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Everything posted by 1524

  1. One of the reasons I want to sign him is because he is 36. We could use his vet presence, and because of his age we can get him for cheap.
  2. The Hawks should be looking to sign Sam Cassell(along with re-signing Al)this summer. He is a perfect fit here to say the least. 6-6 PG, Clutch player, and a vocal leader. He is what we need. From the looks of it, we aren't to far away from a playoff team, don't think I am letting this streak get into my head, but look what we can do when we play hard, unselfish basketball. If we can sign Sam and draft some big men we could be real, real dangerous. Sam Cassell Joe Johnson Josh Smith Al Harrington ZaZa Pachulia 6.Josh Childress 7.Tiago Splitter(1st Round) 8.Marvin Williams 9.Tyronn Lue 10.Salim Stoudamire 11.Hilton Armstrong(2nd Round) 12.Royal Ivey
  3. I want him to coach us...badly. I don't know if I would have Rondo over some of the other PGs in the draft, but I would love to have Morris.
  4. In my oppinion, Woody's job depends on the effort the Hawks bring tomorow night. If they play hard, they must want Woody to stay...If not, then they want the ownership to pull the plug on Woody.
  5. Oh and just for the record, I say if he wants to bring Woody back as an assistant. He seems to work well with younger players.
  6. Well, the truth is, a lot of our players arent too familiar with it either. They could learn and grow together.
  7. AJC > Sports > Hawks > Blog > Archives > 2005 > December > 09 > Entry Not a job for faint-hearted By Sekou Smith | Friday, December 9, 2005, 03:50 PM The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Now that the fate-sealing “we’re evaluating everything right now” comment has been made by the Hawks’ ownership spokesman, it should be a matter of days before a coaching change is made. I’ve seen names like Paul Silas, Tubby Smith, Bill Laimbeer and even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar tossed around as possible replacements. Silas would make sense, since he’s taken over similar projects with the Cavaliers and Hornets. And Tubby, if he’s ever going to try the NBA, could probably land somewhere with a better chance for immediate success. Laimbeer and Abdul-Jabbar would really be left-field picks, but at least Laimbeer is an intriguing idea. The pool of candidates will be limited, since coaches currently under contract elsewhere won’t be allowed to come to Atlanta without a huge buyout and lots of negative publicity (which is always the best argument for making coaching changes at the end of a season rather than 20, 30 or 40 games in). The Hawks have already tried the college coach thing, and had it blow up in their face. Trying the retread route is great for experienced teams with playoff aspirations, (i.e. George Karl in Denver last year). But it’s hard to fathom some coaching graybeard getting a grip on a roster this green 20 games into the season and turning it around. The bottom line is, if you’re going to make a move like this somebody better have a plan. And a good one. There better already be a coach in mind and some knowledge of what it’ll take to get him here and a clear indication of what he has in store for a team, a franchise, its fans and a city fed up with losing. PLEASE BRING IN TUBBY SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. It is a solid deal for both sides. Cormier is 25, and is a dependable releiver. The real steal of the deal though, is the other releiver the Braves got. He had a monstorous 03' season, and has been overused ever scince. Not to mention he is 24.
  9. 1524

    BK's Only Mistakes

    Oh yea I forgot BK should have deff thrown more money at Steven Hunter. He would have been a great fit here. Not sure about Diop though, the Mavs threw pretty good money at him. Calderon JJ Iggy Harrington Hunter 6. Smoove 7. Salim 8. MWill That team still would have a long way to go, but may contend for the 8th spot.
  10. I am a big time Billy Knight supporter, and I back him 100%. But I do feel he made 2 mistakes so far in the re-building proccess. 1. Childress over Igudala I dont feel like Chill was a bad pick, but when we have a finished product in Atlanta Josh will come off the bench. A 6th overall pick should be starting. Iggy is coming along real well in Philly, it is a shame we will never get to see him and Josh Smith on the same team(exept for on All-Star weekends) 2. Lue over Calderon Why did we re-sign Ty Lue for 10 Mill when we could have gotten a better player, with much more potential at a much, much, much cheaper price. I know we went after Jose Manuel Calderon in the offseason as a plan B to T-Lue if he ended up signing with the LAL. But Jose should have been our main option, he brings it hard ON BOTH ENDS OF THE FLOOR each night. We could seriously use that.
  11. Marvin will be better than all of those guys in 2-3 years.
  12. Quote: there is no disputing that. i'm not watching it anymore. I made excuses for Billy Knight on the Pheonix ESPN board during the Belkin/JJ fiasco as Northcyde as my witness but I can't take it anymore the product on the floor sucks. the hawks aren't a team without direction because they aren't a TEAM. they are a rag tag group thrown together by Billy Knight under a theory that lacks any bit of common sense shared by anyone who has ever played basketball at the professional level, college level, high school level, grade school level, or any level period. if Billy Knight isn't fired after next (and that word makes me sick to my stomach) season after his philosophy is proven totally incorrect just as every NBA analyst with over a pea sized brain had predicted then this franchise will languish in last place until somebody with some common sense decides to make the current lame brained owners an offer they can't refuse. there, i'm done. refute that! You oviously don't know much about basketball, because you cant judge this untill it is a FINISHED product. We still dont have a legit Center(I like Zaza more at the four), and a legit PG. Not to mention this is only the SECOND YEAR OF BK'S PLAN!!!! Personally, I wouldnt mind you not watching Hawks basketball anymore because I dont want fans that quit on a re-building team like yourself.
  13. I just read on Hoopshype that the only way Billy Knight will deal Harrington to the Knicks is for Channing Frye. Personally, I am all for that. If we can get Frye and draft a guy like Tiago Splitter or LaMarcus Aldridge we could have the best yong frontcourt in basketball. Not to mention we could still have enough money to sign a PG like Sam Cassell in the offseason. I want Cassell bad, many of you think that he is a selfish player, but those same people are the ones saying we need a vocal leader. That is exactly what Cassell is doing with the Clippers, leading a young team to a winning season. I'd like him to do the same here. Starters: Cassell Johnson Smith Frye Splitter/Aldrige Bench: Childress Pachulia Williams Stoudamire Lue I like that team a lot. An absolutly outstanding mix of young guys and veturans.
  14. I'll be there, join me for a little Hawks @ Rockets chat.
  15. Quote: I am guessing Dec 15 the trade winds will pick up. Let examine who we have to consider for a trade. This is what I see BK working with initally. Right now I have taken Smooth, Chillz, Marvin, ZaZa, and Salim off the list because I would think BK do not want to break up our young nucleous unless someone knocks his hat off. JJ - Contract will be hard to move, plus the organization would never admit Belkin might have been right. In addition, we need to keep him because with the right personnel he is a closet superstar waiting to come out. Lue - The Lakers wanted him this summer and they still may be in the market. I can't see us getting much in return so he will probably stay. AL - Our biggest scoring threat and one of the leaders on the team, but he has an expiring contract and can get us something with value in return. Delk - We need to get him back on the floor to estimate his value to other teams. Ivery and Smith - No real trade value but can be a throw in with another trade. None of our big men have any value. What do you think? The only people I would want to trade at this point are Ty Lue, Esteban Batista, Royal Ivey, and Daunta Smith. Scince T-Lue is the only one with any value there, the other players we can maybe use as throw ins. What about this deal LAL Gets: Tyronn Lue Daunta Smith/Esteban Batista/Royal Ivey ATL Gets: Chris Mhim
  16. 1524

    Mark Blount?

    Rumor is that he is upset over lack of PT in Boston, I would love to bring him here. I would send our 2nd Round Pick and cash to get him. They are a rebuilding team and I think they might do that. Salim/Lue JJ/Chill Al/Marvin ZaZa/Smoove Blount/Big Jon
  17. I agree with Chillz though too, it is still too early to tell if we are a top 3 pick team. We seem to be playing well right now.
  18. Without question we need to grab Tiago Splitter. We need a Center, and T-Split seems to fit what Billy Knight is trying to build in Atlanta. I'd love to add him, re-sign Al and, sign Tony Battie, and maybe get a starting PG if we could(JT? Sam Cassell?). Then we would have a great big man rotation with Al/T-Split/ZaZa/Battie.
  19. we are 1-9 and have two roster spots open(1 if you include John Thomas)give me one good reason why BK doesn't give this kid another chance and bring him back?
  20. Happy Turkey day everyone!!! FALCONS CAME UP BIG TODAY!!!
  21. I am happy with Marvin so far, he is playing hard. And has shown some flashes of stardom at times this season. We all knew he wouldn't be a ROY candidate this year, but when it is all said and done, MWill will be the best player drafted from his draft class.
  22. 1524

    John Thomas?

    I dont think it is. It seems like this is a done deal, and it won't be a 10 day contract. He is a big body, who is a good locker room guy.
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