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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. The majority of pro athletes don't want to play in the town where they are from. Sure, they will SAY it, but that's just to make their families feel like they tried. Dwight's first choice was Houston. He ended up in Houston. Anything else he said along the way was posturing. He's a pretty big baby when it all boils down to it.
  2. Knight was a bumbling idiot. He was the NBA GM version of buying a DVD out of the $3 bin at Wal Mart.
  3. Such a great guy. Wish there were more Demarre Carroll's in the league.
  4. https://youtu.be/wsqGTqlHrcM Watch that video. It sums up every single thing that is wrong with Josh Smith. He is lazy and a complete fundamental mess. He does not understand the game seemingly at all. The guy made a few highlight blocks, and he doesn't even do that right because the ball goes back to the opposing team most of the time. He is a lazy defender, he cannot handle the ball, he cannot shoot, he argues with the refs, he does not hustle.
  5. Makes sense that Josh Smith would be 1.0 since he has half the heart and effort of Kent Bazemore.
  6. I am not apologizing for my personal opinion of a city. That's just stupid.
  7. Has nothing to do with race. Has more to do with the overall crappiness of the city in general. I live an hour from it. I have been there very many times. It is a dreary, run down city with a nice harbor area. People make fun of Cleveland all the time and Baltimore isn't much better. Don't make my comment into some racial thing. That's ridiculous.
  8. Well if you're from Baltimore, that explains your terrible outlook.
  9. They were interested in Aldridge and he took them off the list. And what does that one play have to do with anyth....wait why am i answering this nonsense?
  10. What is it like to be so void of happiness that you just try to wreck everyone else's?
  11. You're a real barrel of monkeys.
  12. This reminds me of all those "Korver is horrible at defense! Rabble rabble!" discussions. As long as his work ethic and desire to improve is there, this could work out nicely.
  13. These are very very bad. This is an example of "trying too hard". I am going to miss the blue jerseys.
  14. My brother has three total and never did jail time. A first offense is typically fines and loss of license for a while.
  15. Please tell me that's Gaylon Nickerson.
  16. How good of a fit would Kevin Love be on this Hawks team? I feel that would be a match made in heaven.
  17. Well the good news is that they now have 7 days for the world to forget the Finals are actually going to happen.
  18. Played through a shoulder that required surgery. The guy is an absolute horse and a model team player. The front office will do their best to bring him back. I cannot believe he is getting hate all of the sudden. Oh wait...forgot where I was.
  19. This headline needs an opinion disclaimer.
  20. Duff_Man

    Kenny $hit

    What person in your life judges you based on the Atlanta Hawks?
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