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Everything posted by Wretch

  1. ...as wing players. They're so big in HS and college that they are always thrown into the post. So unless they have a natural ability to hit the outside shot, then they won't develop it. They're taller and slower, so their handles aren't as sharp either. But a dominant big man is worth more than a dominant guard or swingman in my book. And if Emeka can become dominant on the pro level, then he could have a bigger impact on that team than TMac could.
  2. The Magic are in the driver's seat - they're the dealer and they get to lay down last. In other words, they (and their press) are spinning a lot of information trying to milk the #1 pick for as much as they can. Regardless of who they want (Okafor or Howard), they would like to make the selection that they are going to make and get as much out of it as possible. They probably want Okafor. But if they come on out and say that's the guy that they are leaning on, then only the teams interested in trading for Okafor will be contacting them about that pick. Teams that want Howard (like us) won't even talk with them - they will talk to the Clippers about the #2 pick. That is what has been happening and if you read between the lines in all this press, then you will see the truth of the situation. Dwight isn't working out for the Bobcats because they wouldn't be moving up to select him. They want to jump Chicago for a player that they want (probably Deng). That would make Howard slide to the #3 - which is probably where the Atlanta/Chicago rumors were coming from. Dwight isn't working out for the Clippers because he doesn't expect to play there. The Clippers will draft him and then package him to someone else. The Magic probably want Okafor, but if they can get a late 1st, or dump a contract, for a promise not to select Howard (which they probably have no intention of doing)...then that will mean coming away from this draft with more than just the #1 pick. Orlando fans are expecting Okafor. Orlando media is expecting Okafor...and so does the rest of the sports nation. We are openly dealing with the Clippers... I would be surprised to see Orlando select Howard...and keep him.
  3. If he didn't shoot it so well, I'd say that his game wouldn't translate. But Ben can hit the shot from anywhere on the floor from any distance out. That won't change coming into the NBA and the defense will have to respect it. However, he's got long arms, he's quick, and he's athletic. That means if they play him to shoot it, he'll go around them and either take it into the lane (which the good scoring PGs do) or pull up and shoot it over whomever is guarding him. Gordon is going to be difficult to guard. I think Gordon would make a better 2 guard than JT...only because he brings the ball into the lane. That's how you open up your game in the NBA. It's also how you get your teammates involved. When a guy attacks the lane, the defense will usually collapse on him. That's where you see the biggest difference in scoring guards that make their teammates better. Does he take it up or does he rotate the ball or kick it out? JT doesn't get into the lane. He never has. I've watched him since his very first game, almost every game...frustrated because he could become a MUCH better scorer and playmaker if he would just use that quickness to penetrate. Even when he played the 2, he would get around his defender and pull up. He would come off screens and pull up. He would run the break, get the ball, and pull up. I'd say for every 10 shots JT takes, one might be a penetration and it's always been that way. The thing is, he nails that shot with regularity. He's got a VERY good shot. But he needs to take that ball into the paint to open up the game for himself and everyone around him.
  4. That is my problem with Jason Terry. First off, let me say that JT has been my favorite Hawk for quite a while. When he nailed his first 3 pointer, I could just tell that he was a sharpshooter. Then he did it again, and again, and again. He had several games as a rookie where he'd dish out 10+ assists and I had much faith in him. He has been mishandled by management/coaching, which I believe is his biggest problem, but I don't dislike his game. All intangible issues aside, what I don't like about JT is simple. He creates too many liabilities. He's a liability on defense because of his hieght - we need a bigger PG so that they can match up with the opposing SG. He's a liability on defense because he doesn't play good defense. He's a liability on offense because we need a tall PG, or ball handling SG, that can allow him to play SG - but if that player goes down, we are stuck with JT running the point...alone. He's a liability on offense because he has trouble running the offense. You get a guy, 6'3" or 6'2" that doesn't need anyone next to him to help handle the ball or share playmaking duties...then you have eliminated 3 of these liabilities. Yes, there are many shoot first PG's in the league. In fact, true IMPACT point guards are very few and VERY far in between (I believe Livingston is the next one). But out of all the scoring PGs in the league, I can think of only one that NEEDS to have someone help him run the offense. That should tell us all something. I would deal Jason Terry now if it meant that we could select Livingston or another high lottery prospect. If we are keeping him, then SOMEBODY has to drag him through point guard boot camp. If Jason Terry could function ALONE at the point, then there is no way in hell I would deal him. His speed, handles, and shooting are just too good to let go. If he can't do this, then all we are doing is creating a liability for when the games begin to count. I shudder to think about our star ball handler at the 2 going down...in a playoff game, having JT, as he is now, bringing the ball up the court for a critical play in the waning moments of the game. He can get his shot off, no question; but what if the defense commits to him as the shooter...
  5. That's the biggest difference. He's got inside/outside game. You never see JT with the circus shots, going up over anyone... It isn't that JT can't, he just doesn't. Gordon uses his speed and athleticism to get INTO the lane and get the high percentage shots. If the D tries to play him like he's taking it it, he's got NBA 3pt range. JT is a jump shooter and a pull up guy. He'll take guys off the dribble, but he'll stop around 10' - 15' for the J...which he usually nails. You are mistaken too... Gordon shot a nice dime inside to Okafor in one of the later highlights. Ben Gordon is longer, more atheletic (SERIOUSLY MORE ATHELETIC), and he LOOKS to get his shot. Without a year in the NBA Gordon looks every bit the player that JT is and then some.
  6. The Magic just want to make everyone sweat who has eyes on the #1 or #2 pick. The most telling piece of evidence is how there has been very little talk about Atlanta trying to move up to the #1... They'd take Howard there in a heartbeat. And nobody is really saying anything about the Clippers except the Hawks are really looking at the #2...and the Bobcats. It's a hard decision to make, but I don't think they could go wrong with either of these two bid dudes. In the end, I think Livingston could prove to be the MJ of this draft - not like talentwise, but in how teams pass over him. Guys that tall that see the floor like that only come around once in a millenium. I'd take him in a heartbeat.
  7. Dude just explodes to the basket...and he's fast. Okafor seems stronger, less mobile...but being that strong, he probably doesn't need it around the basket. He's gonna be a monster down low. These guys look like they'll mirror each other throughout their careers - with their prospective strengths making them both VERY productive. I really like Livingston. His passes look flashy and whatnot, but they connect like Legos. Precise. And he's tall, that'll give him the ability to see the floor better. I'd snatch him up...could you imagine a backcourt with two guys like 6'7"...!!! Damn... Livingston is going to be special. And... Ben Gordon does not resemble Jason Terry.
  8. The man is a beast in terms of size and strenght. He's young, strong, quick, defensive... Who's to say he won't be a stronger Elton Brand? Dude is what, a chiseled 260 right now? I think the questions about his offensive game are premature. What will really determine his offensive game is how he responds to the level he's coming to. He's strong, has moves around the basket, and shoot it down there...who can really stop him? He's a rookie now, but if he becomes a dominant PF, with defense like Brand or Zo, then I take that, his high percentage shots and his quiet, mature, workaholic attitude over a whining, atheletic SG ANYDAY. I think Emeka is coming into the NBA with something to prove. Something tells me that he's going to do just that.
  9. With rasies and whatnots, we'd be looking at one player taking up 70% of our available salary cap. Meaning Shaq comes, we sign nobody else. We'd also likely have to trade multiple 1st rounders, plus any talent that we have. It's going to be very difficult for any team to trade for him without destroying their roster.
  10. We've got enough cap space to take back a player from the Clippers. Actually, we probably have more seeing as how the the Cats can't use their full salary cap and that it looks less likely we'll be bringing Jackson back. They have no players to deal and unless they are giving up THIER future 1sts, have no draft picks to deal. I don't see how there are many teams with as much flexibility as us.
  11. But at least Stephen Jackson gave us something to cheer for during the latter half of the season... {/sarcasm} I know this has been beat to death, but DAMN.
  12. IF he were interested, you'd almost have to hire him. He brings credentials, knowledge, patience, respect, success and an ENORMOUS BUZZ AROUND THE FRANCHISE. The entire sports world would look at us, chronicle our team, and say, "now we get to see if Phil does have REAL coaching ability." But, the question is...would Phil come here? I'm gonna go out on a limb here... I say that if Phil is looking to continue coaching, that this would be a challenge. This would be a situation where he could cement his legacy into the history of the game. If he were successful, there would be no questions surrounding his ability and he would go down as truly one of the coaching greats. If not, maybe Red would have more ammunition to fire at Jackson, but surely it takes nothing away from what he has accomplished. Personally, I don't think he'd fail. People keep saying that Phil inherited all these talented teams...but at the same time, his predicessors in each situation couldn't get their teams over the hump. In LA, he actually took a LESS TALENTED Lakers team over the top. I don't know if he would actually come here, but he'd have to look at Atlanta as an interesting scenario. I could see him coming in a couple of years from now with a young club that needs to learn how to win. I'm not so sure about him coaching a lottery club though.
  13. ...and I'm not against taking the best player available. I'm not saying that just because we have JT that we have to draft for position. I'm saying if we draft a 6'3" PG this high that: a) We can't be looking at building our future around a 6'2"/6'3" backcourt. That's asking for trouble just like putting JT at the 2 is asking for trouble. It's like intentionally creating an exploitable weakness. b) We can't be expecting to draft this guy as a bench booster. If we were picking in the late teens, yes. Not with a high lottery pick. c) Because of A and B, we have to be looking at a different role for JT or moving him. Nothing else makes sense. Drafting the best talent available is one thing, but if it duplicates talent that you already have (or is better), then you have to figure out how to manage both of these guys who mirror each other. If you have two swingmen, one goes to the SG and one to the SF. If it's 2 PFs, then one goes to the pivot and the other to the 4 maybe. But with two short PGs, somebody has to go to the bench...or play small ball in spurts. The only productive alternative is dealing one of those players.
  14. He was a young player with a very big ego trying to make his mark. Jordan made his teammates better - not the other way around. Stever Kerr? John Paxon? Craig Hodges? BJ Armstrong? Bill Winnington? Will Purdue? Scott Williams? These guys are any better than this Laker's supporting cast? And the Lakers have guys who can hit the outside shot, but they didn't. But to hell with an outside shot, if (and when) Jordan gets flooded by defenders, he would zip that ball into Shaq with who to cover him - unless you're saying the Pistons would be allowed to have 7 guys on the court... No, Jordan did not win it by himself. That's a foolish point to argue because nobody could do that. It takes a team to win basketball games. However, MJ only had Pippen on offense and (later) Rodman on defense. And everyone saw the extent of Scottie Pippen without Michaeal Jordan - both in Chicago and when he left. There was nobody out there that drew attention away from Michael that allowed him to dominate the game. It was the other way around. MJ drew so much attention that it opened up the game for everyone else on the court; but the biggest factor in his game was not his dominance - it was his ability to use that dominance to get everyone else involved. Against these Pistons, Jordan would have scored his points on penetration and fall aways. But when they were forced to double or triple, he would have picked them apart. And we're not even going to get into what his defense would have done against Rip or Billups. Michael Jordan, Shaq, and this Gary Payton would have destroyed this Pistons team. This isn't even worth debating.
  15. I love that the Championship has come home to the East. I love that Detroit at least TRIED to make the Lakers work. I love that it was a team effort that won the championship. I love that it has taught all the superstars a lesson: no free rides, you got to earn it. I love that defense was highlighted in this series... BUT IT WON'T WORK FOR ATLANTA Again, this isn't a city rich in basketball tradition. We have VERY little inspiring basketball history. The only teams that this city has ever rallied around were the 'Nique led teams (who has not been forgetten); but, anything less exciting than that will not cause a stir. Not posting a winning season... Not making the playoffs... Not competing in the playoffs... We had that with Smitty/Mookie/Hendu/Corbin/Laet/Deke/and Lenny. We had empty playoff arenas and OUT OF TOWN fans OWNING our arena BOOING the home team off the court WHILE THEY WERE WINNING. These chants by local "fans" for the opposition that comes in, it didn't start recently. This has been going on ever since the Hawks slid into mediocrity. Mediocre does not have to mean unsuccessful. It can be used to describe a team, this team, that does very little to inspire a fan base. Putting a functional, fundamental, competitive, half-court, defensive-minded team on the floor will work in any NBA city (except maybe LA), but it will not work here. Atlanta needs a STAR and a team that appeals to the mainstream. Anything less will not turn the franchise around.
  16. How many of those teams will you face in the games that count? Still with a 6'3" SG, give up height to every team in the NBA; above average SGs are NUMEROUS and at 6'5" and above: Finley Rip Pierce Kobe TMac Richardson Jefferson Houston LeBron Vince Carter Allen Ginobili Stackhouse And don't forget the G/F swingmen like Marion and Artest... Guys don't come in the league shorter than 6'5" projected at SG's, which means we will continue to put ourselves at a height disadvantage as long as we've built our team around a 6'3" SG. I don't think there is any way around it. If we draft a 6'3" guard with the intention of starting him, then we have to be looking at new role for JT or MOVING him.
  17. The only one of those guys that you could realistically pair JT with would be Livingston. A 6'3" PG paired against a 6'5" SG is one thing, but when you start looking at long, atheletic guys at over 6'6"...you don't want a short guy guarding him, no matter how long his reach is. They'll get abused by guys like Rip, TMac, Richardson, and Pierce. It'll REALLY get ugly with teams that can go big. That's what'll happen. That's what has happened... So... You either put JT at the point and put a guy next to him who can handle the ball like Sura...or you put JT at the 2 and bring in a guy 6'5" and above at PG. I wouldn't put the future of the franchise on the shoulders of a 6'2"/6'3" shoot first back court. Good for small ball/quick scoring stretches...not good for an entire season...suicidal to build a team around. If we are looking at a 6'3" PG in the draft, with a top pick, it can only indicate a shift in our interest in JT...which basically means moving him in a trade or moving him into a backup role. You don't draft a guy that high with the intent of building a strong bench. And we can't invest in a backcourt that small.
  18. I think LA can pull a win out tonight. I think the chances are more than good. These guys are former champions, they still have two of the most dominant players in the game, and they still have a decent supporting cast. Plus, they've got Phil working on a gameplan. Question is, more important than if the Lakers win tonight, what happens if this thing goes back to LA? Pistons in 6? If not, do you take the Pistons in game 7 in LA? Pistons need to close this thing out tonight or end it at Game 6 in LA. MAN THIS SH#T IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! This is the way that the Finals should play out EVERY year. I'm just not ready to see it end yet. I want to see a game 6 or could you imagine the magnitude of a game 7? When is the last time a finals had this kind of story?
  19. I just posted like, the same thing. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaann...if we could get Livingston AND Howard? OMG! And it's possible too...
  20. Quote: What is the goal of rebuilding? Playoffs, Championship, Profitability, Full arena, other? What many people don't realize is that the Atlanta Hawks are a different kind of franchise. I don't know that there is another professional sports team with an equally apethetic fan base. The Hawks are NON-EXISTENT, and nothing short of an exciting, championship calibur team is going to wake up the city to their pro basketball team. So, playoffs is good, but it is not enough to get profitability and a full arena. Not unless the team is young and exciting. That's what we should be shooting for right now...getting players in here that perform AND can be marketed. Down the road (3 to 4 years) we need to make sure these guys can take the team over the top. Quote: How long should it take for the Hawks to rebuild? Rebuilding the image of the Hawks is most important right now. The Hawks need an identity in the worst way. There isn't a team in the NBA that has suffered for an identity as long as we have...since the early 90's. This isn't hard to do. Change the owners (done) change the GM (done) change the coach (good as done) remove the players identified with the losing atmosphere (mostly done). Bring in talented, exciting players with potential (?) Within 2 years, we should have a team on the floor capable of playing for an 8 seed - but competing, playing hard, and exciting non-the-less. We should have a personality to center the team's identity around too. Quote: Where should the draft fit into the overarching rebuilding plan? The Hawks do not have an identity that is marketable to free agents. If we want them here, we'll have to overpay them. It's great that we have the money to go after a KMart or Kobe, but realistically, we shouldn't put our hopes into being able to recruit them. It'll take more than just money and a "nice" city to live in. We have to have a talented team on the floor, to make high profile FAs take notice. But the same guys that we are willing to throw 6 to 13 million dollars at are the same guys taken 1 through 13 in the NBA draft - that come for no more than around 3 million dollars, that we lock up for 5 years if we want, that we have the opportunity to protect should they try to sign with someone else. The draft should be the focus of our rebuilding. Quote: What are the must haves coming out of this draft for the Hawks? The Hawks must acquire a personality out of this draft. Someone with game AND flair. Howard is the perfect fit with local ties to boot. The ability to entertain as well as play is another must. We can't build a team like the Pistons and expect the fans to come out nor can we rally our fanbase around a robotic personality like Tim Duncan. We need a KG, 'Nique, or Kidd type of potential. Outside of a specific player, I feel that one goal for this draft should be to acquire at least 2 1st rounders, preferably snagging another lottery pick. Best case scenario would be Howard at 2 and Livingston at 3. Diesel has got a nice proposal for getting the #3 here), but I think we should keep it and look at trying to work with the Clips on that #2. Quote: What are the must haves coming out of next year's draft? Too early to say. This will be known once the draft is over, if we've taken on any contracts, and who we resign. Quote: Does anyone care to share a complete plan? Use Diesel's trade proposal (and the mafia if neccessary) to wrestle that #3 out of Chicago. Use #6/#17/something to inspire the Clippers or just call their bluff on keeping Howard or dealing with someone else. Keep an eye on Phoenix with that #7, but try to come away with Howard and Livingston. We should take a look at Duhon in the 2nd Round. Re-sign Jack (6 - 7 mill) if he goes because JT goes f#ck 'em. Re-sign Sura (3 mill) Re-sign Collier and Pryz (bread/water). 6-7 mill for bad contract from Chi or Phoe (for the #3/#7 deal) 6 mill for our rookies this season Plus 10 million for Hendu, Crawford Boris at about 1.5 Million Hansen at the minimum ____________ Around 34-36M, around 9 - 10 under the 45M cap with 11 more falling off in 2005. PG Livingston/Duhon/ SG Jack/Sura SF Sura/Boris/FA (?) PF Howard/FA (Swift?) C Collier/Pryz/FA (Blount?Foyle?) We could also package some picks to move up into the late teens...maybe pick up a big body like Ramos or Jefferson (*shudder* 3 Hssrs?). Whatever we do, keep enough change to sign a possible lottery pick next season + a Max FA; we've got a good FA year coming up plus another draft where we are likely to be drafting high - no sense in burning ourselves out in one off-season.
  21. But do we really know if he's going to be more like JT or more like Francis? JT is a tweener by ill management, not neccessarily by talent. PG is the most demanding position on the court and most guys coming in struggle to adapt - even if they play the point 3 or 4 years in college. It is rare that you see PGs come into the league and exhibit dominant (or sometimes even decent) playmaking ability right away. JT was just another "score first" guard when he came to Atl. His problem was that no one allowed him to take his lumps as a PG. This was the fault of two coaches: Lenny and Kruger. Lenny sheltered JT, and benched him EARLY in his career, rather than let him get out there and take his lumps. What we thought was a genious move by Kruger probably was more damaging that what Lenny did. By moving JT to the 2, all of a sudden it becomes his "natural" position and everyone assumes this is where he should be playing. The team tries to pair him with taller PG's, ball handling 2's, point forwards - while JT develops the mentality that he'd be better off just worrying about shooting the ball. I'm sure that if Francis or Marbury were faced with the same type of ill management that JT has undergone, they would be faced with similar problems; perhaps not to that degree...because everyone develops differently, but certainly they'd have some issues in their game. All that being said, I believe that Ben Gordon will not be a JT clone. JT is the posterboy for how NOT to groom a PG prospect; nobody is going to allow a talent like Gordon to become the next one. He'll be used exclusively at the point and playmaking will be drilled into his head. In 2 or 3 years, he may not be a Jason Kidd...but he will be something closer to the plethora of non-traditional PG's in the league.
  22. That was in line with Blunt's comments; still, Crawford isn't on my radar. He's a good player that would come for (realitively) cheap, but you still have to question are we going after this guy because he's tall and can play combo guard or is he truly the kind of talent we want? My thing is, I am done trying to find the flavor of the month that mixes with JT. We've started over and it's time to move forward.
  23. This is what happened around the trade deadline. Remember all the reports that Atlanta was "desperately" trying to dump salary? Anyone who posts over on RealGM can attest to the atrocious trade proposals that were made to us; we couldn't believe it, but look at how it went down. When teams know what you want, they do all that they can to get the most out of you. So we stand at the threshold of the draft and *surprise* everyone has Dwight Howard penciled into our draft plans. He's big, talented, and from Atlanta...why not? The problem here is that everyone thinks that we are desperate to draft the kid so everyone is playing an angle for us. Orlando simply wants to get an ear in what the Hawks have to offer. Obviously, they are looking at our available cap space to dump some players into. The sports media spinning this too. Never underestimate their power. They have as much interest in this as the teams do. Where there is intrigue, there is the media there to spin it. What you really have to do is read between the lines. The game is Poker, and it would be foolish to put your cards in plain sight. So anything that we've seen in the press was meant to be in the press - meaning the only people who know what's going on have given specific information to sports reporters. Orlando is looking at Okafor. They do not want to invest in a HS project that will not help keep TMac in Flordia. The Clippers do not need another front court prospect and want the best possible deal for the #2. Dwight Howard wants to play for the Atlanta Hawks and he DOES NOT want to play for the Clippers. The Hawks need Dwight Howard. Not neccessarily the talent in Howard, but in the buzz that he would create. He is talented though, and a PF prospect which is always good to build around, so he is likely their #1 candidate. I also believe that the Hawks know that the #17 pick will have to be dealt to someone to get what they want out of this draft, but the Hawks are looking to select two 1st round guys. Having all this cap space available makes it easier to do. When it's all said and done, I expect the Magic to select Okafor - who Magic Fans, Magic press, as well as the rest of the world seems to be leaning on. I expect the Hawks to end up with Dwight Howard and there is a better than average chance that we will end up with two 1st round selections.
  24. Then you've lost the PG spot. That's the problem with JT, you have to compensate for him; essentially, linking him to the 2 spot and creating a potential weakness. We needn't build a team around JT or for him. We need to go after players that are the best possible investment for us...not neccessarily because they compliment Terry.
  25. Peja, Reggie Miller (my personal long distance favorite), Bird, or Hodges...? No, he was no more dominant behind the arc, in relation to those guys, as he was dominant with his passing in relation to guys like Magic or Kidd. So if you are comparing him to the great 3pt shooters, no he wasn't a threat in that regard. Though as far as knocking it down, yes. He still did it well. Jordan was good from all over the court. You couldn't give him space anywhere. He took plenty from 20' on in and they couldn't stop his jumper, but they still repected him behind the arc. Most importantly, Jordan was clutch. If it's a 3 pointer that's needed and he's the guy taking it there aren't many people in the building that don't think it has a better than average chance of falling.
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