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Sub patterns...


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(a repeat from a post on realgm)

I haven't been thrilled (understatement) with Lon's sub patterns, what I've come to realize is that they're not technically/ necessarily bad - they're just unbelievably mechanical and uninventive. I don't know if this is a lack of confidence to sub on the fly or true lack of imagination (given the history of available players, I'm still willing to lean towards the prior...for now), but it's apparent that he more or less sticks to the same sub patterns each game. Look at who comes in and out at the start of each quarter. Dion - always and almost exclusively put in ONLY when offense is needed and the game is tight - he is rarely given a chance to play within the offence.

I truly hope he a) has fears overriding some underlying imagination and b) overcomes those fears with a healthy roster.

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Lon can't coach on this level.

He doesn't understand how to sub. He is missing that Subs go with the flow of the game. While this might seem like a trivial matter to some, we only have to look back to game 7 of Sacramento vs. Lakers last yr to see how a bad substitution can wreck a season. Namely, Sacramento not subbing Jackson in for Christie sooner and more often.

However, Lon has lost one game with Substitutions and have endangered just about every win.

It's sad that Chicago has a younger team than ours yet they are better coached than us.

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I kinda like regular substitution patterns. I would like to see more of Dion but otherwise really cant complain. It seems to me that Lon is much more the NBA coach this year and hopefully he'll continue to improve as we do. Btw, I thought Chicago sub patterns really made no sense and were overdone. I felt they might have beat us if they had played there starters but with Donyell Marshall more.

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