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Everything posted by Hawkish

  1. I’m also out on Ingram. I’m also out on Ingram.
  2. Please help me understand why a team would give up significant depth/value for Durant. He has already shown what he can(‘t) accomplish on a poorly built team without proper depth. We need ballers, not divas. Players that raise the tide, not install personal jets to control the ocean’s water pressure…
  3. I was intrigued at “intensity”. We could use some of that “losing isn’t an option” mentality.
  4. Gross — Losing the trade on the court and on the balance sheet. Has Ingram ever shown the ability to lead? At his price, leading is an expectation. I don’t see it.
  5. Going to be so proud of him when he fights his way back on the court
  6. I must have misunderstood— thanks.
  7. Definitely wanted Hali, but I recall him forcing his way to SAC.
  8. I don’t think we have a shot at him even if that was the desire.
  9. “Jellybeans used to be enough to get the answers to the final exam. Why not anymore?”
  10. What is the alternative? A trade with worse players or one with picks that aren’t lottery?
  11. Yes, he deserves a roster spot over a few of our guys.
  12. Maybe there is a move for us on the edges using AJ, Mills, Matthews, SAC 1st, etc.,
  13. Ridiculous, you are correct.
  14. DJ/OO/Mills for Dyson/Herb/Val can be worked around.
  15. So we would do DJ/OO for Dyson/Herb/filler? I hope not.
  16. Herb isn’t already included? They know I don’t care for beer.
  17. I’m so curious what they are offering that would, in their eyes, require OO to be added. He isn’t a trade topper. He changes the entire concept of the trade. Hold steady, Landry…
  18. Zion would be pretty cool. Not sure how he affects winning statistically, but I would be excited about it for sure..
  19. Bogi seems to be settling in his role. His value should be solid. Either keep him or hold out for real assets.
  20. Great move for Charlotte
  21. This seems like a solid return for PJ (depending on the protection of the first).
  22. What a beast OKC can become… great cost-controlled players and a ton of picks. Fortunate
  23. Nick refused because he thought you deserved (2) nights for a protected 2nd round pick. He obviously misunderstood your use of protection in this context.
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