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Everything posted by DavidSomerset

  1. I just hope we re-sign him! You can never be sure with our ownership.
  2. People can [censored] and moan about this team all they want, but NO ONE can accuse this team of not giving it their all. What a great job by Woody to have this team motivated every single night playing their hardest...That is such a difficult thing to accomplish in today's NBA...Most teams are just lazy as hell. I am tired of hearing "the team has quit on Woody"...That can't be farther from the truth. Good to put a pair of wins together against teams that are competing for those last 2 or so playoff spots with us. Keep it up, Hawks!!!
  3. Man it sucks we are still going to lose, but what a ridiculous comeback.
  4. We will win and people will be OK for a night until we lose again, then everyone will revert to "freak out" mode.
  5. Which is what people should have expected on this 5 game road trip with a gimpy Joe Johnson. The loss at Portland hurts, but I'm not going to complain about 2 out of 5. We'll continue to make up ground with our next homestand...I expect us to win 3 out of 4 of those. The playoffs are all that matter, and we are right on pace for 7th or 8th in the East right now...All is well at the moment... Everyone can relax with their unrealistic expectations. All that being said, if we do lose tonight, and then struggle on the homestand, I do think we'll be in trouble...I don't expect that to happen, though.
  6. People overreact on here more than any other place I've ever seen.
  7. Quote: Quote: Yes, he did...JJ just didn't do it until Roy was in position to shoot. Once again, 100% JJ's fault. I don't know what you were looking at, but that was not JJ trying to give the foul. Turn your anger in the correct direction, which is undoubtedly Woody. Yes, Woody was the one to get biatch slapped on both ends of the floor in the last part of the game by Roy, wasn't he?
  8. Yes, he did...JJ just didn't do it until Roy was in position to shoot. Once again, 100% JJ's fault.
  9. On BOTH ends of the court...JJ's inability to defend him just lost us the game.
  10. You do realize Boston is 12-0 vs. the Western Conference...Right?
  11. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: If the playoffs started today, we would be in them...Marvin had a great game... Everyone needs to stop with all the "doom and gloom" BS...Just sit back and relax...We're right about where we should be at this point. Obviously you haven't been watching the last several games. Beating Seattle hardly means the team is about to have another good streak. Every team goes through good and bad streaks...We just came out of a bad streak, I guarantee you at some point soon we'll have another good streak...Then, probably another bad streak, and so on and so on. Yall just need to step back and realize that is the way it works when you play this long of a season. We're fine where we are. The problem is the Hawks have really only had one brief good streak from what I remember. The thing is the Hawks could win 38 games and make the playoffs. Does that honestly make them much better than last year? No. The east is alot weaker this year. It's about progression and the Hawks aren't making in fast enough. I'd rather the Hawks be a 45 win team and miss the playoffs than be a 35-37 win team and make the playoffs and get their ass kicked by Detroit. We already helped Detroit get to the finals and win the championship once before. That's strange...I have literally never heard someone say they would rather NOT go to the playoffs. Personally, I don't care if we win 12 games and go to the playoffs...I'd take that over not going at all. This team is fine...We are making progress and we are playing about as well as anyone should have reasonably expected. Our 3 best players are still only 26, 22, and 21...The future is bright...Everyone just needs to chill out.
  12. Quote: Quote: If the playoffs started today, we would be in them...Marvin had a great game... Everyone needs to stop with all the "doom and gloom" BS...Just sit back and relax...We're right about where we should be at this point. Obviously you haven't been watching the last several games. Beating Seattle hardly means the team is about to have another good streak. Every team goes through good and bad streaks...We just came out of a bad streak, I guarantee you at some point soon we'll have another good streak...Then, probably another bad streak, and so on and so on. Yall just need to step back and realize that is the way it works when you play this long of a season. We're fine where we are.
  13. If the playoffs started today, we would be in them...Marvin had a great game... Everyone needs to stop with all the "doom and gloom" BS...Just sit back and relax...We're right about where we should be at this point.
  14. With Carmelo being out tonight, I think we should win...Also, lord knows we are better than Seattle, but that didn't help us last time we played them. Who knows, maybe we'll win those two then steal one vs either Portland, Phx, or LAC...I'm thinking we might pull the Portland game out. Either way, as long as we win 2 of these, I'll be content with the road trip. 3 would be nice.
  15. IMO, the only REAL concern with this team is 3 point shooting...Our low percentage, and our passiveness. Other than that, I feel we are playing a small bit above what should be expected from this team. From the beginning of the year, I said 38 wins and a #8 seed...So far, that is looking almost exactly right...We all know how quickly things can change, though... I really feel like if we got an awesome 3 point shooter to come in here, it would help us out immensely.
  16. IMO, Marvin is about as "pure" of a Small Forward as there is.
  17. Marvin/Zaza for Miller I'm all about getting us a shooter off the bench, but that trade is just ludicrous.
  18. I doubt there is a single GM in the NBA that would do that trade if they were the Hawks.
  19. His rebounding numbers concern me. With his athleticism, I feel like he should be getting more than 5.7 per game. Every other aspect of his game has really picked up, but the rebounding is his one attribute that is lacking, IMO. Anyone agree? Or am I expecting a bit too much out of him?
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: I do know one thing, the Hawks and Thrashers will never truly succeed as long as there is a Widespread Panic banner hanging from the rafters. That just ain't right. WTF? Where is it at? You have totally enraged me now, Lascar. I effing hate dirty meth'd out hippies with an Eric Cartman like fervor! first of all you need to relax there bub and secondly you need to grow up. Lots of my friends like Widespread Panic (i don't however), I have long hair (i'm a guy) and go to rock concerts (as well as other types of music) and you know what, i smoke weed on occasions. my friends and I all have good/great jobs (some probably make more than you and work harder than you), married with families (married myself) have degrees (including me) have houses (i have 6 acres with horses, cows, etc...) and are good people who offer more to this country than many so-called nonhippies (i don't categorize myself as a "hippie" but if you saw me, you'd call me that and again many of my friends listen to widespread panic). so when you learn to get that 3rd grade mentality out of your head about who and what people are and do, then get back to me and we can have an adult conversation. i should have known from the last time i put you on ignore. and yes, the widespread panic banner needs to removed. there is no reason for it to be there. as far as the thread is concerned, i love smitty but he's not banner material..he was great for us, but only hofers or bordlerline hofers should get banners...word. Quote: first of all you need to relax there bub and secondly you need to grow up. Where do you get off telling me I need to grow up? You don't know me and I never interact with you on this board. This is not about weed. Guess what, dirty hippies don't have the market cornered there. I myself am what some people would consider a hippie. That's why I can't stand Grateful Dead, Phish, Widespread, etc fans. I'm nothing like them. I don't want to hear about your 1 out of 10. I want to talk about the 9 out of 10 hippies that will lie and steal so they can not work and follow the band. Look, I was just joking, but if you want to get into how that music is in no way psychedelic and for losers that can't maintain focus long enough to respect an actual "song",then we can some other time. Funny thing is, I respect Widespread Panic. They are a much better band than the other two I have mentioned. However, they are still a one trick pony and bore me tremendously. But that's beside the point, I was talking about their "fans", most of which consist of college kids who just want to get high and possibly laid and have no real moral compass. WTF are you trying to tell me, that there are no dirty hippies that steal? Please. No, what you're really trying to do is insult me, which you have. Or maybe you just have no understanding about the difference between a hippie from the sixties and a hippie of today. Either way I don't care.
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