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Everything posted by kg01

  1. I get he doesn't wanna give them the ref "excuse" but he's gotta find a way to protect them out there. Have Schlenk do it. Doing it privately isn't as effective as doing it privately AND putting their feet to the fire by making a stink in the media too.
  2. Unless you're finna mail off some-a them bad boys for taste-testin', I vote we take down those pics and censure the poster. This is as egregious as the nudes spud posted a few years ago. Not that we wanted to taste squd but ... well, you know what I mean.
  3. The nuance that will be missed in all this is the fact that there is a gargantuan chasm of difference between 'complaining about not getting calls' and 'complaining that the game is being called improperly'. One can objectively be dismissed as homerism. Maybe. The other is indeed an issue with the integrity of the game. It seems clear we're seeing the latter.
  4. The funny part is folks will say stuff like, "those 2 fouls aren't why we lost the game", and they're right. However, it illustrates the 'tone' of the game. Trae did nothing wrong on that play but got a foul and a T on top of it. So, the refs doubled down on their mistake. Who knows how the game would've unfolded from that point had they made the right call. Basically rewarding a guy for running into the ballhandler impacts the way everyone "guards". I have no idea why that's considered 'right' in peoples' eyes.
  5. It seems very apparent that certain refs are afraid to make the call they see. You don't make it to the league without having a certain thickness to your skin, so I'm not saying they're "afraid" of players/coaches. I do, however, think they don't want to deal with crap for a whole game. So they succumb to the campaign of complain we see with Heat players who behave as if they've never committed a foul. Secondarily, there is a school of thought that "they aren't gonna call everything". It happens in college basketball a ton, imho. Whenever there's a team that makes their bones on defense, they take advantage of the fact that refs literally won't call contact on every play. They just won't. Knowing this, they maintain a level of contact that constitutes fouls and the refs essentially adjust to this as the new normal. That's how fouling becomes "defense". That's what we're seeing. A ref with guts can avoid this. That's what we haven't seen.
  6. So my crystal ball was obscured by bias but I know what TF I'm talking about w.r.t. Foster/Paul. Suns go down last night. It ain't a conspiracy if it's true. Foster is the hero we need. It's just up to the league to let it happen. Sadly, as I predicted, last night was more of same from these scared a** refs. To be clear, it's not biased reffing, it's scared reffing.
  7. What you've uncovered is the reason people can't just rely on numbers to tell them what happened in a game.
  8. Haha, I was talking ca$h sh*t to my heat-fan brother in law before the series. Suffice to say, those texts did not age well and the family reunion may or may not devolve into a battle royale. But I've said too much.
  9. My thing is, there are meaningful discussions to be had relating to those topics. But that's not what's happening. It's weird but, as you said, beyond predictable. Imagine waiting through x-amount of good games for the one or two bad games then yelling negative opinions from the rooftops about a player, team, whatever. That's basically the broken clock being right twice a day.
  10. Yikes, I expected you dudes to be having a field day but you're outdoing yourselves.
  11. This is like christmas for some of you. Mainly the ones who were are absent after wins.
  12. The dude tried to play the 'we're winning with a bunch of gleaguers and undrafted guys'. When he threw out the 'culture' line, I lost it. I went on a grown man tantrum (aka a 'mantrum') and I might've implied that me and the kg's are all gonna whup his a**. Hey, don't laugh. I said I wasn't proud of it.
  13. @Spud2nique I may need to hire a pr firm to be welcome to the next reunion....
  14. I told him to help me stay in check but he let me get all the way out control.
  15. It's gettin real with the BIL. Threats have been made. I'm not proud.....
  16. We took their best punch(es) literally. Time to respond, in kind. Say what you want about this bunch, as sawft as they can be at times, they haven't backed down from a challenge yet. I'm expecting a bounce back tonite.
  17. Ok, Pat. Good job throwing us off the trail, Mr. Benson.
  18. True but the question wasn't Gobert or Ayton. It's Gobert or Capela. Gobert's better but is he worth the cost to get him. Ayton would cost more, for sure. Youth and a better offensive profile would make it feel better to pay it for most, I imagine. Sir, there's no proof that I ever was a fan of Collin Sexton.
  19. It was said purely tongue-in-cheek. It's all guud between us ... other than the fact that we got major beef so .... good talk, good talk.
  20. My point is the bubble series is an outlier. That seems obvious.
  21. I do recall Goble being an arse who Holman calls out by name for being, well, an arse. Only hope is they decide to show the Heat their a** to force the series to go long.
  22. Bro, they were comparing Derozen to Jordan at points this season. Do they not remember the TOR years? And that was him failing spectacularly in the playoffs in his prime.
  23. All their players missed time this year too. Difference between 2 years ago and now is they had time to get healthy and propel their artificial run. Their role players also didn't have to go on the road. The whole thing was a clear outlier for all those teams.
  24. We all see that. You're not breaking news ... but you are breaking my heart.
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