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Everything posted by Sothron

  1. My only criticism with Quin is not playing the young guys especially when it is obvious this is a lost season. We need to see what Kobe and AJ can do with actual minutes. Same with Seth.
  2. It is worth the risk to try to me. The only other logical solution if that doesn't work is trade Trae to SA for our picks plus some of theirs and start the rebuild over again.
  3. If we still land KAT or Zion in the summer with whatever we get for DJM that makes any deal for DJM worth it.
  4. If anyone thinks the Lakers in 2029 aren't going to still be a good team you don't know the history of the NBA. They almost always get whoever they want as a premier franchise. That pick will be a low first rounder by 2029 because the Lakers will have convinced some other stars to replace Lebron/AD in five years. I am very close to emotionally distancing myself from the Hawks until we get new ownership. Messy Ressy as @JayBirdHawk calls him is the most accurate nickname for ownership since A$G was the blight in Atlanta.
  5. Murray and Klutch are pushing to get to the Lakers. Teams have consistently low balled us. Personally I would pull him off the market if the best offer is 2029 Lakers pick, DLo flipped to a third team and that's pretty much it. Terrible return for Murray.
  6. Uh...no to the first sentence. Hachimura is trash. Lazy, inefficient and plays no defense. Want zero part of him. Agree with the next two sentences. FWIW Nick Ressler is an avid NBA 2K gamer. He used to bring trades he got in franchise mode to the rest of the FO. He stopped doing it after I mentioned it on here. Ressler has a burner account on the Squawk too. I don't know who it is but he's on here. So feel free to talk to Nick. He will see it.
  7. because Capela is healthy and Robinson is out for the season
  8. KAT is fine on defense. Ever since Finch took over as their coach you can see the difference in his defense. If we got KAT he'd play center here. I think it is more likely to see them trade Capela for Mitchell Robinson for the center Quin prefers.
  9. I watched the game. KAT was incredible. No one else really showed up. Ant was sick going into the game and it showed. Blaming KAT for losing that game is crazy. He was the only reason they lead practically the entire game until late in the 4th.
  10. it has honestly been this way since the ECF run.
  11. I don't think our FO is bad. Their problem is they have an owner that interferes and won't pay the LT. It just handcuffs them to a degree other teams don't have. If @Mikey is correct and we can pivot in the offseason to acquire Zion then a Trae/Zion/JJ team would be fun to watch.
  12. we have a forum to discuss the falcons, guys.
  13. I don't disagree with what you are saying. I can only tell you what my sources are saying. You can also see other media types are hearing the same things about the Hawks wanting two firsts and expiring deals or team friendly contracts. The inevitable result if that happens would be Trae at some point wanting out. I don't want that to happen either but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how moving our best asset not named Trae for a deal like that is going to work out.
  14. I am 47 and I already reached the point you are talking about with the Falcons after That Game. I still root for them but I have no emotional investment at all with them. Knowing how much Ressler has flat out lied to fans about contending and spending money...Hawks are close to that for me. FWIW Brad Rowland went from being a huge Hawks fan to not being a fan at all. He only covers them because it is his job. He couldn't take the constant heartbreak. I am approaching the same. This is why, I have to point out, having more than one team to cheer for is actually healthy for you. When one franchise is bad or handcuffed by a bad owner you at least have some other options.
  15. Just to be clear, I'm not saying Trae is demanding a trade. But if the team moves players for just saving Ressler money and firsts for cheap rookie contracts...where else does that leave Trae? Why would he want to stick around for that? It was intentional for Trae to mention he likes the Spurs and Wemby. I could easily see the Spurs sending a package of picks including our own to get Trae at some point.
  16. Update: Team is looking for two firsts and either a quality young player, a player on a team friendly deal ie cheap or expiring contract(s) for DJM. Team is trying hard to attach Capela and/or Hunter to DJ in a trade. Team is trying to shed salary (heard this one before?) and recoup draft assets for what they gave up to get Murray. Idea has shifted from getting a second star player either now or in the offseason to this goal. If no deal is there that satisfices above wants at the deadline expect it to happen in the offseason when teams are more flexible in trade offers. End "insider" non neutral commentary and just the facts approach to what I was told by sources. Soth's thoughts: if this happens this is the precursor to the inevitable Trae trade demand and eventual Trae sweepstakes trade. When a team switches from trying to put a second star next to its 25 year old superstar to get cheap/pick up firsts that is how a rebuild starts. I don't like being the bringer of bad news but trading DJ for that kind of return makes the rebuild a necessity. Trae is not sticking around in his prime years on a team that isn't serious about being a contender.
  17. I would kill to get Sheppard on this team. I also like @NBASupes prospect in the French kid. Cody Williams has promise. The Serbian PG that has wheels and is 6'6" also looks like a real stud in the making. I don't think this draft is as weak as people are making it out to be. It does lack a definite sure fire number one to three pick but there is real NBA talent in this draft.
  18. This is what you call a "schedule loss". I also have to point out it is BS that the Heat were able to push last night's game to 8 pm for an EST game, delay the game almost an HOUR at half time for a scrub player's jersey retirement and they did this knowing the Hawks had a game the next day. It is BS the NBA let this happen.
  19. I've mentioned the interest Atlanta has in Jones/Murphy weeks ago. Interest is real. I can see Jones and two firsts for DJ. I think fans are starting to finally see the reality of the new CBA settling in. The NBA has made it practically impossible to have a Big 3 any more because you literally can't pay everyone. So now the stars will get more spread out or stay at home which is frankly what the NBA vastly prefers.
  20. to be fair if McRib coulda stayed healthy he would have fit well here. But alas, his best days are behind him. Kinda like the McRib ....food for thought...
  21. This probably isn't the thread to talk about player's performances this season but I have to say that OO has been the second most disappointed Hawk for me. Bey takes the cake by a long shot. He can't defend even though he tries. It is his complete lack of three point shooting. He literally can't hit at all this season. I sincerely hope we trade him and let him be someone else's RFA worry this offseason. OO has not stepped up like everyone hoped he would.
  22. Switching to more drop coverage has finally cut down on the horrible wide open back cuts that have killed us all season. Defense is definitely been playing better lately as a result.
  23. That is a fake shams account
  24. I'd love for Cooper Flagg to be a Hawk but that requires us winning the lottery. Trading Trae for a bunch of picks and no real talent coming back would be the final straw for a number of Hawks fans.
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