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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Man? Enough, MiLLLLwaukee. Stahhp. I don't need anymore ammo against GLLLLenn RiversL.
  2. Familiarity breeds contempt. That's the only explanation for these folks.
  3. Well, this part isn't quite true. Teams want them. Just don't want to pay what we asked. That quite a bit different than saying "no one wants" them.
  4. I dont think anyone is saying we should've stayed pat, done nothing, and just let that existing roster age out. I dunno what the right answers/moves were. All I know, at this point, is neither did our front office.
  5. Ngl yall, I prayed to sweet baby basketball jeebus for us to no longer be a .500 team like last year. After this half-season, all I can say is .... Won't he do it!? We are definitely NOT a .500 team.
  6. That answer is so terrible, I don't even think he believes it. It's more plausible, to me, that someone fed him that answer ti sabotage him. He probably said it and immediately thought, What TF?" But who would be diabolical enough to set Laundry up like that? Hmmm .... Mwahahahahaaaa .... I mean, *cough* *cough*..... Why're you lookin' at me, kg?
  7. I vote we bike to Alaska. Live within walking distance of the world's last Blockbuster video. Get parttime gigs there. Lol at all the blokes tryna sneak into the adult section. No TV reception. Just all the 80's and 90's video cassettes we can handle. 80% discount to any squawker that can make it to us.
  8. Not sure why people don't understand this. There's an overwhelming urge to blame Trae for everything when he's the only thing that's working at a high level. It's weird.
  9. Man @NBASupes, I was so close to going off on some other poster(s) and calling them 'casuals' for their awful basketball opinions. Smh They really meant it when they said it's better to die a hero instead of living long enough to become the villain. Sheesh, our guards ain't the only ones that need a break.
  10. Stahhp. 1. Ain't no rookie fixing what ails us. 2. Edey can't move. Ezpass
  11. Bridges probably. Or tre Mann. Yeah, that's my pick. Everybody gonna be like, "Trey aint even da bess Tray in tha building?!"
  12. Shhhh ... never tell hotSupes I said it, but he's right about Bey playing better when Hunter's available. They seem to take pressure off each other. If you ever tell hotSupes I said he was right, we won't be friends anymore and I won't sit with you at the squawk lunchroom table.
  13. EGGSACTLY!!! It's like the emperor has no clothes, but a bizarro version. All the townspeople see the dude nekked but refuse to acknowledge it. Great player but has the exact ..... same warts people chide Trae for. Exact same. Yet people just go with it. Make it make sense.
  14. Haha, made you look! A couple folks here would've had an absolute field day with that. As it is .... crickets. NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT A GUY LITERALLY VEOTING A MOVE TO PLAY WITH LUKA? *crickets* Well crickets until the guy in the team theyre a fan(sic) of has a bad night. Isola talked about this today. Basically were talking up the possibilities, how great it would be, etc. Then, after a commercial break, changed his tune. Said he got a call from 'someone in the know'*** who told him this was never going to happen because of lebrons opt-out. That said, your point is salient. Other folks are tryin' while we cryin'.. *** Remember Isola is a Klutch client iirc. Gotta tow that company line. He went on to say Draymond was pushing for this. Was pretty funny to hear him change up mid-show.
  15. What would the eggsperts say if a player vetoed a deal to come play with Trae?
  16. Grant has no neck and no chill. On another note, is it wrong for me to lol at all these L's up in MiLLLLLwaukee?! Hahahaaaa
  17. Nah, I gotta let somebody else deal with the headache next time he caves his baby mama's face in then forces her to decide between testifying/pressing charges and derailing the meal ticket.
  18. I wasn't even counting Lonzo. And it's clear nobody wants to play with or root for Trae.
  19. Let's be the change in the world we wanna see.
  20. I'mma trade you first terr'l. CHI was and is as guard heavy. Two wrongs don't make a right, terr'l.
  21. Everything..... and nothing?
  22. The thing is though, that has worked for us at times. But that play shows it's kinda fools gold. If a team takes that away from him, his plan-B is .... lacking, to put it mildly. I have no idea how or why people are comfortable with that being our primary option. There seems to be this myth that we'll go to a more pass-heavy structure without Trae. Eh, show me that evidence that's better.
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