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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. There's dumb statements, and then there's this. It somehow exists on a sub-atomic level. It defies the laws of physics.
  2. Nobody in their right mind ever "valued" Josh Smith.
  3. I'm willing to bet you listen to sports talk radio and enjoy a meal at Olive Garden.
  4. I am not going to quote it, but there is a post a couple spots above me that is a truly special kind of stupid.
  5. So many trust issues that he has been closing out games instead of Teague?
  6. Why be patient when it is so much more satisfying to whine on the internet in an instant? I know he is still learning, but he has looked good in his limited run. He's only going to get better once those old habits die out. If he really comes on later this season, it will be a great story.
  7. So was Jordan. And he was a MASSIVE scumbag off the court (still is). What about Curry is indicative of him being not a good guy? Because he taunted the soft-minded Lebron? Curry learned how to get open, shoot and handle the ball. Something that 85% of the NBA cannot perfect. He is AWESOME at basketball and the best player in the solar system. But I guess people would rather watch James Harden get half his points from the line by just barreling into people and hoping for a call?
  8. Why would anyone hate Steph Curry? Oh wait. Forgot these are Hawks fans and would rather gush over a guy like Carmelo rather than a kid that learned to play with excellent fundamentals.
  9. Ferry should get a shot. Would be interesting to watch Dominique squirm a bit.
  10. Not sure a "Josh Smith type developing player" is a compliment.
  11. Cousins is a lazy player. He would never fit here. Howard as well. He looks totally Harden-esque on defense, but a couple of swats into the stands and people go nuts. Lopez is OK, but the feet are always a question.
  12. Nothing to complain about = Empty thread.
  13. Bazemore is filling that 13/5/2 nicely at a fraction of the cost.
  14. He was the original Demarre Carroll. Fantastic guy to have on your team.
  15. Things that don't exist: 1. Reasonable contracts for NBA stars. 2. Hometown discounts
  16. A very infamous Atlanta Falcons Message Board troll. Same shtick. It's pretty transparent. He has been banned hundreds of times and comes back under new IP addresses and names. He gets insta-banned. He has also been banned from Peachtree Hoops.
  17. Keep trolling, Swift.
  18. "I am calling out anyone with a different opinion than myself on a completely subjective topic."
  19. Oh hey look, everyone...it the same troll from the Atlanta Falcons Message Board. Awful takes? Check. Posting lame .gifs? Check Posting an empty trophy case? Check.
  20. Movie News Guide + English as a second language = Holy crap what did I just attempt to read?
  21. 20 wins. Dikembe can't hit threes.
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