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Everything posted by Sothron

  1. Exactly. I love that kid. Give me a two way PG with hands and instincts like that any day of the week. I'm trying to find comparisons that aren't extreme in either way. Chris Paul with better shooting and not as good passing vision? Rondo with a jump shot and less flashy passing? I hate the "you have to compare players by skin color" thinking with the NBA. Reed has a great mix of several guards in him.
  2. I'd add Bogi in the "knows how to play" but I'm fine with this. It won't happen. I realize now that people think everything I post is somehow from a source but it isn't. My honest Hawks thoughts: I would have traded Trae after the All NBA season. I love Trae. But this team is not going to be able to put that other alpha guy next to him. I'd rather keep Murray with his size at PG on a good deal and trade Trae for a bonanza of players and picks. Build that way. It won't happen but that's what I would do.
  3. This is Tony Ressler wanting a more seasoned exec voice in the room. I don't think that's a bad thing.
  4. home from hockey game, we won 4-3 btw, great game... I was not referring to you @AHF I was talking about NBA fans in general and the experts sleeping on him. This kid has special ability written all over him. My suggestion about the Hawks trading Trae and going after Reed are my personal opinions and are not in any way what the team will do. Travis got fired for two reasons and one of them was wanting to trade Trae. So that's not happening unless Trae demands a trade.
  5. Posting at Columbus River Dragons game rn. Shock they are letting djm play
  6. I will get stoned for saying this and I realize it won't happen but... Reed has elite hands and shooting ability. He's a good passer. He's a good defender because his hands are f***ing amazing. He has the best defensive hands I've seen on a PG since Rondo. Always active. His footwork is terrific. I would draft Reed and trade Trae for a long SG to put next to Reed. Yes, I realize this won't happen. But good grief are people sleeping on Reed Sheppard.
  7. This is what I get for being at work and not a paid "insider" @Mikey is scooping his own insiders I'm hearing the 15th as well. Hawks have asked for final offers for DJM, Capela, Hunter, Bogi and AJ over the weekend. If nothing tops then a trade is expected on the 15th. I've heard Murray and possibly Capela this soon on the 15th with Dre coming later once he's healthy to resume playing.
  8. To echo what @thecampster said: Quin wants a different roster. There's simply no other way to say it. They want to get taller, heavier and flat out more physical as an entire team. This isn't the case of just swapping one guy for another. Quin believes Trae is such a dynamic offensive engine he can simply elevate players who are good on defense/iffy on offense to at least be good enough to win with because of the Trae effect. The team wants real size and length back in any trade. I think they would ideally want to move Jalen to SF where he can flat out bully ball 70% of the SFs in the NBA if not more while also with his 40% or so 3pt shooting still provide spacing.
  9. I really don't want Andrew Wiggins. I went through the Wiggins Experience in Minnesota before. One good to great game, three average to bad games and the cycle repeats. No thanks.
  10. My Jalen jersey should be here soon. I love that kid.
  11. It is mind boggling to watch Jalen have games like last night and know our last coach refused to play him. He's easily the 2nd best player on this team and this is his first year getting starter's minutes. Amazing growth.
  12. They have players with value and are good. Saying a playoff team has nothing but worthless players is not logical. The question would be is what are they willing to give up for Murray or anyone else on our roster. Fornier is a scrub at this point in his career but guys like Grimes have real value.
  13. It is interesting. Siakam either knows Philly wants him, which is all I've heard is the interest is mutual, or he's one of the dumbest players ever. He had at least two teams that would have given him extensions in Atlanta and Sac and he blew both of them off.
  14. The more DJM plays like he has lately the return for him goes up. I know some of you are against being a seller but we really could get some returns here to help this team long term.
  15. GSW has now entered the DJM sweepstakes. Variety of offers, names I'm hearing are Kuminga and Wiggins.
  16. I'm not going to go through all of the things myself and others called first that happened or almost happened like JC being traded to the Suns last year. If you don't believe what we are saying that is your choice. I have to add we are al told things we aren't allowed to share in public as well.
  17. I have no idea what you mean by the first sentence. Saying the chatter is not grounded in reality is absurd, honestly. There's real talks going on that's been reported not just by the "insiders" here but multiple national NBA talking heads as well. There's always more talks about trades than actual trades. The difference in this specific instance is this roster will be blown up to some degree between now and the start of next season. You can feel free to ignore all of the chatter as simply chatter if you want. Just don't be shocked then players are actually traded.
  18. This is probably the healthiest approach for everyone myself included to take.
  19. Just to be clear I did not confirm or deny what the possible Knick offer was since I was asked not to share those details by the source that told me.
  20. We had a deal, the same deal @Mikey had some information on as well, close to go on the first day DJ was allowed to be traded. Then other offers came in. Teams are doing what the Hawks really need: bidding against each other for DJ and other players. I still believe DJ will be traded before the deadline. It will just be a matter of choosing which offer to go with.
  21. I feel like it doesn't need to be said but I will say it now: the team is going to take the best offer for Murray or any other Hawk. We may not like the return as fans but they are not taking pennies on the dollar or doing a fire sale of players. There's real bidding between teams for our players.
  22. Update: Spurs are probably the leading contender to get DJM at this point in time. They can not only offer our own picks back but have other real firsts and not fake firsts to offer. Keldon Johnson would be the most likely player coming back to us.
  23. Lakers and Knicks are the most motivated to get a deal, Lakers especially. Other teams are putting in bids like the 76ers, Spurs and Pelicans.
  24. Updates I'm allowed to share: Teams are having to bid against each other for our players which is exactly what the FO wanted. They wanted a real bidding war and we are getting some of that. No one is being traded for pennies on the dollar. If you think the video I shared is my private belief on that please wipe that away. The most active teams pushing for him are the Lakers and Knicks. Spurs interest is legit. I would personally happily trade him back for our picks and undoing the pick swap but that's just me. Lakers don't have much to offer. I know we have discussed a three team deal with the Lakers with Murray and Capela plus some kind of draft compensation from third team for AD coming to Atlanta.
  25. he made some good points. It was nice having an outside perspective that didn't just auto dump on Trae or the Hawks.
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