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Posts posted by marco102

  1. 6 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:




    Not me. I'm hoping for a declining scale contract - less money as he ages.


    Can't wait, lol!!

    I'm glad u said this. I wonder if Paul would take a declining deal. I'd be all aboard for that why the Hawks continue to rebuild. I still believe sao will be a good player at 36. His game is not based on athletiscm.

    I just don't want his cap hit to be 30+ million around this time.

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, thecampster said:

    Wurider is right on this.  A few years ago this was discussed in detail on this board.  The number one reason top tier athletes choose cities is not the fan base, the weather or even winning tradition.  Elite players choose cities based on marketing opportunities (Lebron as the exception).

    We as fans get hung up on winning. But players have a short shelf life. They need to make as much money as possible in the shortest time possible. Cities like LA, NY, Chi, Bos have very large television markets and captive except for LA, captive winter audiences. Good players make as much or more in endorsements based on the city they live in, than their contract.  See this article as one example http://opendorse.com/blog/8-athletes-who-earn-more-money-from-endorsements-than-their-sports-careers/

    The biggest player in this with NBA players are sporting wear and shoe makers. Addidas (for example) makes it a point to give out endorsements to its players in their bigger markets and makes sure to have at least one brand shoe in each market. Back when Josh was a big deal in Atlanta and we first talked about Dwight coming here, it was discussed on this board how Adidas held shoe contracts with both and had no one wearing their shoes in other major markets. But the fact remains that if you are selling sneakers in Atlanta vs selling them in LA, the market in LA is vastly bigger than in the ATL TV market.  New York has 23 full powered tv stations. LA 27. Atlanta 14.

    But it isn't just the number of stations, but the amount of people they can reach.  Massachusetts (for example) is a much more densely packed area of the country than Georgia. Massachusetts has a population density of 840 per square mile. Georgia, 165.  This means that broadcasts for Celtics basketball can potentially reach 5 times as many people. The endorsements for auto dealerships, restaurants and other local fair pay way more money for lower tiered athletes and for this reason, top tier athletes get more money from their sponsors to play in those type of markets.

    Luring top talent to Atlanta used to be much easier when TBS carried Braves/Hawks games all over the country. But since big sports cable started buying and localizing games, smaller markets have seen their big names flee for the sports Meccas.

    Let me put this to rest. Atlanta is not a small market. Its the number 10 TV market in the country. Thats NBA and NFL.

    Atlanta's problem was terrible management for years and a losing culture. Perception will not change in 4 years. I bet u if the Hawks made it to the NBA finals the last two years, plenty of free agents would flock here deals be damned. Also this Malarky about going to big markets to get exposure basically died with the arrival of social media. West Brook gets all the endorsements he wants in okc and they are a much smaller market than Atlanta.

    • Like 1
  3. IF the Hawks move up AND want a guard, I'd love for them to select Frank Ntilikina (not for the simple fact that Nique will butcher his name on a nightly basis, but because this kid has Hawks star written all over him. ) 6-5 with an almost 7 ft wingspan, can play the 1 to 2 and small ball 3. He's also a decent defender and shooter.   He will turn 19  the week AFTER the draft.  Give Bud this kid and let him mold him into the star we need.  

    If they do move up to get him, I'd select Jordan Bell with pick #31 or even Harry Giles (it's a second round pick after all you might as well roll the dice). I'd much rather perfer Jordan Bell as I feel he's more Hawksy.  Giles only because we will need a young big who can rebound and at this point I believe that's all Giles can do.  Maybe he will tap into the potential he had in high school maybe not, but with a second round pick he's worth a gamble.FRANK NTILIKINA - Source: ©DraftExpress

  4. Milsap is not getting $205 million from any team including the Hawks.  There aren't many teams with capspace to pay him nearly $30 million a year (teams that are good I should say).  I think we are going to be suprised when the Hawks bring him back at a reasonable deal $25 - $27 million a year over the life of the contract.  I still don't like those numbers considering the Hawks will be way over the cap.  Only reasonable thing to do is move Baze for something or give up some draft picks to get a decent shooter.

  5. 9 hours ago, KB21 said:


    I personally do not believe Tony Ressler is the type of owner that believes in himself as the President and GM of the club in the way that Jerry Jones does in football.  I do believe that there was enough of a divide between what Bud wanted to do and what Wes wanted to do before the deadline that he had to step in and make the decision.  I think people are taking that part and spinning it towards him being a meddlesome owner, and some are even trying to reinvent the Dwight Howard chase as if it were all Ressler's doing. 

    You mean Peachtree Hoops? Cause that's exactly their narrative. 

    • Like 1
  6. Just now, AHF said:

    I don't think the Hawks can move the pick.  It is protected and might slip to later years but that is unlikely given the high odds that the Cavs are still elite with LeBron in 2019.

    The Hawks can move the pick.  I know that for sure.   I'm not sure if it's up to 2021. I believe it's 2020.  If it doesn't convey by 2020 or whatever, the Hawks get second rounds picks. 

  7. 23 hours ago, Diesel said:

    So.. you mean.. the #30 overall?

    That's a 2nd round talent that you have to pay for 4 years.   Cleveland is laughing.

    Uhh it won't be the #30 overall pick.  The Hawks can move to pick up to 2021 I believe.  Will the Cavs be that good in 2021 when LeBron is 36?   God forbid LBJ decides to leave before then.  Then we may have a #11 pick.  Anything can happen. It was well worth letting Korver go and getting any kind of first round compensation for it. 

    • Like 4
  8. 19 hours ago, Wurider05 said:



    The problem I had is that dude has been in the league for over a decade and they knew his abilities.  In  my opinion he was solid for us. Maybe Bud and the coaches can work with him in the offseason. Hell he might come back with a 3 point shot. It couldn''t hurt LOL!!!

    I believe this article is referencing the Hawks exit interviews on Saturday.  Dwight was not saying he was pissed at the organization.  He was saying he was pissed off because the team lost and wished he could contribute more.  He did have piss poor bodily language during the interview which I attribute to him being upset about the loss. 

    At this point, Dwight needs to get whatever ails his back fixed or just except that he'll have a reduced roll. Bud is not trying to pacify Dwight or his ego.  

    • Like 3
  9. 11 minutes ago, Bankingitbig said:

    Then Budcox deserves blame. They gambled with Al over $6M for 5 years and lost. Now they are faced with a much more difficult decision in Millsap on a much worse contract. Also, why wouldn't you try and lock up Horford's contract first before agreeing with Howard?

    Either way, I don't necessarily believe that was the case. My own personal unverified opinion is that Budcox's hands were tied by Ressler. Ressler and Koonin wanted a superstar that they could market to Atlanta and who better than the homegrown Dwight Howard. So Budcox had to get Howard regardless of anything else, which is why negotiations with him went so fast. Budcox wanted Horford back and were going to trade Millsap post resigning Horford. They stuck to a strict $ amount on Horford and he said no, which I think was a mistake because the $6M/5years difference is WAY BETTER than what we are potentially about to offer Millsap, not to mention we could have actually had some return in Millsap (even if it wasn't equal value, still better than nothing). My own conspiracy is Blackstone was a key part in terms of coming up with a plan for negotiating Horford's contract and didn't do a good job, which is why he resigned right after free agency despite being in the Hawks front office for only a year.

    I believe the plan was to bring back Horford and Howard and shop Milsap for draft capital.  Horford blew that up.  The man was talking with Isiah at the All-star game about playing in Boston.  I'm sorry, but he already had 1 foot and all his rebounding out the door.  Bud was giving Al exactly what he wanted, a move to PF.  Al decided to leave.  We've debated this endlessly on this board,  The conclusion is Whoreford wanted to be a Celtic.  What the Hawks did was offer him the average salary of the his contract with the Celtics for 5 years, which is more than any team could offer him and was more than fair

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  10. 19 minutes ago, Bankingitbig said:

    I understand the rationale of "We can't get past the Cavs because we don't have a rebounder" in a complete vacuum, which makes sense as to why they paid Howard $23.5M to rebound and clog the paint. But when you look at it with the context of losing your 2nd best player and allstar Al Horford, who was a key reason for how the offense ran, then no... I can't get to the same understanding of signing Howard to beat the Cavs. Shouldn't it have been obvious that by losing Horford we likely weren't going to be competing against the Cavs deep in the playoffs anyways?

    Let's not blame this season on the front court.  The problems with this team last year and this year is the back court missing open shots.  When Howard was on the floor they missed open shots when they were off the floor they missed open shots.  We need a wing, besides Dennis, that can get his own shot and knock down the open three at 40% plus clip.  If we get that, the offense will be fine going forward.

  11. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    They will want unprotected future picks. Not just picks for this year and next year. Picks for after next year.

    Give it to them.  We have several other teams first round picks in the next few drafts.  High risk high reward.

  12. 1 hour ago, Kimsey said:


    I don't see the prospects in this draft for 2 guards. Monk and Kennard are the clear two best pure 2s and I don't like Monk. Kennard could be a 20ppg in this system. He has many holes as Hardaway tho. 

    I need a 2 with good handles to pair with Dennis. Honestly, I would go all potential and draft Giles 1st round and Diallo 2nd. 

    Is Giles a good defender?  I'm on the Patton band wagon.  We need a center who can score inside and out,  cab guard the pick and roll, and defend the perimeter and paint.  I'm not sure if Patton is all that, but he does have the scoring ability the Hawks lack.

  13. 12 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    I understand why he wanted to talk to AJC after Baze and Dwight had a great game because he knew his ass would really have to admit he F'd up with signing Coward and resigning Bazeless. I spent the entire year last year with stats saying do not sign Baze, he's anti success for this squad but you let Bud talk about the nuisance of the game which don't even matter once Al left since he got no one that he can protect his sorry ass anymore. 

    I also mentioned last year not to sign Dwight Howard since he was washed in Houston and athletically, he regressed to an extreme degree. This is where we are right now. Shameful. 


    He's going to do something stupid like offer Indy a lot for a rental like Paul George when it's not going to work. Dwight is washed. Paul is getting old and Indy would want Prince who's not worth trading. This team needs to scrap this thing they got and rebuild. 

    I'd take that one year rental of PG13 as long as we keep Prince.  If we can get him without giving up Prince, them I'm all for it. That one year rental will probably put this team at a minimum in the Eastern Conference finals.  We see what Sap and Dennis can do in the playoffs offensively, if you add PG13, the Hawks will have enough scoring (as far as starters) to match up well with most teams in the east. There's other smaller trades the Hawks can make with all their trade exceptions too to fill out the rest of the roster.

    I'm not one for tanking, tanking still hasn't helped the 76ers, Braves, or whoever else you can name.  The GS warriors were a dumpster fire for damn near 20 years until they hit draft goal. I'll pass on that mess.

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  14. That's all you need to know if PG is going to be moved around the draft.  I hope the Celtics don't come to their senses and use their draft picks for him.  The thing is, even though the Hawks have back of the first round picks, they may be willing to give up the most for PG.  The Lakers will probably wait on him to become a free agent. Paul Georgie to Altantie. Not sure if you guys, remember the Todd Gurley to Atlantley...lol

  15. 23 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

    Oh another note on the game.  Did anyone hear that annoying ass lady cheering for the Wiz last night? Omggggggggg I wanted some duct tape real bad...COMON TNT GET UR SHIT TOGETHER MOVE THE MIC, otherwise I have no choice but to put square dancing music and do si do around my living room...yeeeehhhaaa

    The sad thing is, she is not worse than the lady at the Toronto games who counts down every possession like the players can hear her behind.  Seven, six, five,....I just want to throw something at her.

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