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Everything posted by kg01

  1. I just don't know what to do about you. FQ. I'm just shaking my head.
  2. Flag on the play. Poster in clear violation of rule 6.75, section g which states: "Never let tha facts get in the way of a good story." Penalty is 30-minute bann, repeat 1st down.
  3. He's gotta improve his tech game tho. He has legit gripes but doesn't know how to work the refs. Last night wasn't completely his fault, I must admit. Josh Hart yelled at the ref a play before, ref got in his feewings. Instead of hitting Hart, he hits Hunter. Just more stupid reffin.
  4. Just pretend it never happened. That's what I do with Sexton, Bamba, ......
  5. Slander! Lies! I was at Willie's Weenie Wagon! You'll be hearing from my attorney! (yes, WWW is a real place.)
  6. Maybe it is the fewer minutes, bench role. At this point, we have to consider that's it. It's the only substantive change ... other than (whispers) ... the avatar... vatar...atar....ar...
  7. Hard to find anyone upset about this win ........
  8. (whispers) ..... the avatar .......... Great to see a good effort, good team win.
  9. Murray's T got rescinded today, per twitter. Should've never been hit with it.
  10. I do think we need more balance, in general. I expect IND and SAC to be good case studies for how things would progress if we lean heavy into offense-only plans for team building. Spoiler alert, I don't expect either of them to impress in the postseason.
  11. IDGAF tho. Nobody gives AF. It's hard but that's the job. So far, all they've done is the easy stuff, i.e. 'cut salary, avoid tax'. Hope, this cycle, they do the hard stuff, i.e. 'figure it TF out'.. Also, playing the salary game the way you're presenting it is just like looking at the box score and going, "we scored 115 but, if Trae played, we woulda scored 145 (115 + his 30)". There's no way to know how the roster moves would've shook out had we, for example, kept Collins. Jussayin.
  12. We have more problems than any one player can solve. Thus, it's pointless to rely on the draft to the point where we shld tank on any level.
  13. This is a falsehood every fanbase believes ... which leads every fanbase to believe tanking is a strategy. Real help isn't coming via our pick(s) so it literally doesn't matter where they land. Our picks will be throw-ins, at best.
  14. Nothing in that 'lottery' cures what ails us, mate.
  15. Based on what? Although I agree with not making Messy Ressly anymore money.
  16. Ref should be disciplined for that. He sought out the interaction, player maintained his cool. What was the T for even? 'Not talking to me?' More truth here than there should be. Ref-venge is alive, well, and continuously shameful.
  17. Honestly, all our games vs CHA set the tone for the season. Those early losses were very telling.
  18. Just here to see who 'les miserables' are blaming today.
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