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Everything posted by b3bawla

  1. I know Detriot has a top 5 protected pick from Orlando for the 07 drafft. But Detroit doesn't have any bad contracts so it's almost no way to make a deal (unless they want to give Rasheed back to us).
  2. Quote: This is Philadelphia. This is Atlanta. Any questions? This man broke out the pie charts like Ross Perot!!!! That's tight Diesel.
  3. I think he'll be that game changer but it will take some time. He's raw offensively and is a great student, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if he stays in college 2 or 3 years.
  4. That's really great. He deserves it.
  5. Quote: Third-year center John Edwards has struggled to show the explosive athleticism his coaches have seen in practices and in flashes. Did I miss something? When was Edwards ever considered explosive?
  6. Quote: Quote: Quote: What a bunch of whiny babies...some people can't handle the truth. What you don't understand is that I have been a ticket holder since 1985. I have been sitting down in my seats for a long time. I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS!!!! for those snl fans out there.... You do not talk to me like that!! I work too hard to deal with this stuff!! I work too hard!! I'm a Division Manager in charge of 49 people!! I drive a Dodge Stratus!! You guys are a trip
  7. Quote: Grundy was called up last year because Tyronn Lue was injured. The only people we had at Pg were Ivey and Joe Johnson. As it stands now we have Speedy, T. Lue, Royal Ivey, and to some extent Salim as our PG rotation. Speedy is injury prone...if he were to get hurt we'd be back where we were last year. I say we keep em and let em fight for PT.
  8. I think that's a good one but how about a better rebounding Bernard King. Or maybe a shorter more athletic Dirk (if his shot keeps improving).
  9. Quote: Quote: Quote: Sheldon fouled out in 16 minutes. Someone would say Marvin and Sheldon combined for 36 points and 17 free throws? You can't foul out in the summer league I have read somewhere that its 7 fouls for summer league. It's at least 10... Bargnani committed 10 in one game. But I'm pretty sure that its unlimited.
  10. Quote: Sheldon fouled out in 16 minutes. Someone would say Marvin and Sheldon combined for 36 points and 17 free throws? You can't foul out in the summer league
  11. vaguely...i know they are "holy warriors" but other than that i don't know much
  12. We need Nique to show that two handed double pumping dunk to Smoove. Smoove's small hands cause him to boble the ball when he gets hit. The two handed double pumping dunk keeps the ball shielded from the D and lets Josh secure it with 2 hands...plus it looks awesome.
  13. Why they gotta mess with Yinka like that? Yinka ain't never hurt nobody.
  14. Hey maybe it's Chris Webber Seriously though, it could be Austin Croshere
  15. That would be so awesome, but why would they trade a top 6 center (Duncan, Shaq, Amare, Yao, Ilgauskus, and Miller) when they only have Vitaly Potepenko as his backup? In fact the next tallest guy after Potepenko is Shareef at 6'9, then Artest, Thomas, Williamson, Martin, and Garcia at 6'7. They definitely wouldn't get Al. They already have Artest, Thomas and Shareef so they got 3 fowards of the same body type (squatty).
  16. Quote: How much different is Speedy than Brevin Knight? Would it be such a bad thing if he were a lot like Brevin Knight? Brevin averaged 9 assists and only 2.2 turnovers in 29 minutes a game 2 years ago. Last year he averaged 8.8 assists and only 2.4 turnovers in 34 minutes a game. BTW in both years he averaged 2 steals. So I think I'd be O.K. with that. Anyway, I don't think it's that big of a deal to slightly overpay for someone to ensure that you get your man. Now if we gave him a 6 year 60 million dollare deal...that'd be different.
  17. The thing is this is a war that we can't win simply because we value the lives of our people than they do of theirs. They celebrate when they kill us and when we kill them. America gets rattled when our people die (and I think that's a good thing...life is that precious)...those guys over there just don't care if they live or die. It's that Keyser Soze mentality. They are willing do anything to get their way.
  18. Dude...chlll. I guess I should have toldya i was being sarcastic...playing of the fact that your comment was irrelevant. But you got it man. I'm not gonna try to get all personal and evaluative. Imma lover not a fighter.
  19. Josh Smith had a better 3pt shooting % than Chris Paul.
  20. Yea...athleticism, versatility, and outside shooting. With Joe, Salim, and Lue we have some top flight shooters. I expect Marvin will be able to hit in the mid 30's this year. Chillz and Smoove also seemed to be improving their outside shot late last year too. We're not gonna be Phoenix or anything, but we should be one of the better teams in terms of 3pt shooting percentage.
  21. I was thinking the exact same thing. Hey I wonder if Josh Childress will have a super high field goal rating because of his high shooting percentage last year. And I bet they under rate Shelden, giving him like a 40 in his field goal rating.
  22. You still here...or are you alumni?
  23. And the Ocsar goes to...GSUTeke!!!! BTW is GSU Georgia State University or Georgia Southern University or neither?
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