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Everything posted by JeffS17

  1. Wooo another win. Like many have stated, not the prettiest of wins but W is all that matters at this stage. My takeaways: We had 7 guys in double digits (and Heurter had 9) which is awesome to see -- no selfishness on this team right now Bogi shot very well tonight and it was refreshing to see him in rhythm from behind the arc We need serious work on rebounding fundamentals Watching Rondo come out and deal 8 dimes in 15 minutes was something else -- hoping some of that can rub off on Trae as I think improving his assist/turnover ratio is the lowest hanging fruit in his game right now
  2. I loved this play -- it wasn't the cleanest result (John 1v3 at the rim but did get foul) but the chemistry seemed to be there and I feel like Kevs passing has been getting better. He's never going to take over a game by himself but I think he can be a really solid rotation player who makes few mistakes.
  3. How can you say this lol... you have no idea what decision was made and with what info. They very well could have known he was possibly going to need a minor surgery... that actually makes sense given how much PG depth we signed to our roster.
  4. amazing what we can do when guys are doubling or cheating towards trae now... it feels surreal watching the offense with more than 1 scoring option
  5. whoops! mixing my end of bench guys lol
  6. Yeah, wish the Nets were at the tail end because the way they look right now that game is going to be very hard.
  7. My biggest takeaways today: Our depth is real. Seeing Brandon Knight contribute in a meaningful way and the bench play as well as they did was really nice. Everyone that was giving up on Huerter needs to give him time. He had a great game and shot well, but I feel like he plays really well off ball and his gravity is underrated, which leads me to... Watching Trae work with the amount of space our shooters are providing him is amazing. He finishes so well at the rim with his layup touch and floaters, and I've noticed he's getting better at using his body to finish as well. Teams have to respect the rest of our guys this year, so I expect Trae's bad nights (shot not falling) to still be moderately efficient scoring and his good nights will be closer to game 1. Loving watching the offense this season.
  8. I'm with you! I will be insufferable to anyone willing to listen to me talk Hawks
  9. The cynical side of me really wonders if we're using nagging injuries right now as a way to try out different sets of rotation players. Obviously we could do that with everyone dressed out so idk why this would be the case but it feels suspicious.... I have not seen any of our guys suffer an injury on the court and all of these seems completely subjective day to day rulings from the medical staff. Like why is Gallo suddenly injured? Capela has history but looked 100% in the 4 preseason games and I didn't see him limping or anything like that...
  10. Been debating on who to use in my flair, but I love this pic so much I'm going to use it for a while (even though it comes out a bit small) because I'm hoping this is a nice metaphor for where we go this season: guys trusting each other, Trae can lean on his teammates, no hero ball, good chemistry, team wins, etc... Spurs-like culture with a Warriors style offense + team effort on D
  11. I'm sensitive to takes like this after Trae went through the gauntlet of "empty stats", "can't win", "not a team/winning player".... BUT I do think that might be true for Lavine. He doesn't really make his teammates better and it doesn't feel like he cares or tries to. It could definitely be a coaching/development gap but this is his 7th(?) year in the league now, so I do feel like he has to take responsibility at some point. I teeter back and forth on guys like Lavine though because some teams are just bad -- organization/coaching/drafting/talent -- and 1 guy can't change that, no matter how good they are. I'm just happy it feels like we're coming out of the other side of that tunnel and I'm grateful. A lot of games left but I definitely feel optimistic after that first game. 80+ in a half is insane but the defensive effort is what really makes me happy. Trae diving for balls, getting in the pass lanes, Cam getting steals, JC stripping for a steal (recorded as a block i guess), etc. You can tell the guys are truly much more engaged on that end of the floor, which is really encouraging.
  12. I really liked Trae's answer to Kirschner's question: when do you know it's going to be one of those nights?? It was distinct to me because there's such a difference between media perception/narratives and reality. And the reality is Trae feels like he's going to have an amazing game every game, and I believe him when he said that. That's the type of mentality it takes to make it to the NBA and especially to become one of the top guys in the league.
  13. Maybe I'm scarred from awful twitter comments but I got really sad for half a second because I thought you were about to say racist, not racing...
  14. Good morning Hawks fans!! I had a dream the Hawks absolutely torched the Bulls in a blowout win (over by half time) and Trae looked like a hybrid of peak Curry/Nash, the sophomores played like NBA starters with a lot of room to get better, and the free agents we picked up were actual NBA players that contributed to our win. Did anyone catch the game last night?
  15. If Heurter is bringing the ball up on half our possessions tonight I'm going to need a few drinks
  16. so way better than last year already, especially when you conisder hunter/reddish are looking better
  17. I should have consumed the news before making this post.... either way, still hyped to see us in win-mode
  18. Where do you guys get your injury news? I struggle finding the most up to date status on our guys, and it's especially difficult now that it's so common to just list an injury when we want to rest guys or they're not ready for game time (rookies) yet. Did he reinjure the foot in preseason games?
  19. I really hope not but I fear that you are correct. The only solution is we need to start blowing teams out and let OO gets some garbage time minutes for game experience
  20. What are everyone's thought on the game tonight?? I'm hoping we can pull a W even if we still look sloppy. Winning ugly is going to be key for the first half of this season but wins are wins. I think we need to give Lavine different looks tonight on defense and attack him on the other end to expose his lazy tendencies as a defender. I am hoping Capela dominates tonight and Trae/Collins get out of their preseason funks. I haven't been this excited for a regular season game in a long time... 9 months is too long!! Got my new black Reddish jersey on already and can't wait for 8PM -- what about you all???
  21. Yeah, this ^ But seriously, y'all are so unforgiving with your preseason takes lol he has been fine so far. The only reason I said he could be a part of our "core" is because he's only 26... I'm definitely not saying he's essential to the team's future
  22. yes lol every new thread collins gets downgraded a player tier by supes, so im going to start upgrading him one tier every thread. Supes will have him struggling for a 2 way contract soon and I will be predicting him as the undisputed GOAT
  23. Also, if my CBA knowledge is correct, you get the players bird rights if you acquire them through a trade but not though FA, so the team will be able to go over the cap to resign him this coming offseason.
  24. JC ceiling is slightly higher than peak Lebron and you want to let him walk.........
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