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Everything posted by y2kenta

  1. The above trade gives us the ability to: - give Marvin and Salim plenty of miutes to develop much more easily, without the pressures of starting either (even though Salim may could handle it) - let JJ play next to a pure PG once again - allow Salim to play off the bench much like Ben Gordon did in CHI last year - draft the best player this year without a need for multiple players/ we could focus on a shotblocker inside to develop behind Zaza and Nene, and so much more...
  2. Atlanta gets Andre Miller Nene Hillario Denver gets Josh Childress Al Harrington Now that's a trade that is very beneficial to both teams and could make us a lot better while staying young. Salaries nearly match and the trade fills needs for both teams. We may have to include a 2nd rounder to really swing DEN. Andre Miller: He's only 29 years old. One of the top all-around point guards in the league and he is a great playmaker who makes the whole team better. We definately need that and we can't get no better than Andre Miller at PG. A Miller + JJ starting backcourt!!! Whoa. Nene: Just an athletic beast when healthy. He plays hard and very aggressive most of the time and is tall and strong enough to play center at 6'11/ 265. Even though he is injured for the year, he and Zaza would make us very strong and tough inside next year. A huge difference in what we have now and well worth the wait. C - Zaza/ Edwards PF - Nene/ Marvin/ Batista (needs -> NBDL) SF - Smoove/ Donta SG - JJ/ Salim PG - Miller/ Lue/ Ivey (needs -> NBDL) Looks like a 2006-07 playoff team to me. Let's make it happen.
  3. Interesting... Keep in mind, we the fans, buy the tickets.
  4. He basically outplayed our so-called "leader" Al in the game tonight vs. MEM. AL's punk-@ss line: 6pts/ 5reb/ 1stl and 3 TOs in 25 mins. JOHN's line: 6pts/ 4reb (3 off)/ 1stl/ 1blk in only 13 mins. That's RE-DAYUM-DICULOUS!!!!!!!
  5. Maybe we trade Childress and could get either: Ely from CHA or Wilcox from LAC (Unlikely) or Gooden from CLE We may need to throw in Delk or a 2nd, but they'd be well worth it. But before we trade him I think we should try to bench him first and let Marvin start, and then give Donta a lot of his minutes until he improves. It seems to be working with Smoove (at least it did tonight) and if it doesn't, pull the trigger one any above trade if possible. Not too just say Chillz is holding us back, but Al is really supposed to be our leader and he put up 6/5 and though he hit a big shot or two, he was outplayed John Edwards who had 6/4 and a block in only 13 mins. JOHN EDWARDS? C'mon Al, WTF!!!!!!!!
  6. Even though I have only seen him this season and it's very early right now. You guys can call me crazy but, I DO see a little potential in John Edwards. OK, I know you are in awww a little bit, but close your mouth (before you drool) for just a second.... Now, don't get it twisted, he does suck right now and I don't see the heart, the mean streak, the strength, or the athleticism for him to be an allstar center, but... I DO SEE THAT: - (basketball IQ) he knows how to use his height effectively - (very coachable) he listens and makes changes in the game - (size) very big at 275 and is somewhat agile like Gasol - he is very weak right now, but with training and development, how many (non-Shaq) centers could push around 7'1/ 275lbs? - (starter potential) he may develop a desire to be good and that's when he'll make strides but he may not and just remain at the end of every bench he rides - (athleticism) he doesn't really need to be very athletic because of his size - (offense) he has a very soft touch and he has a few moves on the post - (defense) he could easily block shots just by trying, but he hasn't gotten much time to show that yet HE NEEDS TO: - be very agressive and play hard/ strong - polish the moves that he has and add a couple more on both sides kinda like "go-to" moves - really "want it" and really enforce his will and want to be dominant - contest any shot near him until he develops shotblocking timing and instincts - he'll definately need a little mean streak HIS CEILING: -(safe comparisons) if he develops all the above he may develop a R. Smits/ K. McHale "kinda" game but more like J. Pryzbilla -(stat projections) at best: 14pts/8reb/2bpg starter that looks good next to a Big Ben-type PF but without work + mean streak he'll probably end up being more like a 4pts/3reb/.5bpg backup Either way, I think he's a decent bargain at $1million per. I'm not promising anything from him, I just think BK and the coaches see some of these things in him and grabbed him for those reasons. But just like with Smoove, they both need to have a coach drive them acheive as much of their potential as possible. Woodson tries to, but I think the problem may simply be that he just doesn't know how.
  7. Quote: We are sorely missing a big body other than ZaZa and we should have signed Curry. Too many of the guys on here are getting things twisted with what the Hawks are in need of inside. We don't just need another big body inside with Zaza. Because if that was the case, we could simply start Edwards + Zaza and have Al start at SF. What we need is a very athletic PF that can score a little, run well, and blocks plenty of shots and together with Zaza makes a very formidable presence inside. That's all the more reason the Smoove should be our PF of the future. He just needs a a more patient, experience coach who knows how to mold players like Smoove into diamonds. We need someone right now to help us win and be more competitive and even though I hope Al will be resigned, I feel like Bosh, Wilcox, or Ely would fit perfect with Zaza. But with the exception of Bosh (who is the most unlikely) those guys are not as good as Al. So if we could send a good player Childress home to LA for Wilcox and move Al back to SF, we'd be good to go. I would love an Al for Bosh trade but we may have to add Childress or Delk + a 2nd for Bosh + Alvin. I think both teams could benefit and would have better looks. WE ALL WANT the Hawks to win and most of us see that a trade would really help us a lot. I'm sure we all feel like the Hawks just need a little bit more to put us over.
  8. I 2nd the Childress trade because he is decent and will be really good, but he's not a allstar or a big time talent, so why not use his value while it's exists. I like a trade of Al + Chillz for: - Bosh + (Alvin or Eric Williams) or - Darko + (Arroyo or McDyess) or - E. Watson + Nene
  9. Why in the H3LL should we take a chance on the unproven Darko for the face of our team? True, Smooves in kinda the doghouse right now but he's got the gifts. Wooodson just may not be the one to bring it out of him.
  10. Smoove needs a coach to learn ways the get the best out of him and teach him to focus on letting the game come to him. Chillz is a smarter player but is doesn't have the build/ abilities to match his skills. It's hard to say who's better or who'll be better because Chillz is right now slightly smarter but Smoove is undoubtedly built for and gifted enough to be a star. Let's give them 10-15 more games and decide.
  11. Quote: keep chill trade smoove/al for bosh/williams I rather us keep Smoove and throw in Delk or Edwards or Ivey and if they'll throw in a 2nd with Bosh/ Alvin, we'd give them Chillz...OR...we could just do Al + Chillz for Bosh + Alvin straight up and maybe sign Spree to swap at SG w/ JJ and at SF with Marvin/Donta... Smoove may look terrible right now, but he has the gifts to be a super athletic 6'9+ superstar up there with Amare and Garnett (but more like the young Kemp with a better jumper). He just really needs Woodson to find the best way to get 110% out of him or we need a new coach to do so. Childress is definately good, tenacious, and plays smart and very hard, but he just does not have the build, quickness, or strength to guard top SGs and is too weak to guard top SFs. So Chillz really should not be starting yet and would be a better 6th man than a starter. He's good and can be a great impact player, but won't be an allstar. If the Hawks are smart, they could really get this team to win right now with this trade or a very similar deal, and it wouldn't really hurt the building process. If have to lose Al and Chillz for the sake of adding a shotblocking/ scoring PF/C (Bosh) and a pure PG who can pass, defend, and also score and make big shots (Alvin), we would really benefit greatly. We'd instantly become competitors and then playoff contenders next years. Also with CHillz gone we could give Donta more minutes and even add another strong potential 17+ppg (Spree) who could start @ SF and guard SGs and SFs way better than Chillz. H3LL, we could contend by thie season's end. C - Zaza/ Edwards PF - Bosh/ Smoove/ Batista SF - Spree/ Marvin/ Donta SG - JJ/ Salim/ Delk PG - Alvin/ Lue/ Ivey ATLANTA would soon be live again in Phillips if we got a star like Bosh (who played here at Ga Tech) and another good scorer in Sprewell (who also defenders very well and wants to play here) and only give up Al + Chillz (who will be very good, but will never beat any allstars in voting to be great). IT'S VERY UNLIKELY, but is possible.
  12. Wait a minute, now... Just think for a second... Backcourt = JJ + Spree vs JJ + Chillz Spree can't really be classified as a cancer any more than having a cancerous disease called, "Toomany-wingplayer-itis" in which the Hawks are suffering from. I think if the Spurs got even better with adding Finley and Van Exel to their already full backcourt, then we definately can't get any worse. Besides Smoove and Marvin are "not quite there yet" wing players and Smoove is more of a PF now with the lack of interior defense. Spree can score and can play D way better than Childress can. And coupled with JJ and Al give us three good scoring options in our starting 5. The more legitimate options we have, the harder it'd be to defend us. And it'd open up the floor for guys like Salim and Marvin because teams won't just key into JJ or into Al and sit in the paint. Spree, AL, and JJ also know how to win from their playoff experiences and being on winnning teams. Even if we have him play the SF and continue to let Lue start at PG, I think he is still better than Chillz. He could also teach Chillz alot about getting his shot off and be aggressive on D as a SG. ABOVE ALL! If he wants to be here, why not sign him to a 2-3 year deal starting @ about $5-7 Million. If he'll sign for that and leave us with plenty to sign Big Ben, Nene, or best availabe big next offseason. It either helps Chillz get better or it makes Chillz expendable and gives us an option of trading Chillz and Al, if a really good big becomes available. So I don't neccessarily just like Spree to Atlanta, but at the same time, it could only make us better, so I'm not against it.
  13. WTF!!!!!!!!!!! That was the single most dumbest, b!tch-made, I've seen in a while. That **** was so f-cked up that I couldn't believe it. I mean, how in the h#ll could they actually call that bullsh!t, collaborate on it with each other, check the replay, and then STILL come out and not just call it off or call it after the horn? WTF!!! I so always kinda believe that there is a little conspiracy or a black over the Hawks, because that was sickening to watch. I mean they could have just sent the game on to overtime. That was just the right thing to do. I'm c'mon now, 2 winless teams that battle all night only to have the competition taking out of it by the refs for the sake of basically giving POR a win. That is really some bullsh!t! I mean they could at least thought about Jason Collier's death having a toll a young team just a couple of weeks ago. No way am I saying that his passing shpould be an excuse for any lost this year, but I mean that was was sickening and cruel. They deserved to play that game out on the court, not have it decided by a whistle. Just BS. I've been so pissed at a game in so long... F-CK - Referee Ken Mauer F-CK - Referee Bennie Adams F-CK - Referee Mark Ayotte And.... F-CK you if you feel that **** was fair, cool, or just!!!!
  14. He couldn't take it back, but they all collaborated. THey could have simple annouced it to be after thye horn and sent the game to overtime.
  15. should be.... C - Zaza PF - Smoove SF - Marvin SG - JJ PG - Lue Just think about it. We're playing against a new Clippers team with a few new weapons, in Cat Mobley and Cassell. Aside from Al, Lue showed the most heart, passion, and control in the GS game. Lue also played very good D and ran the offense better than JJ. So Lue should start and D up Cassell while JJ plays against a more suitable Cat Mobley. Childress should come off the bench atleaswt for tonight to provide the bench with some tenacity and all-around play. And if Marvin can continue playing well starting, then we could have a good chance to win this one tonight. Maggette is out injured so, Marvin won't have so many headaches tonight vs Quinton Ross. Besides Marvin played best on the team against J-Rich. That leaves our only mismatch(atleast on paper), if any, with Smoove versus Brand. We could approach this 3 different ways: 1. Zone with the youngsters and prevent Brand from killing us inside all night. 2. Double with Marvin and make Q. Ross a shooter. 3. Put Zaza on Brand and Smoove on Kaman, which may allow smoove to roam inside and get more blocks With Maggette out, we should have to only worry about Cassell, Cat, and Brand. With AL out, JJ should definately move to SG and take more of the scoring load. If Woodson is smart, he'll start backcourt of Lue and JJ to counter Cassell and Cat.
  16. J-Smoove has a commercial with Adidas/ Champs Sports that's pretty cool. I think his confidence will grow and eventually ignite a charge of aggressiveness with his skills/ athleticism. At least I hope it does. If he stays healthy and keeps learning, the spotlight of being a will push him to be better by raising his/ everyone's expectations. Hopefully he just learns how to play strong, aggressive and becomes a great complimentary "Pippen-type" star at least. But if he could realize that he has the size, quickness, "guard-like" background, and leaping abilities to be like or even better than Amare, he could be our modern day "Nique" here in ATL. Right now Amare is more aggressive because he plays hard and strong like a beast. Josh has to develop that killer instinct and want to be great!!! This commercial could be his launching pad...
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