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Plastic Man

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Everything posted by Plastic Man

  1. Quote: Quote: He is under contract for next season so I don't understand why he isn't at the Summer League. Did I miss an explanation for why he isn't attending? He declined the invitation to participate What is he thinking? Since Woody doesn't coach SL--he would have actually gotten more than 2 minutes a game!
  2. Quote: JJ likes Wood. I dunno. I think he's been extra PC when talking about Woody.
  3. Quote: Quote: Quote: If Smoove is really disinterested in playing for us if Woody is coach... I get rid of Woody and keep Josh Smith. I second that! That's the ONLY thing I'm raising my hand to.
  4. Billy Packer is finally out at CBS! Good to see Clark Kellogg is taking over. link
  5. Quote: Can you imagine if we would have been fortunate enough to get Chris Paul and Rudy Gay? I remember getting blasted on here because I wanted Rudy Gay over anyone, and thought he should be #1 overall. I'd still take him over Roy or anyone else in that draft.
  6. Quote: How are you a Yankees fan, a Hawks fan, and a Dolphins fan? Don't you guys think that is weird? I am a fan of each of those teams too. For that reason alone I will defend Dolfan. Not to mention the time he spent on a detailed and tastefully done new look for the site. Basketball Guy: Who are you going to send the petition to? Our most active moderator?
  7. Quote: I thought Pig Miller would want to be paid in hot dogs and fries. I say we make him the designated corndog inhaler.
  8. Quote: Yep IF ... and that's a HUGE IF ... we were to buy a pick it would be for a guy that can contribute immediately. We already have enough projects on our bench. We need guys that can play immediately and all things considered I would rather pay a vet the minimum rather than pay a 2nd round pick. Yeah why go after a young raw athletic 7 footer when you can overpay guys like Blo Wright to come in and make rookie mistakes and foul out in 10 minutes? Just another boring Sund day--wish it were a fun day.
  9. Quote: Goes against everything they've said . . . . needing vets. I think it's a sentimental pick that will not be realized. If Zaza is considered a vet, gimme Jordan. I'll be pi$$ed if he falls to the Celts.
  10. Quote: ..and trade up for a pick to get DeAndre Jordan. The guy is still on the board at 25. We couldn't get a better player much less a guy with top 10 athleticism at the center position for the cost of a late 1st rder. W I'm on board. He's a true (left-handed) 7 footer with crazy athleticism.
  11. Quote: There are alot of reasonably priced guys who fit this bill that are free agents, to-wit: Skinner, Elson, Foyle, Pollard, DJ Mbenga, even Deke, etc. I agree. I'll add Jackie Butler and even Kwame Brown to that list (for the right price). For the shooter I like Ricky Davis, James Jones, Juan Dixon, JR Smith or Gerald Green.
  12. Quote: Maybe these two should hook up Nah she is WAY out of his mullet league. I think he was the logo on the old Redskins helmets.
  13. Quote: If the Hawks aren't going to resign Smith for 11+ million, they might as well sign and trade him for a legit big man. Gasol is one of the better centers in the league and he's still fairly young. No thanks. Gasoft = no D. We need more of a defensive and rebounding physical center.
  14. Quote: Y'all are taking this way too seriously. Shaq was just basically clowning in a club and somebody got it on tape. If anyone has ever tried to freestyle, especially drunk, you'd come up with anything you could find that would rhyme and make a lot of sense. Hell I was impressed that he could even come up with that. He probably realized that he crossed the line somewhere and just said "f*ck it, and kept goin. That wasn't a true freestyle. Shaq wrote/memorized that a while ago and couldn't wait for Kobe to lose. That bafoon is a bitter fool. I agree with Swish n Diesel on the Hakeem/Kareem vs. Shaq comparisons. Shaq scored most of his career points by committing offensive fouls. H/K had all-around skilled games.
  15. Quote: You're right. Reading is fundamental. Perhaps you need to go back and read my last post over again. You never said everyone else was average, either. Did you read my post from 11:54 AM today where I said "Minny got nothing of value besides Al Jefferson"? Quote: Just because I don't agree with you, you imply I'm a Celtics fan and that I'm defending the Celtics ? Could you be any more unreasonable ? How does it feel when someone else plays your own game?
  16. Quote: You really think Al Jefferson is average ? Reading is like the pick-n-roll--it's fundamental. I said in an earlier post everyone in that trade other than Jefferson. I can't believe this thread is still in homecourt and squawkers are defending the Celtics.
  17. Quote: They were in control of every series Only at home. I know we're not as good as Pistons/Lakers. A win is a win. It appeared the Lakers conceded at halftime so I don't put too much weight on the margin of victory.
  18. Quote: Minnesota got a young big man, who put up like 21/13 last year. Not only do they get an All-Star quality big to replace KG, they get 3 players (Telfair, Gomes, and Ratliff) just to add depth to their team. Even if those players don't work out, they still were able to draft in the Top 10, and get Corey Brewer. Good one. Those players are average at best including Brewer who makes Chillz look fat. Quote: I also think adding Gasol to the Lakers is the reason that they went to the finals. You take Gasol and Bynum away from the Lakers, and they would not have made it as far as they have. He may not have had the impact KG had for the Celtics, but he definately had more impact than Ray had for the Celtics. Not to mention he was much cheaper. Hilarious. Ray Allen is among the top 3pt shooters of all time. Jeff Green will never even be able to pick up Ray Ray's jock. After the top 3 picks in the draft the talent declined heavily. Delonte had been terribly inconsistent and unproductive Wally had a bloated contract through the '09 season. Quote: I also think it's quite clear that you, my friend, are a Celtics hater. You knock Paul Pierce by not jumping for joy on a 25 loss team, and knock him when he becomes more of a team player and even deals with the fact that the Celtics have a new "franchise player" in KG. I personally do not like Paul Pierce, but he's a player that gave up a lot in order to win a championship. If I'm a hater then you must be Ainge's nephew from Tenn. You had me ROFL when I read Pierce "gave up alot". Like what? KG himself said it was still Paula's team. I didn't realize we had so many closet Celtics fans on the 'squawk. DJ you are not alone!
  19. Quote: Quote: Yet they made the Finals without Bynum! That's more impressive to me than what the Celtics did (and I'm not even close to being a Lakers fan). What would it have taken from the Celtics to impress you? Beat the Lakers by 60? Well, at LEAST they could have swept us or not let it go to 7 games! Or are we really that good? Winning by 60 means no more than winning by 1.
  20. I'm not bitter or a hater. I'm just calling it like I see it. McHale is still a Celtic and will be for life. Minny got nothing of value besides Al Jefferson; Celts even got rid of some "headaches" in Gerald Green and Telfair. The thing that bothers me most is Pierce. I followed the Celtics all last season and he didn't even earn a paycheck. Sulking and sitting out games for no reason. Total lack of heart, leadership and effort. Throw in 2 all-stars, get rid of some young guns taking away his shot attempts, and he's ready to play defense every night and run "his team". This board has always over-valued Gasol. He is a regualr season stat sheet stuffer and that's where it ends. He's weak on both ends. The Lakers DID actually make out on that deal, but Gasoft is nowhere near the impact player of KG or even Ray Ray. Yet they made the Finals without Bynum! That's more impressive to me than what the Celtics did (and I'm not even close to being a Lakers fan).
  21. Quote: 2) Paul Pierce--dissed Joe Johnson, does this "WHAT!!!" every time he makes a shot and blatantly tanked last season (sat out for no reason) so that they could try get the #1 pick Exactly. Where was all this "heart" and "passion" and "defensive intensity" and "high threshold of pain" last season? I can't give Paula and his one-minute affair with a wheelchair any credit. Quote: 5) Kendrick Perkins--explodes every time he dunks. Should have had about 20 technical fouls by the end of the postseason. Not very talented--just big Have you seen his 'roid rage? He's gotta be on the juice.
  22. Quote: Some people will just hate no matter what. True. Everyone who has a different opinion than you is definitely a hater. Quote: Unless a story breaks about Stern mandating trades for certain players between certain teams I would not be shocked. Stern IS still the puppetmaster. Quote: If this hadn't worked and the C's had a 2nd round exit then Ainge would certainly be catching all kinds of heat for mortgaging the future away and not getting results. Why are we then so reluctant to credit him for a well-laid and well-executed plan? Because when you start 3 all-stars in the East, you SHOULD come out on top. Quote: I am almost as impressed about the pieces he built around the Big 3 with as I am with the triad itself. This has more to do with KG than Ainge. Who, in the decline of their NBA career, wouldn't want to go play with KG in the East?
  23. Ainge was given gifts from McHale and Seattle. The rest isn't even possible without those gifts.
  24. Quote: Have a workout and physical. This guy is well worth the risk if he appears healthy. W I definitely agree. He's still young and able to fully recover.
  25. I would've asked Stern about the Heat winning it all a couple years ago with Wade shooting 86 free throws per game.
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