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Everything posted by smithrules

  1. Quote: we need smith back in the game so bad we are missing his energy out there. Woody saving him for 2n have down by 20
  2. Quote: I dont know what is worse, not being in the nba or being in it but not playing That is exacly what acie feels , i feel really sorry for this guy. From having the best years in college to coming to the hell that is woody. I feel for anyone else that will have to suffer through him in the future (hopefully not) i just hope that acie is one of those dudes who wont get fazed by a meaningless person like woodrow.. I mean not only should Acie be playingm chill shouldn't be playing the point. Acie played well last night and it was like woody set him on purpose so he wouldn't have to play him in playoffs. I think this has more to do with woody not liking knights picks and just trying to mess them up. Honestly woody should be telling acie to play aggressive but it looked like Acie was trying to to be aggressive which is not his style. I have always had issures with woody's subing. He doesn't know how to manage a team.
  3. Quote: Man, J-Rich really needs to get some play. I think he can be a key player next year. Looks like The Law is feeling it. Was playing pretty good and hasn't seen the court in 2nd half. I think all our young guys would be better under a different coaching staff!
  4. Quote: Are you guys listening to this crap? Man, I don't like Woody/BK that much either but his is a time not for Hawks bashing after 9years not seeing the playoff. Maybe some of you guys need to call in and crap on them. LOL 404-233-7979 http://790thezone.com/multimedia/listen_live.aspx I have never really been able to get into 790 the zone. Just don't find there shows entertaining. Id try to listen some but id hear those dang two live stews. They tried to make everything like a bad rap video. Then everything was racial. Although they werent haters like the other shows. The other shows are so bad i didn't even want to know who the heck they are. I listen to 680 the fan alot more i like there bulldawg, hawk and braves talk alot better. 790 is about as bad as terrance moores articles. Just serious shock jock type of sports talk.
  5. Quote: I honestly can't remember seeing something like I did last night during an American sporting event. Sam Cassell running around making "I've got huge balls" gestures? It was embarrassing to watch. I honest to god can't remember ever seeing anything like it. The Hawks stunk up the joint, they didn't deserve to win the game so that's not the point of my post. The point is should Cassell have been T'd up not once, twice, but possibly three or four times w/o question? I think the worst part is after the big balls he was doing the suck on this gesture down at his private parts. Only other place you can find that is professional wrestling and i just don't think its right for kids to be seeing that crap.
  6. Quote: Well one reason we just saw on the replay as Smitty pointed out--we go under the screen. Also we do senseless double-teams resulting in a wide open shooter. Yeah i was asking myself the whole game why are we doubling. I mean would we rather give them 2 pts or 3 each time. Why not make paul a scorer instead of trying to show and the run back to your man. I think alot has to do with coaching!
  7. Ok so im not the only one who notice JJ was trying to set up guys yet non of them were looking to set him up.
  8. Quote: Quote: Zaza is a lost cause. He thinks he has moves, but he turns the ball over all the time. He is like a white guy that thinks he can dance or rap. Only everybody else is laughing at him. Who said white guys can't dance or rap? I don't know about you but when i look at someones talent, skin color is the last thing i look at. It doesn't matter to me that zaza is white. He sucks. Lues Black he sucks. I will say that zaza and lue to take shots like micheal jordan. I think its one of those transcendent things.
  9. I have to agree he might come through one game but then screw us completley the next 4. The problem is he really believes he can make theses shots all the time and he ends up totally messing up ball movement. It is no coincidence we play better when he isn't in the game. Whats funny is everyone knows we play better when we run besides woody. Lue fakes like hes going to push the ball but never does. I for one im mad as hell that we have to watch him and zaza screw up all the time. Id rather watch Acie and Solomon screw up and learn from it.
  10. that time which was another huge mistake because he can't defend in the paint and he couldn't get to outlaw twice were previously smoove or horford could make him change his show. He did the matador agaisnt channing fyre several tims as well. Zaza shouldn't see the court hes horrible.
  11. were were pretty much cruising josh smith goes for a mean tomahawk dunk and is controling the game along with big Al and AJ. We go to TV timeout and the subs are in for AJ, Al and smith after we clearly had momentum building. They finally were put back in about 6 or 7 minutes later after portland had momentum and cut it to 9. Portland had grabed so much momentum and the crowd by that time and our guys who were hot were coming in cold. Basketball is a game of momentum and match ups and woody is the worst coach at that i have ever seen. There are tons of college coaches who are much better than woody. We have to plays. Give the ball to JJ and marvin and smoove for a backdoor lob.
  12. 14-0 so far i wonder if atlanta spirit even cares what the fans think?
  13. It kinda reminds me of these guys who kept on crying oh we need to trade josh smith when he never even played college ball. The truth is very few guys come in there first year or two and make an impact. Even Kobe hardly did anything his first year or two. To me it seems pretty obvious like marvin is improving. Im not sure what game these guys are watching and how much alcoholic beverages they are consuming when they watch. You said it best marvin is 21. Hell jordan didn't even play in the NBA till he was 21. Marvin will be fine. Lets not write him off the same way half the genius on this board did josh smith.
  14. yeah i don't agree with alot of your rantings and trade ideas but thats pretty much spot on. You can be a dirty player and not get caught. In face i would say the best dirty players don't get caught it is the person who usually isn't dirty who will get caught because they don't have the ability to disguise it or do it at the right time. You can hit some body with a good cheap shot and it look like a complete accident.
  15. I only have caught the past 6 minutes of 2nd qaurter and rest of the third but we are getting molested by the mavs. Woody finaly got a tech but this game is being called on sided and not due to lack of aggressiveness. Its just really bad officiating.
  16. Yeah it is kinda funny when our personal forum experts start crying about Josh Smith when the rest of the NBA is taking notice of his improvements. NBA tv was covered with josh smith highlights last night and this morning. You don't see many NBA players who don't play bad some games. You can see how working with Hakeem this summer helped him out alot. Josh already impacts a game in many ways. Let's not all be bandwagon jumpers and haters again.
  17. you can just just tell how bad he feels. He got so faked out he swatted on one side and TJ was going for the other side of the rim. He wanted to apologize immeadiately but mitchell was running over.
  18. Moore pretty much Bashes everybody and his opinions are either ridiculous or just for shock value. His other favorite thing to do is try to make things a Black verse white issue. AJC needs an overhaul.
  19. He misses so many layups and short jumpers that horford would make. Plus zaza trys to pull off 5 michael jordan type shots that jordan would only make 3 out of 5. ZAZA gets us in a whole to start the game. We were playing great without him i guess Woody is trying to stake his claim as the worst basketball coach in the history of the game!
  20. Doesn't matter woody loves Tlue like a son.
  21. To me the biggest thing i agree with is why are we not developing our young guys. I know some guys have some weird midget man crush on TLUE like woody but come on. What is the purpose. We have solomon and salim needing experience but aren't getting these garbage minutes this year.
  22. LMAO yes he was like you can't really judge coaching because of injuries. Wow he is really grasping at straws now and seems desperate. He fails to mention how almost ever NBA analysts is talking about how the hawks should be a running team. How steve smith is consistently and easily pointing out what most good NBA coaches would do and it is very rarely if not never that woody does things that are pretty common NBA strategies. As for the tyron lue love most of these people haven't even been watching the games because most of us who do can spot how he stagnants the offense, dribbles for 20 seconds then forces a shot or makes a bad pass.
  23. Ivey should have been getting more minutes starting last year. Solomon should have been getting more minutes this year. Let us be honest agaisnt quality pgs and centers Lorenzon and Lue just haven't shown much. It has been consensus opinion from nearly every sain poster on this board that we are good at every position besides pg and center. Now we have these basketball genius think lue is clutch. Anyone who actually "watches" the games and doesn't just look at stats knows that for the most part Lue has stagnanted our offense and the development of marvin, smith and childress when he is in the game. Lue just likes hogging the ball and dribbling and trying to live out his goal to be mini AI. It is just more examples of woody and his horrible player development and just pitiful overall coaching ability.
  24. If you really look at the game woody just started calling Pick and roll, pick and roll, pick and roll over and over again meanwhile we have 3 guys not getting envolved. Plus lue take 15 secs to call a pick and roll play so it usually ends up in a bad shot. Another thing is josh smith has made alot of big shots for us in crunch time this year and no body was complaining about him taking an open Jump shot then. I don't care if lue is semi hot. He is not allen iverson but for some reason thinks he is. Sharing the ball is contagious but with lue hogging the ball all game it is hard for anyone else to really get in a flow on offense. So what you see is alot of one on one basketball. It isn't that complicated.
  25. Yeah i agree with you 100%. If anything AJ should have had the ball not lue. He just isn't good at the PG position at all and this is his 9th year. I would rather Marvin take that shot than lue. Lue has been ball hogging on this team since he has been here and i am glad someone finally said something.
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