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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. Vinnie from Boston chimes in: 'Now wait a minute. Danny told us that we was getting John Collins, their 6th pick, Oladipo, Cam Reddish, five unprotected draft picks, and Anthony Davis as a throw-in for Marcus Smart and a pair of second rounders in 2038. What's the deal here???'
  2. For the first time in forever, this franchise is finally doing business in the offseason. No more dumpster diving in the recycle bin for scrubs or G-Leaguers whom we hope could play...
  3. For whom? I'd love to hear some names attached to this...
  4. As we all know, that's not always been the way business was done here. Remember the BK days? For years on this board, we railed about Marvin and both Joshes lacking 'want to' when it came to improving their skills on the court, especially in the offseason (and it showed). That's because they all knew that there was no competition for their spots in the lineup, no matter what. And even at the slightest whisper of trouble, they found a way to leave rather than work harder (see Childress, Joshua). While Hunter and Reddish appear to already show more work ethic than the three of them combined here, Schlenk isn't taking any chances...
  5. Kevin Mccallister was left home alone in Piston HQ with only the GM's cellphone and black card while everyone else left for Thanksgiving...
  6. So did the Hawks really sign BB to an offer sheet?
  7. Eight minutes left up by 35? It could be the two minute warning and I'd still be like 'this 3rd and 32 is an important play in the game. Don't want to give them any momentum...'
  8. Dikembe Mutombo. A total surprise when they signed him. Shipped Grant Long and Stacey 'don't make me shoot the ball' Augmon to create room for him under the cap and no one in town cared. The first sign that REAL players would actually come here after the Nique for Manning fiasco. Their biggest signing since... Moses Malone. We really thought that he was the missing piece to take the Hawks over the top, especially after they traded for Reggie Theus in the draft. If you looked up the attendance numbers in '88-89, I wasn't alone. Then Willis got hurt, Theus and Fratello couldn't get along, and, well, we all know the story...
  9. I make one comment about Dedmon calling Peachtree Movers last night and all hell breaks loose...
  10. They'll all give Boston an A++++ no matter who they pick like that teacher did Ralphie in A Christmas Story...
  11. I think Dedmon's agent is dialing up Peachtree Movers as we speak. Bruno may have asked him for their number as well...
  12. Pearl still owes us a Final Four though...
  13. Prepare for another quarantine, folks...
  14. As if a UT alum couldn't be tortured enough. Bruce Pearl on the air, really?
  15. The Hawks are drafting Takk McKinley...
  16. The Trae effect. ESPN didn't go to commercial before the Hawks pick...
  17. Marvin Williams didn't start at UNC. Oh wait...
  18. ESPN sources has the Celtics taking the 5th and 6th picks in exchange for Marcus Smart. The Hawks and Cavs will split his playing time during the season...
  19. They'd want the #6 pick, Reddish, and Huerter as well to make it even...
  20. Typical BK. Nah, he would be throwing everything in the middle of the table for Josh Childress...
  21. Oh man. I nearly choked on my crab dip reading this...
  22. Now make the move for Dallas Comegys. His stock will never get higher...
  23. Same here. Trade Cam and Collins if you have to. Dion Glover is local and will star in this league...
  24. Trade up, Hawks. Doug Edwards is right there for the taking...
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