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ESPN "Hopeless Hawks now NBA's biggest lost cause"


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I CANNOT see how any of you can POSSIBLY think that Glenn Robinson helped our team. Stick to the weed, that rock can play tricks on you.

From the fact that current players on the roster(Theo Ratliff) complained of how shoddy his D was to the fact we had a better win percentage when he DIDN'T play and instead had Dion Glover or Ira Newble(NOT EXACTLY 20 POINT, 7 REBOUND GUYS) starting, Glenn "Big Dog" Robinson is NOT the fit for our team, the style we played, or our chemistry.

As far as us not making the playoffs the three years before we got him Traceman/Diesel. Hello? Hitting the pipe again? Our roster was completely different, Terry was a younger, Reef wasn't here, and the year before BallHog showed up, we played very well in the 2nd half of the season, so much as to cause us to mistakenly guarantee making the playoffs the following year. Every sportswriter and coach picked us to the surprise of that upcoming season, BEFORE we picked up Robinson. You can call it easiness of the schedule, whatever.

And if you think that the key to our 2nd half run was Kukoc alone, well I'll resell your propery Diesel for 10 times the price I bought it.

No, we did not get Tracy McGrady or Allen Iverson in trade, but we opened space up so we can resign our best(or 2nd best, whatever your opinion is{and top 5 or 6 point guard in the league}) player and now we can also try to sign a free agent that fits our style of play.

I'm not saying we're going to be good this coming season, I'm saying we did the right thing by doing anything different from the status quo. Everyone and their momma saw that it wasn't working with Glenn in our system.

And I'm surprised at you Diesel, you make 15 trade scenarios a day with many of them being farfetched or crazytalk(although some are good, don't get me wrong) but you're bashing cuz we did something.

Oh, we can only hope they spend that money on a free agent as good as Toni Kukoc(sarcasm).

As far as bringing George Karl here, I pray to the big man above that that will NOT happen. George's nickname should be Coach Cancer.

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Karl must be doing something right. He's the 5th winningest active coach, and he has had 12 straight seasons where his teams have gone .500. He took over a bad Bucks team and took them to the playoffs in his first year, only missing the playoffs in one season while with the Bucks.

As far as him being a cancer, how much of it was him, and how much of it was Glenn Robinson/Sam Cassell? I don't think Ray Allen was ever a big problem for Karl.

I think it's obvious why Robinson and Cassell didn't like him. He pushed them. He made them practice hard and play hard, which is something don't like to do. He also called them out publicly, which was probably the mistake he made. Robinson and Cassell are two player who don't like to share the ball or play defense, and that really clashed with George Karl.

His team in Milwaukee was exactly the opposite of his team in Seattle. Payton and Kemp were his stars, but they worked hard and played defense for him. They also played very well together. He surrounded those two with quality role players like Ricky Pierce, Detlef Schremph, Hersey Hawkins, Sam Perkins, Nate McMillan, and Derrick McKey. These guys didn't mind sharing the ball offensively, and they also didn't mind playing some defense. Those teams averaged over 60 wins a season.

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Yeah and George just got fired and he's a racist

to boot.

The team from the games last summer didn't seem

to like Karl either.In fact, not many people seem

to like him.

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that's the part I worry about.. the teams in the summer.. we lost a game or two... is it his coaching? is it the lazy play of our players? better competition?..

the players didn't like him either..hopefully that's because he tried to work them..

the only reason i would give him a chance is that he seems he.llbent on trying to prove he can coach again..

but he needs to be better with his players...

not sure about the racist thing.. alot of statements can be taken out of context(although I don't know the statement he said exactly honestly) and it's hard for me to see him being racist when he works with black men all day long...but it could happen i guess..

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