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Everything posted by RandomFan

  1. Hindsight is 20/20 yaya, but I can't help but feel a little turrible that we picked Nogueria over Rudy Gobert after watching that game. Would have been a very nice backup C to develop. Oh well, at least Edy Tavares has been favorably compared to Gobert. It's gonna be nice when we get him over here next year after Brand hangs it up. EDIT - and Wiggins wins MVP over Gobert? No...just no.
  2. Not really sure what you are getting at. Since the "front office" is all people that Ferry brought in since he's been here, excluding Koonin as Team President. The assistant GM Wilcox is a Ferry guy who is fully invested in the system that Ferry has brought in. That would most likely be who Bud would have working with him hand in hand, with how Bud and Ferry worked hand in hand previously. You would be losing one person from the current structure. Granted, it's the key guy who put all this structure in place to begin with. But lets not act like we couldn't recover from losing one guy when we have a great assett in Coach Bud who knows what he's doing too. I think you might be referring more to ownership, not front office. And yes, ownership is a clown car right now. What makes you think they can be any more terrible than they've ever been? The front office isn't going to make the call on Ferry, the new owner(s) will. Coach Bud and Wilcox will most likely be fine if Ferry doesn't return. I'm not sure why you think otherwise.
  3. There are two statements of fact in your sentence. I think what some peope might be having trouble with is that there are those of us that agree with one of those statements, but aren't convinced regarding the other statement. Personally, I agree that Ferry did an absolute fantastic job as our GM. Anyone that disputes that should probably have their head examined. But saying we will be much worse off from this point forward, I'm less inclined to agree with that statement. As I mentioned in a long post a few pages back, there are reasons that it will "maybe" not be the best thing for Ferry to be here anymore. And I emphasize the operative word "maybe." I think it's 50/50 right now if our future would be worse or better without Danny. Obviously he's done tremendous things. Who knows if someone else could have done what he's done, and who cares. The fact of the matter is that HE DID IT. And we should always be very appreciative for that. But the fact is past success does not guarantee future success. And the other side of that coin is the absence of the person responsible for that past success does not guarantee future failure. Danny did a great job, but I am confident enough in Coach Bud and the things he's learned from Pop and Buford over the years to keep going this good thing that Ferry got us started towards. The bottom line for some of us, like me, are that we'll be comfortable if Ferry is welcomed back, OR also if he isn't and Bud is given the reigns of this team permanently. I don't see it as alarmingly detrimental to the team if Ferry is never allowed to return, while concurrently also holding his accomplishments here in very high regard. We are in good shape for the future if Ferry or Bud are in charge, and I firmly believe that.
  4. Hrmm, this seems pertinent to the discussion at hand: it's an interview with one of our bench coaches Darvin Ham. I'm only clipping out the relevant parts, but it's a good overall interview about how the Hawks compare to that 2004 Pistons team that Ham was a member of. http://www.sheridanhoops.com/2015/02/13/eisenberg-how-do-these-hawks-compare-with-the-2004-pistons/
  5. Maybe. But how brilliant was it for him to include a right to pick swap? At the time, everyone thought it was silly since obviously Brooklyn was going to be a great team and ATL was never going to finish ahead of them in the standing, right? Everyone just assumed this was a pick-swap we would never have a chance at using. Well, obviously Ferry knew what he was doing there.
  6. ** I originally posted this in the Webber thread, but seems more appropriate here. ** The more I've thought about this, the less optimistic I am that Ferry will be back with the Hawks. It's not so much one thing, but an accumulation of factors. Let me list them: 1) Obviously we start with the racial comment itself. Most will be able to forgive and move on, and most have; but like many others have said already, some sponsors, some local community leaders, and some athletes may never be able to see past it, or would simply choose to avoid a potentially uncomfortable situation. 2) I forget the article I read this in, perhaps the Aldridge piece recently, but apparently although Ferry is widely respected for his acumen around the league, he also has a reputation of being quite an elitist jerkoff - and what I mean by that is not necessarily disrespectful to others, but just not overly cordial. He's to the point, can be short with people, thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, and is focused on the task at hand. These can be admirable qualities, of course. But then I get to thinking about two people in our organization which leads me to point 3 and 4. 3) Nique - we all know Nique is no fan of Ferry. And it mainly stems from Ferry's reluctance to honor Nique with the soon to be unveiled statue. I think most of us could care less about this statue, but it speaks volumes about Ferry and why I think he might not have a future in this organization. It's a big deal to Nique. Ferry thought it was a silly idea and pretty much said it wouldn't be happening on his watch. This is another of the reasons the GearonCancer is no fan of Ferry. Nique is a big part of the Hawks brand, and I'm not sure if Nique would ever be cool with Ferry again - as evidenced by his recent comments. 4) Koonin - You'll remember Koonin was hired right before the fallout from the Ferry and Levenson comments. He didn't really get a chance to work with Ferry that long, didn't build much of a personal relationship with him, and has little reason to be in his corner: especially since Koonin said he abhorred the comments when he learned of them. But I think the bigger problem is that Koonin seems fairly opposite of Ferry in the manner he would like to see the Hawks do business. One of Koonin's first orders of business was to get the Nique statue approved and implemented. Koonin is a marketing guy - he wants to be the opposite of the elitist-jerkoff. He wants to be engaging with everyone, reach out to everyone, sell not only tickets but also the entire Hawks brand and make it a fun fan-friendly experience. We've seen how open and awesome Koonin is in trying to expand the fan base; it's kind of the opposite of Ferry who would seem to prefer keeping his head down and simply focusing on doing an awesome job building the team while letting the rest take care of itself. I have nothing but speculation here, but I suspect Koonin and Ferry, while not an impossible fit is simply not an "ideal" fit. 5) Coach Bud - as several others have pointed out, this coming offseason will likely be a contract extension period for Bud. As an assistant coach with no head coaching experience, nobody was going to hire him as a team president and head coach combined. You only get that type of job after you earn it. But Bud is now arguably positioned to ask for that if he wants it during this next contract negotiation. He and Ferry are friends, Ferry brought him here after all. And if there is a way for Ferry to come back I'm almost positive Bud would be very happy to have that happen. But if things look too complicated for that to happen, then giving Bud control over the team is not only the most likely thing that would happen, it's also the most logical. For one thing, if Ferry is gone then I doubt we would be able to retain Bud here if we bring in some other GM and put him over Bud. If Bud knows the guy and approves it, that might be possible. But I'm not sure who that candidate would be - and it would definitely have to be someone from and Spurs since those are the only people Bud would have enough experience with. But consider this - Pop still talks regularly with Bud. Pop is in charge of basketball operations in San Antonio, while R.C. Buford is the GM handling those duties. But Buford reports to Pop, not the other way around. Buford handles all the GM duties freeing up Pop to coach. But Buford is doing so according to Pop's master plan, and Pop has the final say on all decisions. This is pretty much the setup we have right now with Coach Bud and our Assistant GM Wilcox, albeit in a temporary capacity while we wait to find out what happens with Ferry. Koonin was apparently so impressed with Coach Bud's knowledge of the salary cap and player evaluation that he said it was a no-brainer to put Bud in temporary charge while Ferry is on leave. If Ferry is gone for good, one would assume Koonin would make this temporary arrangement permanent by making Bud in charge of the team, and promoting Wilcox to GM who would answer to Bud. Especially since you know Pop will be in Bud's ear telling him to ask for exactly that to happen during the upcoming contract extension negotiations coming up. And I would be completely fine with that arrangement. I greatly appreciate what Ferry has done for the Hawks. He magically dumped the worst contract in the NBA, got rid of another bad one in Williams, let Brick Smith walk, somehow convinced Coach Bud to join him here even amongst our travesty of an ownership situation, brought in the right type of players, and who knows what else. If he really is done with the Hawks, I think it is safe to say he did an amazing job in the short time he was our GM. But after saying that, I think we would be in completely competent hands if we turned the show over to Coach Bud: especially now that a lot of the heavy lifting has already been accomplished.
  7. The more I've thought about this, the less optimistic I am that Ferry will be back with the Hawks. It's not so much one thing, but an accumulation of factors. Let me list them: 1) Obviously we start with the racial comment itself. Most will be able to forgive and move on, and most have; but like many others have said already, some sponsors, some local community leaders, and some athletes may never be able to see past it, or would simply choose to avoid a potentially uncomfortable situation. 2) I forget the article I read this in, perhaps the Aldridge piece recently, but apparently although Ferry is widely respected for his acumen around the league, he also has a reputation of being quite an elitist jerkoff - and what I mean by that is not necessarily disrespectful to others, but just not overly cordial. He's to the point, can be short with people, thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, and is focused on the task at hand. These can be admirable qualities, of course. But then I get to thinking about two people in our organization which leads me to point 3 and 4. 3) Nique - we all know Nique is no fan of Ferry. And it mainly stems from Ferry's reluctance to honor Nique with the soon to be unveiled statue. I think most of us could care less about this statue, but it speaks volumes about Ferry and why I think he might not have a future in this organization. It's a big deal to Nique. Ferry thought it was a silly idea and pretty much said it wouldn't be happening on his watch. This is another of the reasons the GearonCancer is no fan of Ferry. Nique is a big part of the Hawks brand, and I'm not sure if Nique would ever be cool with Ferry again - as evidenced by his recent comments. 4) Koonin - You'll remember Koonin was hired right before the fallout from the Ferry and Levenson comments. He didn't really get a chance to work with Ferry that long, didn't build much of a personal relationship with him, and has little reason to be in his corner: especially since Koonin said he abhorred the comments when he learned of them. But I think the bigger problem is that Koonin seems fairly opposite of Ferry in the manner he would like to see the Hawks do business. One of Koonin's first orders of business was to get the Nique statue approved and implemented. Koonin is a marketing guy - he wants to be the opposite of the elitist-jerkoff. He wants to be engaging with everyone, reach out to everyone, sell not only tickets but also the entire Hawks brand and make it a fun fan-friendly experience. We've seen how open and awesome Koonin is in trying to expand the fan base; it's kind of the opposite of Ferry who would seem to prefer keeping his head down and simply focusing on doing an awesome job building the team while letting the rest take care of itself. I have nothing but speculation here, but I suspect Koonin and Ferry, while not an impossible fit is simply not an "ideal" fit. 5) Coach Bud - as several others have pointed out, this coming offseason will likely be a contract extension period for Bud. As an assistant coach with no head coaching experience, nobody was going to hire him as a team president and head coach combined. You only get that type of job after you earn it. But Bud is now arguably positioned to ask for that if he wants it during this next contract negotiation. He and Ferry are friends, Ferry brought him here after all. And if there is a way for Ferry to come back I'm almost positive Bud would be very happy to have that happen. But if things look too complicated for that to happen, then giving Bud control over the team is not only the most likely thing that would happen, it's also the most logical. For one thing, if Ferry is gone then I doubt we would be able to retain Bud here if we bring in some other GM and put him over Bud. If Bud knows the guy and approves it, that might be possible. But I'm not sure who that candidate would be - and it would definitely have to be someone from and Spurs since those are the only people Bud would have enough experience with. But consider this - Pop still talks regularly with Bud. Pop is in charge of basketball operations in San Antonio, while R.C. Buford is the GM handling those duties. But Buford reports to Pop, not the other way around. Buford handles all the GM duties freeing up Pop to coach. But Buford is doing so according to Pop's master plan, and Pop has the final say on all decisions. This is pretty much the setup we have right now with Coach Bud and our Assistant GM Wilcox, albeit in a temporary capacity while we wait to find out what happens with Ferry. Koonin was apparently so impressed with Coach Bud's knowledge of the salary cap and player evaluation that he said it was a no-brainer to put Bud in temporary charge while Ferry is on leave. If Ferry is gone for good, one would assume Koonin would make this temporary arrangement permanent by making Bud in charge of the team, and promoting Wilcox to GM who would answer to Bud. Especially since you know Pop will be in Bud's ear telling him to ask for exactly that to happen during the upcoming contract extension negotiations coming up. And I would be completely fine with that arrangement. I greatly appreciate what Ferry has done for the Hawks. He magically dumped the worst contract in the NBA, got rid of another bad one in Williams, let Brick Smith walk, somehow convinced Coach Bud to join him here even amongst our travesty of an ownership situation, brought in the right type of players, and who knows what else. If he really is done with the Hawks, I think it is safe to say he did an amazing job in the short time he was our GM. But after saying that, I think we would be in completely competent hands if we turned the show over to Coach Bud: especially now that a lot of the heavy lifting has already been accomplished.
  8. Here is what's gonna happen - the first substitutions will be all four Hawks subbed in with Lebron staying on at SF. That way Lebron will see what's it like to get to play with a real team of people that play together. Then Lebron will go home to Cleveland and kick Irving and Love in the backside and ask why they are such terrible teammates, lol.
  9. Because Korver can't play all 48 minutes of every game. Currently when Korver is off the floor, our Offensive efficiency rating drops over 15 points, which is the largest amount of any of our starters. He'd primarily not play with Korver, but be his direct backup. Obviously with Thabo's injury Ray would probably play more minutes than normal until Thabo's return. For the playoff's it would be back to a direct backup role. Also in late game substitutions situations you might see Korver and Allen at the same time for offense, and then DMC, Thabo, or Baze subbed back in when on defense.
  10. Even at worst, it's two 2nd round picks. I'm not the biggest Mike Scott fan, but are you telling me he's essentially useless? And there would be two picks. Again, 2 years of Payne riding our bench and collecting a check for probably never playing vs either a future 1st or two 2nds? It's a no brainer to me. I think some are just having a hard time getting over the fact we didn't hit on that pick in the first place. It happens. Now we have to focus on recouping some value while we still can.
  11. It's really not that hard to understand. As Hawksfanatic already said, you're trading an assett that is not currently being used because of better depth in front of him, for a future assett when it will be more needed. All while not having to pay that assett a salary and constrain you from doing other moves. Guess we need to look at Coach Bud's words again:
  12. Kinda feel for the Bucks fans, but then I think about it this way - this is probably the only chance Korver will EVER have of making the team due to his historic shooting season. But Knight is still young and will have many more opportunities at it.
  13. FWIW: And then this: http://www.ajc.com/news/sports/basketball/breaking-news-hawks-trade-payne-to-timberwolves/nj78N/ This should serve as more writing on the wall for anyone wanting us to aqcuire another Big for rebounding, or whatever else, that isn't likely to happen. The team is apparenlty so satisfied with their bigs that they felt the need to move one of them out. Another wing player is what we are looking at.
  14. Yep, I heard him say that. He actually said another guard that can defend, and play like we like to play, at least until Thabo gets back and they will be fine once that happens. Sounds like the writing is on the wall for Jenkins, I guess. With our biggest need, according to Horford, being a guard and Jenkins can't get any of that playing time: doesn't bode well for him at all. We know Jenkins can shoot the ball; I guess his defense is just too weak to give him any real minutes in our schemes. They probably played him so many games in D-League so other teams could get a look at him and hopefully get someone to take him off our hands for a 2nd round pick.
  15. If they didn't have so many games missed to injury this year, they would probably be pushing for a playoff spot already this year. They aren't that far off.
  16. LOL, talk about bad timing for a prediction.
  17. I doubt they actually saw the pieces fitting together this well and the chemistry being as outstanding as it is. I think they had a solid plan about how they wanted to play ball, missed on some top tier free agents that they wanted, had good backup options in place when those plans fell through, and intended to put a solid product on the field that would be good enough to appeal to a superstar during the next free agency period. They accumulated good players on good contracts; players they could move if need be to accomodate a star, or trade for one. They obviously knew what they were doing, and trying to build. I'm guessing they thought this would be a highly competitive team that people could look at and go, "hey, get that team a superstar and they will be ready for the bigtime." But I highly doubt they foresaw the team being THIS amazing with the players we've got. I think most of us realize we probably don't need to add another star player to compete for a championship, but consider this: around this time last year most of us were lamenting the fact that no big name wanted to play for ATL, and we thought there was slim chance anyone ever would anytime soon. How times have changed, my friends? We're setup as a prime destination for any free agent now, if we were to want one of them (obviously assumes the ownership change is handled competently, which should be.)
  18. Well I mean it's not ideal. But it's not something we can control, so why stress out about it? Horford and Millsap are a pretty darn amazing frontcourt to have. They obviously aren't perfect. But if they were, then we'd be having to pay them both max contracts, right? There aren't too many combinations at 4 and 5 that I'd rather have. And the players that might actually be an upgrade are most definitely not available, and especially not for less than max money. I just think we need to focus on what we have in them, and not what we don't have. We're 42 and freaking 10, and they are a big part of the reason why.
  19. http://www.peachtreehoops.com/2015/1/20/7856143/pistons-vs-hawks-mike-budenholzer-mike-scott There have been numerous times he's mentioned something similar. Several players have mentioned it in postgame comments multiple times as well. Even a few of the talking heads have talked about it, the few that actually know what they are talking about.
  20. OK, lets say for arguments sake what you suggest is true. Now comes the hard part: how? For defensive rebounds, this is something we all hear Bud mention in nearly every postgame press conference. It's not like they aren't coaching it or emphasizing it. On the offensive end, this is NOT going to change. Bud believes in ignoring the rebound and getting back on defense. This isn't going to change. And I respectfully submit that Bud seems to know what the heck he's doing. You can suggest we acquire and play a better rebounding Big. Sure, that sounds great. Until you think about our defensive scheme requiring our Bigs to be mobile enough to hedge screens out as far as the 3pt line and still be able to get back and D their man. And also have the mobility to provide excellent help defense on the weakside. I only know of 1 C/PF that would be able to play the type of mobile D that Horford/Millsap play while also being a significantly better rebounder, and that's Anthony Davis. Anyone think we have a chance at trading for him? The thing people need to focus on more than a lack of rebounding, is what are we trading that for? It's not that we are ignoring rebounding and not getting something out of it: far from it. We are getting much better overall team defense out of it. And it's not that Bud wouldn't want 7 footers that can do what Al and Paul do while also being able to be outstanding rebounders; it's that those guys don't just grow on trees.
  21. Yet the only part of this that matters is we had 34 Defensive rebounds and they had 38. We don't EVER go for Offensive rebounds because Bud wants it that way. We get back to avoid giving up easy transition points off of one of our missed shots. It's ridiculous the amount of people that still don't understand this FACT. I'm not saying you don't know this, I just quoted your post because you put up rebound totals. But I've seen it from plenty of other people. And It's also ridiculous the amount of people that hate on Pero because they don't understand defense beyond looking to see if a guy is a shot-blocker or not. Hedging screens, cutting off drives, jumping in passing lanes, and a plethora of other activity seems to go unnoticed by far too many people. Lets not forget the guy makes barely over $1m. If Pero had a consistent 3pt shot to go with everything else he brings, the guy would be making $8m a year. We lost because our two All-Star frontcourt players both had horrendous shooting nights on wide open shots that they normally make - that's all. Nothing more. It wasn't because Memphis contested every single shot they took. Far from it. They had plenty of wide open, normally easy shots. You could probably even say we got hosed by some non-calls from the refs, but I'm not even gonna go there. Anyone who thinks Al and Paul were soft defensively this game, I don't know what to tell you other than get your eyes checked - soon.
  22. Just think, if we sign Ray Allen we can be even more of this!
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