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Everything posted by Dsinner

  1. I'm all for bringing in a defensive upgrade. He would, by default, become our 2nd best defensive big man. Arguably our best. Not sure what Wallace you guys were watching last year. I know he had some injuries late in the year but when healthy is was more than adequate. No, he's not the player he once was but he was no stiff out there either.
  2. Sometimes your "fandom" gets in the way of your brain. Go back to Diesel's quotes from REAL coaches. That's what REAL coaches say. None of them on that list would have ever said what Woody said (or anything else that comes out of his mouth). I don't want Woody to lie. I want him to believe damnit. There's nothing wrong with saying our team has a legitimate shot at winning the East. They do. On paper Shaq may look good in Cleveland but on paper he looked good in Phoenix too. I don't think Orlando got any better but I'm not sure they should have been that good to begin with. Boston is another year older and another injury away from second round obscurity. Why should our head coach not believe we have a shot at it? It may be a slim shot but it is a shot that will be much easier to reach if your reaching for it. As much as you're always questioning our "fandom" perhaps you should be looking in the mirror on this one. That or questioning your brain for driving that far to that many games just to see a team that, if all goes perfect, will be a 4th seed in the East.
  3. Had that movie not been made, testicles would have never been put in Eminems face. That alone keeps it from being the worst. I didn't watch Borat and don't think I'll be watching this either.
  4. No one has NOT accepted the fact we aren't a top 3 team in the league but it is a long season and anything is possible.(Look at Orlando) The fans deserve to know that the head coach is at least playing for first. You ask any great or HOF coach if they ever went into the season hoping for a slightly above average season (which is what 4th place in the east is). NONE of them will tell you they did and they sure as hell wouldn't tell the media or fans that. The real "truth" is that Woody is looking out for Woody. It's very disturbing that Atlanta fans would want a coach that shoots for a 4th place seeding.
  5. For the record, I never said I wouldn't be happy with a 4 seed. What I am saying is you don't want your coach telling the world that, at your best, you're the 4th best team IN THE EAST. That's absolutely rediculous for a HC to say such a thing. Last year I kinda thought it was odd to say it, but this year I'd at least want him to strive for a 3 seed. He HAS to expect an improvement if he wants to get improved results. Saying he's playing the underdog role is pure BS. Even Bibby and Zaza talked about winning a championship. Obviously you guys don't understand goal setting and it's effects on one's mentality. Only LOSERS are content with tredding water. Think about it. Championship teams have their players playing up to their potential and beyond. Their role players have career years and their backups play out of their minds as well. Why?? Coaching. The good coaches are good at getting the most out of their players. You can't do that if you set the bar low and instil mediocrity into their heads from the beginning. Our main issues are that our young players don't play up to their potential and our backups never seem to contribue. It's kinda hard to expect that out of them when you're already letting them know they can't do it.
  6. What's so funny is that he doesn't even realize another 4th place finish and he probably won't have one.
  7. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/basketball/nba/07/13/hawks.bibby.ap/index.html "Cleveland is trying to win it all," said Woodson of the Cavaliers, who have added Shaquille O'Neal as the new complement to LeBron James. "Orlando, they're going to be there and Boston has just taken it to another level, I think." Orlando has added Vince Carter and Brandon Bass. Boston signed Rasheed Wallace. So where does that leave Atlanta? "I sure hope right there at that fourth spot," Woodson said Monday. Well that's where we'll be. 4th spot. L-O-S-E-R
  8. Dsinner

    TV Shows

    Circles?? You heard wrong. Far from circles. Think more like the largest most abstract crazy straw you've ever seen and that's how it feels trying to follow the plot.
  9. Dsinner

    TV Shows

    Lost Tosh.0 True Blood Sons of Anarchy
  10. What you were saying wasn't really the problem...HOW you were saying it was. Mabye do it with a little less "holier than thou" attitude next time and you'll be amazed at how your point may be taken.
  11. How? By giving Flip the green light EVERY time? By letting Flip know that no matter how bad of a game he has he can shoot it till his hands bleed and he won't get pulled? By letting him know that Acie is one TO away from Flip getting back in and shooting till he gets hot? Don't give Woody too much Credit for Flips year. All he did was what he should have done with Acie and that is to let him play with some freedom. The rest was on Flip.
  12. Why should I look them up when you're giving me Bibby's numbers and saying the other's aren't even close? I just assumed you already had them, sheesh. That is interesting that the gap is that large. That definatly puts more weight in your argument than total PG's scored vs each team and that's all I was saying.
  13. So you're telling me Al Horford has a better chance of guarding Rondo at the top of the key than Bibby does? Not to mention that may put Bibby on Pierce. Come on man. We switch because Woody is not capable of strategic tweaks. Plain and simple. Regardless, let's say Woody thinks Bibby's D is so bad that Al should be guarding their PG. Well 4 plays in a row (Spurs anyone?) the PG fakes the drive, gets Al peddling backwards and pulls up and hits the J. Here's a clue Woody...Instead of switching to protect Bibby, why not put either our best defensive PG in the game (Oh golly what an idea) or even our best defensive player. Either way Woody's switching blows.
  14. So what were they or are you guestimating? I'm not saying I don't believe you but I'd find it interesting since our starters usually play most of the minutes together most of the time to give that large of a descrepancy.
  15. No but what is Mike's fault is that, since the injury, every time Acie had a decent game he got absolutley no playing time the following game. Even a few DNP's after very good games. How the hell is he suppose to get some confidence playing with a coach like that? Sure Acie blew some chances, but for the most part he was never rewarded after good performances.
  16. Again, we do not switch so that Al guards their PG nor do we switch so that Bibby can guard Pierce. We switch because Woody is an idiot. Edit: To the point...I still think saying "player X's defense is better than player Y's defense because PG's scored more points on player Y's TEAM than did player X's TEAM" is simple minded as well. WAAAAY to many other factors to consider.
  17. We don't switch strictly based on Bibby's D. I can't tell you how many times Al ended up on the opponents PG and we got burned for it. There is no way we switched to take Bibby, as bad as his D is, off of the PG so that our C could guard him. \ Again you're throwing up a team stat to blame Bibby. In fact, what is that stat for every one of our starters?
  18. Despite his horrible defense. Yet Bibby sucks at PG because he can't play D. Also speaking of simple minded when looking at a players D, I'd suggest not going by how many points PG's scored on Nash vs Bibby. Most of our opponents points from that position came because of our switching Defense. Not real fair to make Bibby accountable for when Al is getting schooled by the opponents PG.
  19. Exactly. Life is what you make of it man. You're taking all the bad things out of it instead of taking the good things. There were good things that happened to all of us and I'm sure something good has happened in your life in the past 10 years you're just choosing, for whatever reason, to ignore the good things. Sure, this world seems like it is going to hell but, to people like yourself, it's already there. If you are really this down about things and truely find it impossible to see anything at all positive in your life, in all honesty you need to see someone.
  20. While it is possible, I'll bet you paycheck to paycheck Teague does not have a year anywhere near those two's averages. Not his rookie year anyway. Which is why we NEEDED Bibby back. You "Hawks" fans are funny (not you Mr. New York as you won't know what I'm talking about). Bibby is arguably a top 3 PG to put on a Hawks uni (absolutely the best in 10 years)and you guys are ripping him apart because he's not the total package. Enjoy a real PG while we have it guys because we rarely get that opportunity.
  21. Ahh, well played Dolfan. Well played indeed. Woody's still an idiot. :tongue:
  22. If anything it proves, yet again, how clueless Woody is with an NBA offense. I am glad Bibby is back as, hands down, he is the most under appreciated player on our team. He may be a defensive liability but he does what he can with the athletic ability (or lack-there-of) he has. The most importan thing is that he is the definition of a leader. I was at the Lakers game last year and I remember during warm-ups Bibby was joking around and laughing with our young team before tip-off. He knew how many Lakers fans were in our building and he could sense our young team was probably a little to wound up for it. Well we won that game and a lot of it had to to with Bibby.
  23. Good looking women but it really does have some great articles too. Seriously.
  24. No chance Yao retires THIS year. You're telling me he's not going to wait until after his surgery and try some rehab stints before calling it quits? Not saying Zaza won't go to Houston but it won't be because the team believes Yao is going to retire.
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