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Everything posted by smithrules

  1. The problem was that when we were up by 15 woody went with the bench instead of putting the nail in the coffin! We started playing like it was another one of our blowouts with marvin taking charge and crawford chunking and before you know it the knicks were hot. The other reason woody lost this game is instead of double, or triple teaming nate, we tired to single cover him with bibby, horford, smith and JJ at the top of the key! Basically we put on the breaks and then became to stubburn to change our defensive stratedgy!
  2. So i have seen on several messages boards where fans of other teams watched the game and agreed the whole game was called in cavs favor. Lebron got more foul shots than our team while Varahoe and other cavs hacked and pushed all night. Ok, but i have a question i see posts from actually hawks fans here who won't to blame the game on our play or say we gave away the lead. Do yall think these poster are serious or just trying to stir up stuff?
  3. Man, you have to think logically! How many blowouts have we had lately? Thus, how many times have our best rebounder's been on the bench while we have garbage time for almost a quarter? It is just a function of the blowouts and jj, horford and smoove getting less playing time.
  4. Even doc rivers is crying to the refs during all the timeouts. With the addition of Rasheed the celtics are the biggest group of whiners ever compiled in the history of the NBA!!!!!
  5. Everyone needs to bump this thread each day and vote, lets get some hawks on the starting 5 baby!!!
  6. Orlando is just a better team. I think lebron is the best player on the court, but even his phantom fouls can't make up for his less superior team
  7. what did yall think about lebrons Bailout call, im sure Van Gundy wanted to get a tech there it was ridiculous!
  8. Well i can't say i didn't expect a bailout call but come on. Put your forearm into someones chest, lose your balance, go to the line. Must be nice getting BS calls all the time. If i was Van Gundy id take the 20, 000 dollar fine. This is just ridiculous, its like the WWE.
  9. Alright it just got worst lebron gets two foul calls, Howard gets none with more contact. Its weird im rooting agasints the refs more and more these days.
  10. I have to agree, if i was a fan there id come close to getting thrown out if i was close to the court. Lebron bulls himself to the hole, hooks with his elbow and he gets the foul call. Tonight it appears that all the Cavs are getting calls. Van Gundy has been storming the sidelines and im suprised he hasn't got a technical.
  11. So i'm watching lakers and rockets series to get my basketball fix. I noticed the officiating sucks in other games as well. Here are a few things: 1 Kobe no longer gets star calls. I wonder who sent down that order? lol 2 Kobe got a technical of acting that was right in front of two officials. Obvious nothing happened. what was the technical for? 3 The NBA officiating is so inconsistent besides its certain star players who get every call (lebron, wade, etc.)
  12. Its true! ZAZA and Smith are the only two who don't look totally afraid. The truth is someone should have sent a message in game one! A hard foul should have been adminstered to say listen screw the refs we will take you out at the rim!!! The NBA isn't like it used to be they all want to go to each others sex parties and stuff. The knicks at least would foul jordan hard!!
  13. Better than Jordan??? You have to be kidding me. The NBA was much better in the 80s and 90s. The difference now is the game is officiated toward perimeter players. I wouldn't even put lebron in top 10 yet as a player. Is he talented yes but until lebron wins 6 rings im not giving him that. I mean lets be serious here Jordan was beating JOHN STOCKTON and KARL MALONE in finals. He got his first NBA chapionship agaisnt who? MAGIC JOHNSON and the Lakers. Right now in the nba the closest talent we have is Kobe! The point im making is Jordan was leading the bulls to wins agaisnt great players and great teams. To sit her and make the statement that lebron is better than jordan, you must not have been old enough to see those games
  14. I agree, after watching lakers vs houston i realized not even kobe is getting the type of touch fouls that james is getting. I don't think james is as great as some think. for instance put wade on the cavilers and lebron on miami and you get same results.
  15. I agree. Obviously theres an undercurrent sent down from up top (stern) to push the younger guys. i was watching laker and i realized kobe doesn't get foul calls like lebron and wade do! I think lebron and wade might say the right things, but its more about marketing there image. You hear about wade and his sex parties, "friendship" with star jones. So anyway we have to hear this comments like is lebron the greatest of all time? The guy hasn't even won a chapionship. The east is pretty bad as well.
  16. I agree 100 % you don't let your opponent up off the ground, you go for the kill. Sometimes i wonder if people ever played basketball. There is an aggressiveness you need to win at any competition! You have to not be afraid to hurt someones feelings. You want to defeat them mentally, demoralize them, rub the defeat in their face. If i was the hawks i would be like "at least we aren't a dirty team!" The heat took alot of cheap shots and we still won. The heat coach is pretty clueless besides saying wade go one on one! He makes woody look smart!!
  17. exactly, theres a mental edge to every competition. You could call it a swagger or confidence. When miami tries to act like they are so good, thats when you lay wade on his but!! Not to hurt him, but to remind him we are still here!!
  18. Yeah that pretty much sums it up! I mean how do you expect a player to develop in limited garbage time minutes! I mean it boils down to this, woody is like larry brown and depends on the vets unless he has no one else to fill the position.
  19. It is called projecting. It is a self defense mechanism where one projects there biggest fault onto others to deflect that from being levied onto them. Numbers can always be manipulated. It really isn't sufficient or honest when you just throw out numbers like that. From reading diesel statements i'd say the vast majority are normative and not positive. I don't really waste my typing trying to argue with a normative statement because theres really no way too. However it is a message board so most of what you see will be normative statements, just generally you don't find so many consistent attempts to twist the numbers. However if your in the need of a good laugh they are good posts to read i guess to be positive :D.
  20. maybe so maybe not. I have always thought marvin did a good job at semi containing james as well as anyone. Marvin is pretty big and athletic in a odd way lol. He moves his feet well agaisnt lebron. If you can make lebron shoot jumpers your doing good because his jump shot isn't very good at all.
  21. lol im about to fall out of my chair now!! Did he really say that , is it on tape?
  22. I agree, acie has skills and you see it. It looks like acie can get anywhere on the court he wants to with the dribble. I think the biggest thing is mentally woody doesn't know how to coach young guys. I think with a different coach smith, marvin, horford and acie could all be better players offensively. Woody doesn't want to adapt to his players strengths though. Yeah if JJ or Bibby get hot or offense is alright but all these guys could be utilized differently to help us out.
  23. Your forgot iso joe at top of key and iso flip at top of key ;)
  24. Im just speculating here, but woody has a tendency to not ride the player with the hot hand unless that player is flip, bibby or JJ(alot of times he forces plays with jj) but if horford, smith , marvin or acie is hot woody just pulls them or forgets about them. I would imagine josh thought he could take the ball on the block more or didn't agree with something in woody's stratedgy. You know the same things you might be thinking or nique might say about our offense or defensive stratedgy, well i think josh just says it if its on his mind. Woody seems like the police officer who thinks hes god because he has some type of power.
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