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Everything posted by clrumph

  1. In the past few weeks he's publicly called out: 1) Shelden - not doing "what they drafted him to do" 2) J-Smoove, J-Chill, and Marvin - not playing defense and not playing hard enough all the time 3) Craig Claxton - his recent "soul searching" comment 4) BK - implying indirectly that basically it would be nice to have a starting caliber PG on the team (and we all know who's responsible for not getting one in the last 4 years) I really think either he is feeling a lot of pressure right now and he's looking to save his job, or he might already know that he's done so he's going to start mouthing off before he's kicked out the door. Either way let's hope that he's gone sooner than later.
  2. Quote: 2006? Atlanta had the 4th worst record. After the lottery, ATL dropped to five. End result? Billy Knight promised Shelden Williams that he’d be our pick… And the rest, they say, is history!
  3. Quote: Considering where they were each drafted I think we may have to applaud BK on this pick. Too bad BK totally screwed up our 1st round pick over the last two years. Solo is doing everything BK drafted Shelden to do. Question is how long will BK go with Shelden until he admits his mistake and trades him. I hope he does this offseason but I suspect that the next GM will have to clean up this mess as well as trading Marvin too, no way Marvin should be starting over Chillz. Shelden and Marvin just don't have a place on this team long term IMO.
  4. Quote: No need to modify our PG situation Funny!
  5. Quote: After losses tonight by New Jersey, New York and Indiana we are only 4 games back from the 7th and 8th seed in the playoffs. Orlando is playing a tough Toronto team and the Pacers are playing the Spurs tomorrow night. We could pick up another game on them with a win against the Heat. I just don't know what to expect from this team though. It's a MUST win game for the Hawks with tough teams in Dallas and Chicago coming up. Will we choke again? They have Shaq, we don't. They win.
  6. Quote: f) we are gonna make the playoffs due to the above! Man, can I have some of that you are smokin'? That must be some goooodd sh#t!
  7. Quote: I've never understood the overwhelming fascination with Arthur Blank, to be honest. He's better than the Smith family, obviously, but what has he really done? He holds his employees accountable! Exhibit A: Jim Mora Jr.
  8. How to fix the Hawks: 1) Fire BK and Woody and get a GM who can draft and a coach who can properly motivate/teach our young players 2) Trade Marvin and/or Shelden and get a PG and C to balance out the team 3) Start Chillz at the 3 4) Lock up JSmoove long term and if all else fails have the NBA force the Atlanta Spirit group to sell the team to Arthur Blank "at cost"!!
  9. What a pathetic performance by our so called supporting cast! No wonder we are the worst scoring team in the league, we have players getting major minutes who can't even score a freakin' point!! And to think this is how Craig "The Artist Formerly Know As Speedy" Claxton plays after he is labeled the most important player in the AJC necessary to get us into the playoffs! To quote that genius Jim Mora Sr: Quote: Playoffs? You're talkin' bout the playoffs? We're just trying to win a game! This team is NOT making the playoffs this year, end of story!!
  10. Quote: How inept are you to allow BK to take 25 million from your bank to pay a chump pg? Now they're scraping change to pay Woody to coach us to a loss. Good stuff Funny!
  11. The game tonight was disappointing to say the least. I'm hoping that once Lorenzen and Marvin are back we'll be better, but Shelden needs to come out of his SHELL and give us something other than passing the ball to someone else as soon as he gets it. Didn't this guy average almost 20ppg and 10rpg at Duke? Wasn't he supposed to be the most NBA ready player in the draft? By the way, Rudy Gay is having a monster game for Memphis tonight. And Shelden was picked 3 spots ahead of Gay? I'm hoping that we aren't the worst team in the league like everyone says in the media, but honestly which team is worse that us? At least we'll have a damn good shot at either Oden, Durant, or Noah next year if we keep playing like this.
  12. We won't get any respect from the ESPN guys like Stein and Ford until we start winning games. Then they'll jump on the bandwagon like everybody else.
  13. I think Marvin will average 16pts, 5rebs, 2asts, 1stl, 0.75blks in about 30-35 minutes per game. If he can do that and Josh can match or improve on his numbers from the end of last season I think the Hawks will challenge for a playoff spot.
  14. Quote: Click here. Talk about your one year wonder. Boris went from the Doghouse to the PENTHOUSE. This link won't work for me. Could you post the picture instead?
  15. Hawksquawkers, My buddy and I just purchased two full season tickets in the 2nd row of section 304. It was only $199 per seat for all 43 games (less than $5 per game). Also, full season ticket holders get a lot of extra perks like discounted parking passes, team autograph sessions and Philips Arena tours. The extra feature I like the most is the ability to exchange unused tickets for future games because I know I won't make it to every game but I'll be able to trade those unused tickets for another game and bring someone else with me. This is an incredible deal in my opinion if you are a true Hawks fan. I already have Falcon's season tickets in the lower level of the Georgia Dome on the Falcon's side (12th row) so my ticket budget is pretty tight, but at less than $5 a ticket even my wife couldn't say no I'm writing all of this to encourage all Hawks fans to take advantage of this offer before its too late so that we can start filling up Philips Arena and support our up and coming team. Every fan makes a difference with increased crowd noise and also to the Atlanta Spirit's bottom line, and we all know that they can use all of the cash they can get their hands on in order to fight off Belkin. Let's Go Hawks in 2006-2007!
  16. Quote: They have missed the playoffs once in 17 years. I think it is a good bet they make the playoffs. As I learned in the stock market in 2000 - "Past results does not guarantee future performance". I wish I had read that little blurb more closely when I was buying all of those internet funds. Same thing with the Pacers, they have almost an entirely new team so there's no guarantee they make the playoffs this year, especially if JO or Tinsley is out for a long time. Furthermore we all know firsthand that Al can't carry a team to the playoffs by himself.
  17. Quote: Paul is good on offense and atrocious on defense. I would taken Deron at our spot last season but oh well. I sure would like to suspend anyone from this site for a least a week who is saying (for the millionth time) we should have taken Chris Paul in last year's draft. Get over it already.
  18. Quote: Oh side note how did that vetern in Walker for a pick turn out.................. oh yeh we got the face of our franchis for the next 8-10 years in Josh Smith. That pick was from the Rasheed Wallace trade but I understand your point.
  19. Is it just me or am I not the only one who's bored to death with this NBA offseason and sports in general right now? Hopefully Tiger and Phil will stay close to each other at the top of the leaderboard so that golf on Sunday will be interesting enough to watch even if you are not a die hard golf fan (like me).
  20. Quote: Nope ZaZa is 240lbs and Lo might be 250 soaking wet. How are they going to bang against guys like Tim Duncan and Shaq?? Duncan isn't that big since he really is a PF. By the way, who else has someone good who can bang with Shaq? Who would you want us to sign at this point? IMO Lo Wright was as good as we were going to get at this point.
  21. Quote: Quote: Come on KB... If you really think that, then you really think that we will sign NOBODY else until these guys are resigned and even at that, we can only resign one! That's foolishness. I find it hillarious that KB talks about the cap, but doesn't quite understand it. Adding Dalembert doesn't take away our ability to give the Joshes and Marvin extensions, we could still offer all of them Max extensions(I don't think they are all worth that). There is nothing in the CBA that prohibits that for us. This is true but if we do trade for Dalembert and also sign Marvin and Josh to max extensions then we will definitely be in luxury tax land when you also factor in JJ's deal. That would also mean that we couldn't possibly sign Chill to an extenstion either. I just don't see our ownership group going down that road nor do I think BK will think that it is the right thing to do, and neither do I for that matter.
  22. Quote: Yeah. Just imagine when it comes time to give Marvin Williams and Josh Smith their extensions, and the Hawks can't do it because they are paying this stiff (Dalembert) $10+ million to average 7 points and 8 rebounds a game for them. I agree KB. I like Dalembert but he's not worth his contract. Regardless, our ownership situation is in such flux right now that I'm sure BK is not allowed to take on Dalembert's monstrous contract this year anyway. I'd rather sign a cheap defensive C like Kelvin Cato for 1-2 years, see how this team plays this year, and then use the draft pick that we get from the Harrington trade to pick a defensive C in the 2007 draft or try and sign Magloire to a decent FA contract in the summer of 2007.
  23. Quote: Charlotte is a natural due to geography, but it just doesn't seem to happen. Now that they have Morrison maybe the rivalry between Atlanta and Charlotte will grow. I'm pretty sure it will be exciting to see Marvin vs. Morrison 4 or 5 times a year for the next 10 years!
  24. Damn we're scraping the bottom of the barrel with those guys. Why not just invite invite Kevin Willis back - at least he'll look good in his custom suits sitting on the bench! Hopefully we can find a way to get Mags here instead.
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