to the Hawks than Gearons actions. We are seriously screwed if gearon remains an owner.
  11. Is that right JTB? Gearon seems to have plenty of power as a minority ownership considering he just destroyed this franchise. Our ownership group was already seen as a joke and now it will be even worse. I dont see any one being eager to join the Hawks organization as long as Gearon is a part of this.
  12. Exactly tone. We finally get a good thing going and these fools can't even realize it. I love how Diesel conveniently leaves out the fact that Ferry brought in a coach who is a franchise changer. The hiring of Bud, by Ferry, is better than any other move listed next to any of the 4.
  13. JETSET

    The Dilemma.

    Ferry needs to stay. Just look at what kyle said. Ferrys dismissal is guaranteed to have a negative impact on our team and will set us back. Yet, here we are, with "fans" of the team begging for his dismissal.
  14. Sheldon, marvin, acie, Childress were all good college players
  15. I agree 100% Dolf. Long live Ferry! Cant wait for the season to begin. We are about to be a serious problem in the Eastern conference.
  16. See I like that approach much better. You say "I think" instead of "I know" because you really don't know for certain. Whatever happened to due process in this country? Every one wants to be the first guy to destroy some one as soon as they are seen to be weak in the public eye. This trend and attitude is quite disgraceful, if you ask me, and I want no part of it. I will allow due process to run it's course before making an absolute judgment.
  17. And how do we find another elite franchise-changing coach once Bud runs as fast he can from the ASG. The video sounds very scrambled to me and I dont see how any one can determine for certain that Ferry wasnt reading off a report. I'm going to wait and see if the report is leaked before I start making assumptions. Too bad others cant do the same.
  18. as does Charles Barkley. http://www.stationcaster.com/player_skinned.php?s=87&c=9961&f=3320433 The Ferry segment begins just after the 8 minute mark.
  19. There's not a single person in this world that is as smart or squeaky clean as any one thinks they are. Don't act like you have never made an insensitive remark in your life. and you know you are grasping for straws when you cite a statement from Bonzi freaking Wells. A guy who was known for giving the bird finger to fans, assaulting officials and constantly being at conflict with his coaches. These are only his on-court issues.
  20. Michael Jordan better go in to hibernation if we are going to start holding comments made as a player against front office personnel. I'm sure Michael has said a slew of things that were racially insensitive and insensitive to many other groups.
  21. I didn't forget about the players. I just don't think they are going to care much in 2 weeks either. Where has the outrage been for the past 10 years against Sterling since he has been a known racist throughout this time? I don't recall ever hearing a player say he wouldn't sign with the Clippers because of Sterling's actions until the phone call leaked. We will see soon enough. My money is on Ferry being able to continue his job successfully and not missing out on any players that we would have had a shot with before this.
  22. You enjoyed the style of play of the old group more? I shed a tear at times early this past season. I have never seen an Atlanta Hawks team gel and move so beautifully.
  23. Businesses do have the power. The only people that will be boycotting the Hawks, if Ferry stays, are people who weren't going to the games in the first place. They may lose a few fans but they will gain many more when this team is playing very well next season.
  24. Stephen A. wasn't the only place where I had heard that they the league office had proof of him reading it off the report. I saw it somewhere this morning but cant remember where.
  25. I just find it sad that people are so willing to bow down to the loud crowd no matter if they are right or wrong. What ever happened to standing up for what you believe in?
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