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Everything posted by Sothron

  1. there's a rookie I like on that team but would they include him? Butler has taken him under his wing to literally replace him on that team.
  2. Pacers are going to make a huge mistake but it is their mistake to make.
  3. It is real. and it is telling who the only other Hawk in that is...
  4. Remember, I said before there's two teams that jumped in with serious offers that I can not name per source request. I have to agree that the "everyone has a voice" has the exact opposite effect: no one has a real voice. Tony Ressler jumped in the Paul Millsap trade and nixed it when we would have gotten something for him. Instead he walked away as a free agent for nothing. Ressler claimed to have learned his lesson to let his FO do the work. And we have seen that is just not the case. Chris Grant was brought in to try and be a veteran FO voice in the room and to help get real value back in trades and to help pursue targets. That's not a bad thing. The problem is...he's just another voice in the room.
  5. We have a deal in place for Murray but the other team is dithering. We had more offers come in so the FO is taking time to see if they can pair up some guys in deals for higher returns or possibly a name player coming back. Doubtful but they are doing the due diligence on it. I hate the perception is the FO is clueless. It isn't. It is just handicapped by an owner that can come in at any second and take over negotiations or nix a trade from happening. It was a blast! We are playing again Thursday. It is this horde game mode one friend found online. Basically 3 of us each have 1000 point armies working together against a horde of bad guys coming in waves.
  6. the leaks outside of here are coming more from other team's FO and agencies.
  7. Paying him down the line plus if they get something worthwhile in terms of a contract it helps them use it for salary match in the offseason plus their first rounders to get another star player.
  8. Yes, he's a good POA defender and can hit threes. I'd like him on this team for the right price.
  9. Travis wanted Luka, Tony wanted Trae for $$$. It was a no brainer who was going to win that argument.
  10. Trading Murray for KAT would have solved issues for both teams but that would have to wait until the offseason. Team is more interested I think in moving DJM now than later. I do think the idea is tank the rest of this season because we have a window for it and then use assets to upgrade the roster in the offseason.
  11. The biggest problem we have is Tony Ressler. I have been saying this for years. He meddles in the basketball side. He won't pay the luxury tax. He fired Travis who at least was competent as a GM. He has created a FO where multiple voices are heard which to me is "too many chefs for the soup" approach to running a franchise. None of that changes unless he sells the team. The only thing I like about him is that he does want to win but he thinks this team can win without paying the LT. It is just not going to work.
  12. Spurs have offers for Murray and capela
  13. Yes, the interest in Murray around the league as well as the other offers for our other players has increased the value of the trade offers. I can definitely verify that. I'll add this: if we had our own first rounders there's no question in my mind we would do a complete rebuild in the offseason. We do not have our first rounders so I don't see that happening. Unless we trade with the Spurs and get those picks back I just do not see it happening.
  14. my guess: we get the picks, tank the rest of this season and use the picks in the offseason to bring in someone.
  15. Not trying to bring anyone down or make folks upset but not going to sugar coat things either. I see that @Mikey is apparently hearing the same thing in terms of a return from his source.
  16. Number 10 on this list is who I desperately wnt the Hawks to trade for. We need glue guys that play their guts out on defense.
  17. I honestly hope we can trade Bey before the deadline. I can't have someone that is not pulling their weight on either end of the court.
  18. Updates: Other teams jumped in on the 15th. We have a framework for a trade in place, just depends on the other team willing to pay the price for Murray. Other teams jumped in on Murray as well as other players. I do not think hawks fans will love the return on the players I'm hearing the most about being moved (DJM, Capela, Hunter) because it definitely sounds like first rounders and not actual real talent is coming back in trades. More like expiring contracts tied to first round picks. Late pushes include Detroit, Knicks, Nets, Kings and two teams not allowed to name in public.
  19. The actual table top miniature game
  20. The biggest Hawk problem is the one none of us can do anything about: Tony Ressler. I will be playing Warhammer 40k all day with two buddies at my house. I will have my phone with me. I will update if I can but honestly my attention will be on trying to win Warhammer 40k
  21. They won't do this but I would honestly ask the Spurs about a Trae trade instead of DJM trade. Get all our picks back plus some of the ones they own. Do a true rebuild with JJ sticking on the team. Again, this isn't going to happen but it is what I would do. We've had six seasons to build a team around Trae and between Ressler's interference in basketball operations and refusal to pay the luxury tax look at what we have to show for it.
  22. One of my sources told me during the hockey game that after tonight's game there was a huge meltdown from Ressler to the FO about the complete lack of effort. Source says Trae is now frustrated to the point that Ressler is worried he's going to ask for a trade out this offseason. I am so glad I was not able to watch the last two games because I intentionally chose to support my local hockey team with season tickets and myself and Mrs. Sothron have a blast there.
  23. At local hockey game is the game today delaying? Where are the posts?
  24. It is funny, speaking of the Bud's Hawks, I still believe if we gave Horford the chance he would have put up some crazy efficient scoring for us with how smart he was at getting to good spots on the court for his shot. Using his body to free up shooters and little touch passes for a hockey assist as well. We miss that guy.
  25. I'd love to add them. I don't think people understand how far apart our current roster is from what Quin wants to do and his system. We need athletic players with higher BBIQ and a commitment to defense.
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