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Posts posted by Phunkabilly

  1. 22 minutes ago, Threezus said:

    So the one play i didn't understand is on the Capela blocking foul that gave mcgee 2 FT's.   If im not mistaken with Capela planted and not moving at all with his hands up.  How was that not a charge on mcgee instead of blocking on Capela.  He played that defense perfectly so maybe i just don't understand the rule at this point lol.

    I'm with you on that one.  For the life of me I couldn't understand why we didn't challenge that.  Even if you're only like 25% sure it would get overturned, you still have to challenge in that situation.  And I think the odds of that being a non-foul were quite a bit better than that.  We still had a time-out left and I'm pretty darn sure we hadn't used a challenge up to that point.

  2. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    So uuum....Trae...mind your P's n Q's



    Does the "16 technicals = suspension" rule extend to the play-in/playoffs?  Or does it reset?  In other words, is it worth getting that suspension out of the way if there's a possibility the suspension could hit us in the play-in/playoffs?

  3. My apologies if this has already been posted, but here's the link to the 2-minute report:

    Some highlights (lowlights?) from the report:

    So if you're keeping score at home, that's 3 incorrect calls that favored the TWolves, 1 incorrect call that favored the Hawks, 1 incorrect call that probably didn't have an effect (shot clock violation), and then of course the two so-called "correct" call/non-call with the JC/KAT tussle

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  4. 17 minutes ago, sturt said:

    The age 31-35 years sure did work out pretty well for this guy. Maybe they feel some confidence they're getting something close for BogBog's age 31-35 years.

    Here's both of their age 27-30 years.



    I give up



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  5. 1 hour ago, Spud2nique said:

    Which guy? I need his name. :huh:


    You mean the new school Gilbert Arenas? :boogiedown:





    Thanks as always @lethalweapon3. I hit the spread yesterday -18 on 2K. Murray had 40 with me and 41 for real.

    This time it took overtime but we prevailed.

    Vegas has Heat -1

    2k has Hawks -4 overcoming 33/21 from BAM 💥 BAM 💥. Murray strikes for 39 tonight. Trae 22/8 JC 18/14. CC 19 boards.









    If Dre gets 9 assists, I will put a folding-arms Nate fathead on my bathroom wall so that I have to stare him in the eyes every time I sit on the pot.

    • Haha 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Spud2nique said:

    I don’t wanna ruin the poll of the day or spoil a topic @Diesel may pose to us but have you ever been sprayed or sprayed anyone @Gray Mule. Just asking cuz I’ve never been a part of it either way. I’ve seen in movies 🎥 and it doesn’t look pleasant. I mean Day Day needed 20 min I think ..



    Day Day is one of the most underrated movie characters of all time!

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Why did we have to give up 5 2nds for Bey?

    One source response: Bey has a much more hard to find skillset than Bones does. Much easier to find an offensive PG that plays no defense (Bones) than a wing player that can play defense and hit three's (Bey). Also feels that Bey gives us a trade asset in the offseason should we need it.

    @NBASupes has said this for months but I think people need to realize the truth of it. Big wing players that are 3 & D are just very hard to come by in the NBA and as a result it drives their value artificially up. It is just like the 1980's when every team needed at least two if not three solid centers. Now you need at least 2 if not three big wing players in the modern NBA. We now have two.

    Thanks for the response, Sothron.  As others have said (including yourself), I don't see how Bey is considered a positive on the defensive end, and looks to be a rather mediocre three-point shooter.  But I guess if I squint real hard, I can see the rationale for being more expensive due to being a "big-ish wing".  Still feels like an overpay, though.

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  8. I posted this a while ago, but as I was reading the Landry/Korver interview a while back, all I could think of is that Atkinson is the type of coach that they're looking for, so that's my prediction of who we end up with. Not saying they're right or wrong, but I believe he's the guy who has the skillset that our front office is looking for.

    And in response to all the concerns about a coach's "system" not fitting our player personnel, I would think any coach worth his mettle would be able to adapt his system to the personnel at hand. Is Atkinson capable of doing that? *shrug*


  9. 6 hours ago, Spud2nique said:

    He trips over his own words and is a suck up brown noser to me. Aka




    Lol I thought he didn’t know ish about basketball. Now he’s dippin his toes in baseball? 


    Out of curiosity, why do you think he's a suck up brown noser?  His points have always come across as well thought-out, fair and logical to me.  I don't ever recall him getting irrationally too high or too low on anybody.  

    And I could be wrong, but I think he's been doing the Braves podcast for longer than the Hawks one... I know I've been listening to his Braves podcast for longer at least, but I may have been late to the party on the Hawks podcast.

    I will give you the point about tripping over his words, though.  It seems like his mouth can't keep up with his brain, so he ends up rushing his speech most of the time.

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  10. 8 hours ago, Sothron said:

    It won't let me quote @JayBirdHawk but Brad Rowland has the best podcast on the Hawks, period. Check it out if you don't already. it is Locked On Hawks part of the Locked On (put in team name) network. There are some good podcasts in that network but the Hawks have honestly the best one. Brad does a podcast after pretty much every game plus other podcasts through the week and season and offseason. 

    He's a good guy. Worth checking out. And FWIW I usually agree with his takes on the team. 

    Brad's Braves podcast is top-notch as well.

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