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Everything posted by DS17Fanboy

  1. You can really notice he has a good family and I love the fact his big brother is named Che.
  2. All I think of when thinking Raef LaFrentz, is Jason Williams elbow-pass.
  3. I think the best thing about Schröders game right now is that he has shown that he can lead the starters, but also was able to compete with the end of the bench against charlotte. He has shown to play like a grown man when called upon, as much as he goes hero ball of the bench when called upon. One thing bothering me though, is that his finsihing at the rim has gone way down since the all-star break. He was around 50% FG%. Now his 3pt FG% is lifting up his layup percentage. Surely an area he can improve and should improve come play-off time. He would be so deadly, when he can add that quality he showed he had and add it to his much improved jumper and ball security. I think its a mental thing, where he put so much focus in improving other areas of his game. But once he can get it all in flux...
  4. We have to thank those tankmode Mormons on our knees. Not sure though how you figure getting this far with team basketball rests on the shoulders of two players. These two surely profit from Korver and Horford getting so much attention. Or from Teague and Schröder feeding them. But yes, they do unexpectedly great things with a basketball and the little space they need.
  5. I think Boston picked up Thomas just so the spoiled Boston crowd still has something to look forward to before games. At least tank with some style.
  6. This is also a sport about matchups and team depth. But nvm. I guess you're being sarcastic.
  7. Hawks interior defense is all about collapsing. Its a hard thing to do right, but we have been good at that for the most part. Teams like SA and in the playoffs that might not be sufficient though as they are good at milking a collapsing defense. Man to man interior defense is a destinct weakness with this personel, as much as perimeter team defense our destinct strength. We either keep a SA out of the paint without collapsing to much, or we get someone which makes a SA less eager to get in there.
  8. Huh? Ive seen Al and Sap get scored on in all these paint situations. Dennis was busy keeping Mills, Parker, McCollum out of the game. And no, it wasnt "overpowering", just nifty play by bigs who can, against bigs who have deficiencies on individual defense.
  9. DS17Fanboy


    Why always the need to shoot threes? Duncan and Splitter dont shoot threes. They do lots of other things in the meanwhile.
  10. DS17Fanboy


    Tyson Chandler. We could go big, go small, go real big. He could get allot of minutes alongside Sap or Al. After this year in Dallas I think he will be pleased to play a little less minutes. And you know what you get from him, night in and night out. He's a surplus contributor always, and an experienced champ, and lockeroom presence.
  11. To many points in the paint. It would have been nice to have a real rim-protector instead of Brand. Hawks are good at perimeter defense and forcing turnovers, but well oiled passing machines with talented bigs will get into that paint. You need a guy for that. At least the likelyhood of facing them again this season is slim. But I should not say that to loud.
  12. Now you have stepped in to a hornests nest...and the honor of the tinfoil wont allow me to leave any misunderstandings. I do think president Kennedy got murdered by the CIA, in name of an oligarchy wanting to blow up the so called Post WW2 Settlement and the Bretton Woods System, by escalating the Vietnam war(proven conspiracy), and build a new systemic future around a Military Industrial Complex linked to a petro-dollar as reserve currency, as opposed to the Bretton Woods version, which had to many chefs in the kitchen for people having unilateral, or rather, imperial ambitions. All that paid for the US military and made trickle-down economics seem like something that actually works as something beneficial to a society. While its just about leeching the rest of the globe due to leaving global sellers to the US with two options: importing inflation or re-capitalize wallstreet. Something bigshot wallstreet attournies like the Dulles Bros and their optimate peeps Qui Bono'd from allot. And Made America Stronger. Imma serious.
  13. We are not the Knicks, but according to some we are Charlotte now.
  14. In USA everything is a conspiracy. From top to bottom. From the CIA killing presidents to faking your ID to get a beer.
  15. 7/14 is not to much considering some other guys didnt step up the other night and someone had to do something. First quarter already the bench turned the ship around in great fashion. Then the starters hung around in the 3rd and gave it up in the 4th. Without them this wouldnt have been a game. And Westbrook definitly not only gets the superstar treatment but also the "poor boy, your doing it all without Durant" treatment.
  16. Really? As a teenager I played 5 hours of soccer training with a brocken rightfoot big toe I picked up that day without noticing. Yeah it kind of hurt and it was pitch black with some blood here and there after taking my socks off. No way in hell it took 6-7 weeks for that sucker to heal. I think a week later max I was back on the pitch and it caused me no troubles as far as I can remember. And this is a sport where your supposed to kick a ball to get at 80 miles an hour. Srsly. Also with many other dudes that wasnt a serious injury.
  17. DS17Fanboy


    I trust Millsap to continue trucking whatever payday. I dont trust Green doing the same thing. Millsap should definitly be priority.
  18. I've seen a stat in hat GS game saying that without Korver we score about 10 points less a game. You can clearly notice everyone suffering under the ultimate spacing he offers just not being there.
  19. Next time with Korver and Thabo we will crush them, again and again, till they loose their smug smiles and we make them cry...
  20. Also on Dennis. He doesnt make hard fouls. He irritates without treathening someones health. Grabbing someone in the face when both are on the ground. Grabbing Cousins nutsack, which gets Cousins mentally out of the game(and gets SAC front-office thinking about getting Dennis). Its a quality. But indeed he needs to watch it. Not only because todays NBA is different, but also because some players might retaliate with actual hard fouls.
  21. I like you man, but what are you talking about again about Dennis? And whats with the return of the Mack talk you got going lately? Havent you seen the stats displayed during the Phoenix game(14 points, 7 assists, 53% 3pt% last 10 games or whatever)? Dennis in no way shows that he should be subbed, nor did he in this game. He kept Teague on the bench for a long time again last night, and that isnt because Bud contemplates Mack getting Dennis's minutes. Its because Dennis is a positive factor. Specially last night Teague looked off at stretches, and Dennis actually took charge twice in the game. In the first building a small lead, and in the 3rd by evening out a 7 point deficit. He only made one kind of really bad TO with that pass on Horford in that two-man-game situation that gotten the Hawks allot of succes last night in other situations. Maybe you are the happy go lucky type that wants all people to show what they got soley trough play, and fair play at that. But thats just not how this world works, and pro sports neither. Its actually an art to be a pain in the ass provocateur and getting away with it. Surely many fans in the NBA will start to hate on Dennis comming years, but they'd also wouldnt mind having him on their roster. I always said Dennis reminds me of Gary Payton in allot of respects, and this attitude is an integral part of that. And come on man. Give me 80's/90's antics any day over the PR robots with half or more of their stake in commercials and pleasing as many people as possible, spescially soccer moms and other big spenders. I'd rather have Dennis to please coach Bud and the Atlanta crowd.
  22. The period where dennis was suppossedly an "a-hole", "snarky" and "careless", was when he was subbed in the 4th with 22 points ahead. I have played some ball sports in my life, and at those times when there isnt anything at all on the line anymore, and you already showed it all the last 100 points, it gets you in situations like trying to do something fancy or be a bit careless. Big deal... In that period also other rotation-player Hawks suddenly made silly turnovers, in a game where up to that point we only had 6, and Dennis 0. 0 when it mattered. I felt that "a-hole", "snarky" and "careless" aura going for the whole line-up that period, and I felt it before the TO's happened. I usualy do in games. Its nothing(vs Sac in this game). It certainly doesnt make you an a-hole. Okay, call Mack being subbed in with 116 point something on the board being worried about Dennis come play-off time....maybe its to give mack minutes at all. People....and btw Dennis had another great game. @NineOTheRhino You got that right... But:
  23. I thought we rather won 3 out of 4. Well, we will still kick their ass. But yeah, I'd rather avoid Toronto.
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