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Everything posted by StephenHawking

  1. Can someone tell me why Cavanaugh wasn't seeing any minutes until garbage time?
  2. Pretty much looked like the Big baller shooting form
  3. He's young and needs any game time to develop. Its not like he's a veteran on the court who doesnt learn a thing in garbage time.
  4. And right here it gets ridiculous. I understand all the criticism in the world but that's just straight up hatin right here
  5. Let's hope if we really draft a franchise player he's not trying to get out after his rookie contract to team up with other players lol. I hope that our franchise presents itself as a place you want to stay at. And hopefully the long drought of titles in Atlanta is somewhat of a goal to the next franchise player.
  6. What is up with quawkers and their agendas? Is it some kind of epidemic on this board where quawkers let themselves get carried away to posting one sentence everywhere? Is it contagious? I might get a mouthpiece to protect myself.
  7. Yeaaah..no. At least not when you look at past achievements.
  8. That was what I was reffering to. Neither of the mentioned players had that kind of issue.
  9. I actually saw him displaying his poise on defense when he still was a back-up pg. He was first and foremost known as a pesky defender back then.
  10. First of all the dropoff Millsap had this year was bigger than the one he had the season he joined us. Couple of contradictory examples from just this off-season: Oladipo, Sabonis, Russell, Bellinelli, Kris Dunn and Lou Williams.
  11. You can also find numerous other players who didn't have those kind of issues joining a new team
  12. Ok. I'm not sold on Bagley but that's another topic.
  13. Do you consider Doncic a PG or SG in the NBA ?
  14. Because they are in comparable situations aren't they? Supporting cast ain't a thing no more?
  15. Is that so tough to understand??! Neither Sap nor Howard are known for their scoring ability . Sap isn't an All-Star for taking over games with scoring. Hes an All-Star because he is on of the most versatile tools in the league. He as well as Horford is a glue guy who'who 's able to do everything. D8 is known for the great defense he can play if he wants to. Not for taking over games offensively anymore. Its really simple. If we'd have a Tatum type of player on the team I'd say any day of the week he should take the most shots. But we had nor have any efficient scorers who can create their own on the team.
  16. I find it funny how you made a full 180degree turn on Dennis
  17. Thats a tough question actually. Should be another thread about it. Without thinking much I'd say we can cover him better on defense than on offense but as I said it's tough.
  18. Such misread plays you can find with just about every player in the league. I dont think that it's a concerning problem. There are other things he can improve in. In-game decisionmaking can sometimes go wrong.
  19. That's not really the discussion, is it? It's more that Dennis has the intagibles to be a good to great perimeter defender but instead is awful because he gives no effort. He could be a great scorer and a great defender. Not a great score and no defender or as PatBev a great defender and no scorer.
  20. Actually the funny thing is, he isn't washed up nor done. He is just mind boggling silly. He could be such a valuable piece in this league if he would consistently commit to a coachs playbook.
  21. Sap never was efficient his whole career. He's shooting the worst TS of his career this season. D8 obviously doesn't want to score on dunks. He wants to post up on players. Just read the Hornets board. He'll never be a go to - scorer on any team. A guy that can't shoot a jumper and turns it over 6 times or so a game, but wants to get the ball on the elbow will never be your first option. He cant create for himself that's why he won't take the most shots. Tell me one player, just one player, who's either a spot up shooter or can solely dunk and leads his team in shot attempts.
  22. It's actually quite simple. The most efficient player who can create his own shot takes the most shots.
  23. They are both not nearly as efficient as Dennis is. Go ahead and tell me Howards TS and I'll tell you where he made his shots from and how his whole efficiency will drop with higher usage.
  24. He didn't say he doesn't want better players on the team. What he actually said was he wants Dennis to stay because he thinks that he's a good player.
  25. Millsap was never a remotely efficient scorer
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