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Details surrounding DJ's accident?


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Back when DJ got into the car accident, authorities were quoted as saying that they were unsure who was driving the car. I have seen nothing since that time confirming who the driver was. Have I missed this info or is it being held "under wraps" for some strange reason?

Also, it was reported that DJ and his fellow passengers were all tested for alcohol or drugs. Again, have I missed this info or is it being kept secret?

It would be nice to know what exactly happened on that morning.

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I think the information should be made available, but most likely the AJC will want to curry favor with the hawks and will not release it if it makes DJ look bad.

DJ has/had so much talent that this entire episode is very distressing. I was looking forward to his development this year.

The bigger question is; How much poor judgement on DJ's part was the cause of the accident. Was he drinking and driving? Or was his poor judgement one of being with the wrong people at the time?

I think the answers to these questions will bear on how the hawks approach his status in the future. If he f*cked up big time, then I don't expect them to make too much of an effort to get him back in a Hawks uniform. On the other hand, if it's just a 'wrong place wrong time' situtution, they may be much more supportive of his comeback.

The fans DO have a right to know, IMVHO.

It was his car, wasn't it?

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What do we know? He was up late and got in a car crash, that nearly ended his career and took his life. Obviously, if you are in a car with friends at 5am, you're probably not returning from a church social. It probably wasn't the best situation or judgement to put himself in but who are we to judge. I really don't think it's the publics business to know the full story and we should just be thankful that he will eventually be ok.

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It's the "publics business" to know about DJ the basketball player not DJ and his driving record. It's not like he is going to be taking your kids through Drivers Ed. His ability to drive a car, has nothing to do with his ability to drive the lane. If you want gossip buy the "National Enquirer".

To an extent I will agree that it is the public's buiness because his decisions have effected the entire Hawks organization. But whether alcohol or any other outside forces caused this accident is irrelevant. That's just people being nosey and focusing on things that should be between Demar and his employers the Hawks. Just because you play a professional sport doesn't mean that everything should be public knowledge.

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the playoffs!!! That is when the story will be to expencive to hold from the media. We might just catch it on a "Stinger at the Half" trill. (I would really hate that) But we will find out one way or another. Think about it a come back from DJ before the playoff run!! We know the media will get their hands on the story even if it is bad for him and the team.

By the way, I am back fellas!!!

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DJ was driving the car. They were making a right turn and the left front tired popped. They lost control of the car and hit a few trees. That's pretty much the end of it. He wasn't charged with anything.

The reason not much was said afterwards is that it's really not much of a story to the majority of teh people out there. As there was no real investigation into what happened, there wasn't much to report on.

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It is nice to hear that DJ didn't get into any legal troubles and stuff like that. Lets hope DJ comes back and have the same kind of success (Pierce is having right now). I mean, didn't PP get stabbed and people were so worried he might never play ball again and then he is now an all-star (I consider him a superstar). Lets just hope the same thing happens to DJ.

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