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Do we suck or do we suck?


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I really don't know what is going on with this team. I mean the only possible thing I can think of is that we dont give enough effort for 48 minutes. We have a very good center, a great SF and PF, a good PG and and a very good SG but plays tenacious D. I have no other reason why we cant beat The Knicks and Bulls at home, this is bad, really bad. What I am going to say now is the plain truth, this is the worst team put together since I been a Hawks fan since '84. Well actually on paper is a great team, but once they step on the courts is horrible just plain horrible. No pride , no heart, NO ANYTHING.

For all I care they can trade all 12 players, and bring some scrubs from the CBA or NBDL.

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Slow down. I share in your disgut with the team tghe way they are playing right now, but you're taking it a bit far. First, yes, they have not yet learned how to close on teams. You all heard NY players talking about how they got together and pulled it off in the last minutes of the game, BULL! They got lucky that the Hawks do not know how to close wins. As for the trades, maybe not everyone needs to be traded. I think SAR likes Ira a lot. I think Ham likes everybody (I still want his cheerleadingass gone). I think JT (and others) like GRob at lot. I think GRob wants to win with this team. The problem is that we simply choke. Every game I have seen the Hawks lose by 10 or less points is because we choke and let the other team dilute our lead (which we have many a times). I thought this game against the Bulls was a win - when was the last time the Hawks led by 10 or so points so close to the end of a game?- Darn, like you, it pains me to watch this bunch play. I see their effort, but they choke and mishandle everything when it counts. SAR taking and missing a shot we needed badly with no one in his face hurts. Say what the heck you'll say, but JT is the man! and should be the Captain of this team. He bails their arses out time after time (clutch player, yeah!). Who do we trade and why? Who do we get, and is this doable; you know, realistic? PEACE.

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I'll be realistic, yes trade everyone that shows no effort. Meaning Reef and Big Hog shouled be traded. These guys show no effort defensively. About Ham, I actually like Ham, why? because he hustles and plays hard. Lets answer this question.........When was the last time you saw Reef and Big Dog give 100% effort in one game this year? I recall NONE.

Yes I'll be realistic, trade Reef and Big Dog, I rather have Ham and Hendu starting than these 2 overpaid, effortless losers, because to me any player in this league that gets paid this much and shows no intensity defensively are losers and just want to look pretty putting up big numbers offensively.

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I think the effort is there most of the time, they just don't rotate well and sometimes they do go lazily to someone making a shot - I see them standing around sometimes until the player they (Were) guarding is going for a shot and they are too far removed to do anything about it. I see the problem with our D to be in the rotation; we have improved sojme in the past 3 games, but too little too late? They need to continue doing the D rotation and get better at it. D assignments are foggy, I think, on this team, and I have to blame that on coaching. Maybe the improvement on D is because of coach Stotts' style, but the players need to learn how to rotate. We had the same problem with Deke, he would go after a players that had just gone by a Hawk player and no one would have his back, and I see the same thing with Theo. The only player I see playing good D is Hendu. I am not sold on anything Ham does. Sorry. PEACE.

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I still think we need two ball-handlers at all time to avoid getting trapped and turnovers. I say JT and Dickau or Wicks or any combo of at least two of these players need to be on the court at all times. By themselves with 4 stiffs, they're dead meat. Doesn't anyone else see this or am I missing something? I don't care how tall they are, we need ball-handlers to avoid ridiculous tos. JT turns it over so often because he's often playing by himself.

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