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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. Stephen Jackson obviously has his limitations as a player, but recently he has been the Hawks second best player, contributing in many facets of the game. He still is jacking up too many three pointers, but his overall effort the last few games has been welcome. Since we always trash him on this board, I though it would be nice to give him some props for his recent play.
  2. Packfill

    Last 5 games.

    I am still hoping that they can through consecutive wins together. Even a small 4 or 5 game winning streak would do wonders to te psyche of both the team and the fans.
  3. Packfill


    I would pass on this one just because it would make the Hawks the absolute worst defensive team ever - and it ain't like they are good now. Lots of offensive potential sure but Curry, Crawford and Walker all do not play a lick of defense.
  4. If Felton could learn how to shoot the ball he would be the complete package. At this point though, I think Nelson is the better PG prospect because of his all around game. Igoudala of Arizona seems like a really good prospect - great athlete, excellent defender and he leads his team in assists. Deng also has a nice all around game but I think he stays at Duke for another year.
  5. I'd take that Memphis deal in a heartbeat. At this point, I would even consider throwing in the philly first rounder to get the deal done.
  6. I know Pozkiline (sp?) has potentially but he is years away from contributing - if at all. I saw Mihm play for Cleveland earlier in the year and liked what I saw. Probably was an aberation but his stats, based on minutes played, actually look decent.
  7. In light of the insider posting about the Hawks players quiting on Stotts I think the team needs an "intervention." Time for some tough love. Troubled teens are often taken to workshops that have inmates testify about what happens when you play with fire - i.e., drugs, crime, etc. and end up in jail. Kind of a scare them straight tactic. Basically I propose the Hawks organization sending their millionaire players into a prison for a game of b-ball where they get the snot kicked out of them. Teach them what playing hard is all about and how privileged they are to live the lives that they do. Rant over.
  8. I am all for throwing Diaw, Henson, Dickau and Crawford to the wolves. If that insider article is right about the vets quiting on Stotts then maybe at least these guys will provide some effort.
  9. I could be wrong but I remember reading that the Clips were happy to see Mcinnis go because he has a bad attitude - supposedly a me first/stat guy. Doesn't sound like the type of guy you want at the point. Outlaw is like Darius Miles lite - great athlete, no skills. I actually like the sound of the Boston trade. Mihm has some talent - I know he is considered somewhat soft - but if we are trading the whole team anyway then a young center with good size, offensive ability, rebounding and shotblocking capaility is not a bad starting point. He could be resigned on the cheap. If we keep Reef on the other hand, this may not work. Definitly would need at least a first round pick though, which I would use on a point guard ala jammer nelson.
  10. Well, no question Howard sounds interesting. 6'11", 255 is center size - particularly in the east. If the Hawks get the first pick and draft Howard then I would trade Shareef and let Henderson start for a year until the rookie gets alittle experience. Smith - and I admit all I know about these guys is what is written here and elsewhere - sounds like a real crapshoot. Tempting yes, but he could be a heartbreaker. Deng, if he leaves Duke, may be a better player. Swift and Livingston both sound more intriguing than Smith. Livingston for the obvious combination of playmaking skills and size. Swift for size and athleticism - I mean, 7'1" 240 at 18, he could easily pack on 20 pounds of mucsle and be a real nice post presence next to Reef. Wasn't Swift on the Atlanta Celtics summer team with Howard and Smith? If the Hawks don't get a top three pick, Smith is my early darkhorse lottery pick. You heard it here first folks. Jefferson and Aldridge do not sound like lottery guys. Since the season has gone in the dumper, maybe we can at least get excited about a high draft pick.
  11. I like the idea of trading for Foyle. He replaces Theo in that he still provides the Hawks with a defensive presence in the paint. If he were only healthy . . . Best course for the Hawks may be to position themselves for a high draft pick and, if Foyle is in the fold, go for a ing player like Smith or Deng (I am not yet convinced Warrick will develop the ball handling/shooting skills necessary to be a perimeter player in the NBA - but if he does then he is an option also). As for point for next year, might as well give Dickau some minutes and see what he can do. Dan might work with Boris in the backcourt because Boris can help with ball handling and pick Dan up defensively. In turn, id Dickau's shooting comes around (wasn't he a good shooter in college?) then he could pick up some of the scoring void created when JT is traded. I don't think Stoudamire is the answer on the court and he brings too much off the court baggage to warrant anything more than a one year low dollar deal. If the Hawks don't do a Foyle/similar deal this year, then package Theo and JT (Theo should be movable b/c of expiring contract and JT's frontloaded deal will be reasonable for the next two years) for a legit big man.
  12. Well, Fratello coached in Cleveland where he had next to no talent so under your analysis he would be entering a familiar situation!
  13. That's assuming Howard and Smith are hungry. I expect they are, but I expect most players to be so you never know. That said, I would love it if the Hawks picked up Howard - at least from the reports I have read about him. Smith sounds like a player to, but the Darius Miles athletic wonder/basketball dud thing scares me. Smith though, by all accounts, is much more advanced then Miles.
  14. Packfill


    Didn't Kiki say he would have taken Darko if he was available? I am almost positive he was as hot for Darko as everyone else. Kiki, Jerry West, Billy Knight, Scott Layden, you name it, would have taken Darko number 2. If the Nuggets were lucky it is only in that they were lucky to have a high pick in a deep draft (although that is not really luck because Denver and Cleveland pretty much tanked their seasons in the hope of a high pick in '03). Sometimes, it is more about being in the right place at the right time then anything else.
  15. Packfill


    Wow there cowboy. Have you looked at Orlando's draft history over the past several years? Gabriel has had the absolute worst time drafting players. Granted, they have not had many top picks, if any, and there have been some pretty lean drafts but the Magic have gotten zero from the draft other then Miller. Stephen Hunter, Jerryl Sasser, Reece Gaines, Ryan Hunphrey, just to dame a few. The only really good move was signing McGrady. The Gooden/Girick trade was pretty good, but getting rid of Armstrong (whether it was Doc's decision or not) and signing Howard were mistakes. I would pass on him.
  16. If Dan and Travis could find their shots I would love to see what they could do, throw in Diaw at SF, with Reef and Theo and at least you would have the most energetic unit the Hawks can field on the floor. Obviously this only works if Travis, Dan and Boris can shoot a little. Given the fact that the Hawks can't win with the vets - i.e., Terry, Glover, Jackson, Vaughn - in the game, why not try the young guys. At least they will hustle, try and play defense, etc.
  17. I don't know if I would take him fourth but he was a great pick at 21. It's really too early to tell because guys develop at different speeds and some of the guys are quite young. It will be interesting to look back two years from now, and I bet he will be one of the top ten when it is all said and done.
  18. Right now there are few players in the league playing any better than SAR. Lots of excellent/great players would not sniff the playoffs without being surrounded by the right cast. Kidd could barely get there before NJ, CWEbb couldn't generate W's before Sactown, Mashburn I don't think was on a winning team until New Orleans, Garnett, despite being acknowledged as one of the best in the game can't get out of the first round, neither can T-mac, Francis can't get the Rockets to the post-season, Pierce can't win on his own, MJ couldn't win without Pippen, etc. Point is, one player does not a team make. I am not saying SAR is great but right now he is playing better then just about anybody. I just don't understand all the bitchin and monin. He is a heck of a player. His defense is at least average, probably better. He is NOT an empty stat guy like Jalen Rose, Ricky Davis, etc. Realistically, it is hard to call any low post scorer who hits a high percentage of his shots an empty stat guy. We all want this team to win but it means getting the right mix of players. Inserting Diaw into the starting line-up is a step in the right direction. If he develpps that is a big piece of the puzzle because he meets so many needs. The Hawks get two more role playing guys who fit a need and they are set. Basically they need another perimete guy who plays solid defense and has a dependable jump shot and a bruiser for the middle (I acknowledge these are hard to get).
  19. Didn't see the game but from the sound of things Boris played some great defense. Finally something to get excited about - if only for a day. His energy, defense, ballhandling and playmaking skills are exactly what the doctor ordered for the Hawks. Also, if Hanson can get his shot to fall I like the energy he brings as well.
  20. I also agree. If they are not going to impose an age limit then they have to turn the NBDL into a real minor league system. Add an extra round to the draft to fill the league. Dan Dickau would be much better off playing 30 minutes a night in such a league then riding the pine.
  21. Well, I am certainly not an elite athlete but I do train and compete in various running races and triathlons and I know improving my diet gives me more energy, better performance and faster recovery. Sure, they may not get fat on junk food because they exercise so much/have high metabolisms but they are not going to build muscle mass on that stuff either. I am pretty sure SAR is big into eating right and I know many NFL players are clueing in on this as well. Probably making a bigger deal of it then it really is, I imagine the donuts thing is more rookie hazing then anything else.
  22. I was just going to post that article. I think Diesel is right about the BYC issue. Plus, would we really want anything off of the knicks roster?
  23. Um, Battier did a heck of a job being the emotional leader at Duke - so I think he has the potential to do the same in the NBA. His attitude, defense, hustle and shooting would be great assets to the Hawks. He is not a great player, but he is a great role player and teammate and the hawks can use all the help they can get.
  24. What the heck are a bunch of professional athletes doing eating donuts? Get these guys some egg white omlets or something healthy if they need breakfast. Maybe their diet is the reason they are so lethargic on the court!
  25. I would take nothing over any of those guys, they all have red flags next to their names.
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